1. Religions and Their Origins The Brief Version
2. Two Households… The Western (Monotheistic) Tradition
Monotheism: One God, a Creator, who is separate and distinct from His creation. Self is ultimately distinct from God.
The Eastern (Monistic) Tradition
Monism: One Ultimate Reality, which is not separate and distinct from Itself. Self is ultimately God.
3. Religion Before East and West Case Study: Sumerian Polytheism
How can we ascertain the importance of religion to the Sumerians?
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Ziggurats: What did these symbolize?
Role of Priests
Source of physical power? Of spiritual power?
Divine Kingship
Source of physical/spiritual power?
4. Sumerian Theology According to Sumerian theology
How do the gods behave?
Why were humans created?
What is the nature of after-life?
What was purpose of priests and worship?
In what ways might Mesopotamian religious views be influenced by their geographic environment?
Other polytheisms remarkably similar in most of these regards.
5. “Western” Religions Judaism and the Israelites
Israelites emerged as a distinctive nation between 1200 and 1000 B.C.
Politically minor
Location strategically important
Religiously major
What is significantly different about Judaism and its God?
Old Testament account of history of Hebrews
6. Influence and Development of Judaism What is the likely effect of this unique religion…
On surrounding peoples?
On the Israelites?
Theological Debate: YHWH (Jehovah) as chief god or only God?
Torah’s viewpoint
How does YHWH came to be seen by the surviving majority as the only God -- pure monotheism
Core beliefs of Hebrews?
7. Yahwistic Theology According to the Hebrews…
How does God behave?
Why were humans created?
What is the nature of the after-life?
What was purpose of priests and worship?
In what way might Hebrew religious views be influenced by their geopolitical environment?
8. Tenets of Judaism Three aspects of the Jewish religious tradition have special significance
The Covenant
Pact between God and Hebrews
The Law
Rules of behavior from God
The Prophets
Called upon to be God’s spokesmen to people.
9. “Eastern” Religions Hinduism and the Aryans
Aryans: Conquerors who move into the Indus and Ganges river valleys around 1500 BC.
Caste System: founded upon the superiority of conquering Aryans over subject Dravidians.
Economic function defined each caste (varna =“color”)
Caste determines
Social status and marriage prospects
Hope for salvation based on Dharma and Karma
10. Dharma and Karma Aryan chieftains became kings (maharajas)
Even rulers were required to follow the dharma
What is the dharma? How do you know what your dharma is?
How does this relate to karma?
11. Caste System Ancient times - five major classes
Brahmin – Ruling/Priestly Caste
Kshatriya – Warrior Caste
Vaisya – Skilled Labor Caste
Sudras – Largest; Unskilled Labor Caste. Non-Aryan.
Pariahs or Untouchables
Outside the social system. So why are they useful?
Top three considered “twice-born” (reincarnated)
12. Influence and Development of Hinduism Sacred Text: Vedas
Dyaus (sky-father)
Replaced by warrior-god Indra
Replaced by Varuna, eventually evolved into modern Hindu deity Vishnu.
13. Hindu Theology Single monistic force in the universe, a form of ultimate reality: Brahman (or sometimes Atman=self).
Brahman vs. Atman
Duty of Atman?
Idea of Brahman shifted between “ultimate reality” and more concrete ultimate creator, Vishnu.
Both no gods and many gods.
Reasons for this apparent inconsistency?
14. Hindu Theology According to the Hindus…
How does God (Brahman) behave?
Why were humans created?
What is the nature of the after-life?
What was purpose of priests and worship?
In what way might Hindu religious views be influenced by their geopolitical environment?
15. Buddhism: The Middle Path 6th Century BC
Siddhartha Gautama
History of Siddhartha
16. Tenets of Buddhism Similarities to Hinduism
Reincarnation and karma.
Advocated non-violence
Borrowed life of simplicity and chastity from the ascetics.
Nirvana, the ultimate goal of all souls. (Thus, similar to Brahman/Great World Soul)
17. Buddhist Theology According to the Buddhists…
What is the individual soul and how does one achieve Nirvana?
What is the material world?
What is the cause of pain and suffering?
What is the purpose of priests and worship?
In what way might Buddhist religious views be influenced by their geopolitical environment?
How is Buddhism simpler and more egalitarian than Hinduism?
What classes does it appeal to?