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2013 State Programs Meeting National Transit Database Topics

2013 State Programs Meeting National Transit Database Topics. Changes to: Fixed-Guideway Data & Rules for Splitting Rural/Urban. Overview. New Surface Transportation Bill: MAP-21 New Fixed Guideway Rules New Bus Rapid Transit Definition Rules for Allocating Service

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2013 State Programs Meeting National Transit Database Topics

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  1. 2013 State Programs MeetingNational Transit Database Topics Changes to:Fixed-Guideway Data & Rules for Splitting Rural/Urban

  2. Overview • New Surface Transportation Bill: MAP-21 • New Fixed Guideway Rules • New Bus Rapid Transit Definition • Rules for Allocating Service • Fixed Guideway Segment Update

  3. Fixed Guideway Pre-MAP-21 One big happy category • Railroads, Ferryboats, Trolleybus, Aerial Trams, Busways, and HOV (even some HOT) • All VRM and DRM used in 5307 Fixed Guideway Tier • All VRM and DRM on sections that are more than 7 years old was used in the Fixed Guideway Modernization formula (a Section 5309 Program) 2

  4. Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) • Went into effect October 1, 2012 • Authorizes programs through September 30, 2014 • 5309 Fixed Guideway Mod replaced by new 5337“State of Good Repair” formula grants • New fixed guideway definition that moves HOV lanes into their own category with separate funding • New definition of Bus Rapid Transit with full fixed guideway treatment for BRT routes 3

  5. 5337 – SGR Formula Grants • Formula-based funding for State of Good Repair(SGR) • Funding limited to fixed guideway investments (essentially replaces 5309 Fixed Guideway program but is a very different program) • New formula comprises: (1) former Fixed Guideway formula; (2) new service-based formula; (3) new formula for buses on HOV lanes 4

  6. 5337 Eligibility • Meet UAFP criteria • Urbanized Area over 200,000 in population • Segments are 7 Federal Fiscal years old • In service on 9-30-2007 for 2013 data • Still in service on 9-30-2014 • No credit for average monthly DRM if segment taken out of service 5

  7. New Fixed Guideway Rules 5337 formula Program now has two funding tiers: • Fixed Guideway Tier – Rail, Ferryboats, Aerial Trams,Trolleybuses, and Bus Rapid Transit • guideway for exclusive use by transit vehicles • High Intensity Motorbus Tier– HOV • Bus service operated on HOV lanes • “Grandfather policy” for HOV to HOT conversion remains in effect, based on HOV lanes in NTD as of 1/11/2007 • Both tiers use Dedicated Route Miles (DRM) and Vehicle Revenue Miles (VRM) 6

  8. Fixed Guideway Rules (cont.) • 5337 retains requirement for guideway to have been in service for at least 7 years • SGR Tier gets 97.15% of 5337 appropriation • HIMB Tier gets 2.85% of appropriation • 7 Years Old on Basis of First Day of Federal Fiscal Year • FY14 funding begins October 1, 2014 • Must have begun operation by September 30, 2007 • 5307 Fixed Guideway Tier (30.2% of appropriation) • Same rules, new definitions 7

  9. Fixed Guideway Eligibility Lanes that are only exclusive for a portion of the day (or week) are not classified as Fixed Guideway (except BRT) but can qualify for 5337 High Intensity Motorbus tier 8

  10. Bus Rapid Transit – USC section 5302(a)(2) New definition: ‘bus rapid transit system’ means a bus transit system (A) in which the majority of each line operates in a separated right-of-way dedicated for public transportation use during peak periods; and (B) that includes features that emulate the services provided by rail fixed guideway public transportation systems, including— (i) defined stations; (ii) traffic signal priority for public transportation vehicles; (iii) short headway bidirectional services for a substantial part of week days and weekend days; and (iv) any other features the Secretary may determine are necessary to… emulate the services provided by railfixed guideway... 9

  11. Las Vegas MAX: Example of typical BRT line Branded vehicles run from 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM Lanes are exclusively dedicated to public transportation during peak periods Stations are accessible, provide schedule information, and protection from weather Exclusive guideway Defined & Branded Station 10

  12. Majority of BRT line must be Separated Right-of-Way More than half of route must be on exclusive guideway, the rest can be in general traffic (all is counted as FG) overheadbus-only sign Kansas City exclusive FG bus lane is shaded red 1st Ave. NY exclusive FG 11

  13. Exclusive Busways & Ramps are also Fixed Guideway But – only exclusive part of route counts as FG Miami-Dade Busway exclusive FG Must be exclusive 24-7(not “during peak periods”as with BRT guideway) Pittsburgh Bus Ramp FG 12

  14. Federal Funding Allocation Form (FFA-10)

  15. Federal Funding Allocation (FFA-10) Rules Rules for allocation of data among multiple UZAs and non urbanized areas (non-UZA) • VRM (passenger car revenue miles for rail modes) is a direct measurement of the actual vehicle revenue miles and is used as the factor for proportional allocation of VRH (passenger car revenue hours for rail modes), PMT, UPT, and OE among the areas • Other methodology – Use the e-file tab to describe the other methodology and show your calculations

  16. New Federal Funding Allocation (FFA-10) Rules • Under the revised rules, the transit agency determines which UZA or non-UZA that each mode primarily serves • The transit agency may then: • Allocate all the data statistics for that mode to the UZAs or non-UZAs primarily served, or • Allocate the data statistics proportionally to the UZAs and non-UZAs served using a reasonable and consistent methodology (describe in e-file)

  17. New Federal Funding Allocation Rules • This rule applies to transit service that connects: • Two or more large UZAs • Two or more small UZAs • Any combination of one or more large UZAs, small UZAs, or non-UZAs, as long as no 5311 funds benefit the service • Data may not be allocated to a UZA within the overall service area that is not served by any route!

  18. New Federal Funding Allocation - Exceptions Exceptions to the primarily served criterion involve 5311 funds (operating or capital) that benefit the service: • You must report entirely to non-UZA (UZA 0) any transit service that benefits from grants provided by FTA’s Section 5311 • You must allocate service that connects non-UZAs and UZAs (large or small) if the service benefits from both 5307 and 5311 operating assistance; you must use the UZA proportion of operating expenses funded by 5307 program (including local matching funds), to allocate the statistics to the UZAs • Service that receives 5307 capital assistance and 5311 operating assistance is allocated 100% to non-UZA (UZA 0)

  19. 2013 segment submission process • NTD S-20 form • The 2015 apportionment will be based off of RY2013 data • Fields to determine 5337 eligibility • Segment Type Hours prohibited • Mode 18

  20. How is the S-20 data used? • Directional Route Miles Transfer automatically to other forms • Service Form S-10: • Fiscal Year End (FYE) DRM • Federal Funding Allocation Statistics Form FFA-10: • 5307 Formula: all DRM • 5337 Formula: DRM ≥ 7 years old 19

  21. Reporting Segments • Agencies report segments to FTA using the NTD S-20 Form • Fixed Guideway Segments • High Intensity Motorbus • One form for each Mode and Type of Service combination • Only use for bus modes when a bus operates on fixed guideway or high intensity bus segment 20

  22. Reporting segments for bus modes • All information on rail S-20 form • Added information on: • Segment type (NEW categories in 2012) • Peak level of service • Safe operation • Hours per week prohibited and enforced 21

  23. New segment type categories New segment type categories for bus modes • Exclusive, physical separation • Exclusive, visual separation • HOV, physical separation • HOV, visual separation • HO/T lane • Mixed traffic roadway used by a bus rapid transit route 22

  24. Reporting segments for bus modes 24-7 All segment types (A – F) for qualifying bus rapid transit (RB) routes are Fixed Guideway 23

  25. Urban Formula Program Eligibility • Length of segment (0.25 mile criteria) • Congested travel corridor • Level of service “D” or worse • Safe Operation • Restricted use (and hours per week) • Buses and vanpools, carpools • Enforced 24

  26. Short Dist. Access Lanes < .25 Miles • Eligible if they are running on: • A bridgeor in a tunnel or • Connect with a transit terminal • Otherwise ineligible • Highway ramps, • Meter bypasses, and • Special turning facilities 25

  27. Peak Level of Service (LOS) • Traffic engineering measure of congestion • LOS ranges from A to F — F is worst • Defined in Highway Capacity Manual • Report LOS determined by local DOT • Only levels D, E, and F eligible 26

  28. Bus Fixed Guideway Safe Operation • Applies only to expressways with high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes • Criteria • Must have HOV separation (facility design) from congested travel lanes • Bus-only facilities qualify as safe operation • What if not safely operated? • Report as mixed traffic ROW on Service form (S-10 since it is not fixed guideway) 27

  29. Bus Fixed Guideway Safe Operation HOV lanes separated from general traffic lanes by:. pylons double solid lines. fencing concrete barrier 28

  30. Not Acceptable Separation for Bus • By themselves • Roadside or overhead signs • Diamond marking in HOV lane • Single line of conventional width between restricted HOV and unrestricted, congested (LOS “D”) lanes 29

  31. Using Internet Reporting • Preloaded data • Existing and new segments • Adding, modifying and deleting data 30

  32. What is an Existing Segment? • Operated by you in 2012 report year, or • Operated and reported by another NTD reporter in 2012 31

  33. Reporting segments for bus modes • Transit agencies should check the Segment Type dropdown field to verify correct new categories 32

  34. Reporting segments for bus modes • Verify Hours Prohibited and Enforced 33

  35. Modifying Non-editable Fields • Requests (e-File tab) 60 days before report due • Documentation — data field changes: • Identify segment (segment code and name) • Describe fully the requested changes including the existing and requested values • Detail the reason for each change • If length is changed, must mail detailed maps depicting exact measurement • FTA approval needed before entered into calculations 34

  36. Adding New Segments • Add segment button (select “new segment”) • Documentation • Detailed maps which clearly identify each segment, its beginning and ending point • Length to the nearest hundredth of a mile and other supporting documentation of the measurement • Proof of agency start date of revenue service — public service announcement/press release, schedule, timetable 35

  37. Deleting Segments • Can only delete segment incorrectly added in 2013 report year • If you stopped operations, enter out of revenue service date 36

  38. BRT Mixed Traffic Segment • Reportqualifying Bus Rapid Transit (RB) lines with mixed traffic directional route miles as segments • Add these new mixed traffic segments to the S-20 form • Qualifying RB lines will be considered entirely fixed guideway 37

  39. Points to Remember • All agencies must report the segments, but only 1 agency can claim each segment • Report all FG segments regardless of funding eligibility: • Segments also used by other agencies • Segments used by multiple modes • Segments in your report as both DO and PT • Bus mode (all LOS) • Use e-File tab to request modifications to existing segments 38

  40. Reporting new bus segment types • NTD Analysts are available to answer questions and assist in completing your report 39

  41. Questions Later? • NTD Help Desk (Charlottesville Ops Center) ntdhelpdesk@dot.gov 888-252-0936 • NTD Staff emails • Keith Gates, Keith.Gates@dot.gov • Andy Lofton, Andy.Lofton.CTR@dot.gov 40

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