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Inspec on EbscoHost December 2010 Richard Simms Customer Relationship Manager EMEA rsimms@theiet.org. Agenda. The Institution of Engineering & Technology (The IET) Membership Professional Networks Publishing Inspec Database Content, Structure & Coverage Inspec on EBSCO Overview

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  1. Inspec on EbscoHostDecember 2010Richard SimmsCustomer Relationship Manager EMEArsimms@theiet.org

  2. Agenda • The Institution of Engineering & Technology (The IET) • Membership • Professional Networks • Publishing • Inspec Database • Content, Structure & Coverage • Inspec on EBSCO • Overview • Value-Added Indexes Searching • Bibliographic Searching

  3. The Institution of Engineering & Technology • FormerlyThe Institution of Electrical Engineers (The IEE) • Learned Society established 1871 • Largest professional engineering society • in Europe with 150,000 members worldwide • Primary Publisher • journals, books, conference proceedings, video • Secondary Publisher • Inspec database

  4. The IET - Publishing IET.TV “TV Channels” exist in key technology areas. www.iet.tv Recordings can be played via either a) RealPlayer, or b) Windows Media Player. FREE!!

  5. The IET - Publishing Conference Proceedings • Primary Publisher Journals e.g. Electronics Letters Books e.g. Short Circuit Currents. Juergen Schlabbach • IET Digital Library • www.ietdl.org

  6. The IET - Publishing • Secondary Publisher • Inspec Database

  7. Content and coverage: Inspec Content Key resource for global, quality and comprehensive science and engineering information spanning 110 years for: • Physics • Electrical and electronic engineering • Computing and control engineering • Information technology • Production, manufacturing & mechanical engineering 7.07 million 4.73 million 3.47 million 106,454 1.09 million Plus many interdisciplinary subjects such as nanotechnology, oceanography, environmental science.....

  8. Journal articles 70 % • Conference proceedings 20 % • Conference papers in Journals 9 % • Others 1% 29 % Journals 70% Conferences 29% Others 1% Document Types • Others include: • Books/Book Chapters • Reports • Patents (1968/9-1976) • Dissertations

  9. Inspec Database • 11.47 million records (December 2010) • 700,000 records added in 2009 • Optional Archive adds a further 873699 • 1969 to date Or 1898 with the Archive • Over 4500 journals, and 3000 other publications • Includes 140 Open Access Journals • Full text linking via DOIs • Up to 60% of current records

  10. Physics7.05 Million Records A0 General A1 Elementary Particles A2 Nuclear Physics A3 Atomic & Molecular A4 Fundamental Physics A5 Plasmas & Discharges A6 Solid State, Non-electronic A7 Solid State, Electronic A8 Cross-disciplinary Physics A9 Geophysics & Astronomy

  11. Electrical & Electronic Engineering4.71 Million Records B0 General, Maths & Materials B1 Circuits B2 Components, Electron Devices B3 Magnetic Devices & Materials B4 Optoelectronics B5 Electromagnetic Fields B6 Communications B7 Instruments & Applications B8 Power Systems

  12. Computing & Control3.46 Million Records C0 General Management C1 Systems & Control Theory C3 Control Technology C4 Numerical & Computer Theory C5 Computer Hardware C6 Computer Software C7 Computer Applications

  13. Information Technology106,353 Records D1 General & Management D2 Applications D3 General Systems D4 Office Automation/ Communications D5 Office Automation/Computing

  14. Mechanical & Production Engineering1.08 million Records E0 General topics in Manufacturing & Production Engineering E1 Manufacturing & Production E2 Engineering Mechanics E3 Industrial Sectors

  15. Diverse Coverage laser printers Long-haul lasers [buyer's guide] computer games A principal cognitive precondition of successful child-computer interactions in the information society traffic control Traffic signal control by Egograms photography Color handling in panoramic photography radar Fully integrated automotive radar sensor with versatile resolution pacemakers Paradoxical undersensing at a high sensitivity in dual chamber pacemakers radiation effects Modeling natural space ionizing radiation effects on external materials environmental science Impact of science and technology on energy and environmental research and development nanotechnology Molecular motors: nature's nanomachines manufacturing Analysis of a decentralized production-inventory system

  16. Subject Fields Bibliographic Fields Author Title Author Affiliation Publication Year Abstract Subject Terms Uncontrolled Controlled Document Type Language Added Value Fields! Publication Country Classification Codes Source Treatment Type Conference Details Chemical Indexing Accession Number Numerical Indexing Coden/ISSN Astronomical Indexing Digital Object Identifier Search Fields on Inspec

  17. Why Use Inspec • Comprehensive coverage • Content selected by specialists • Value add indexing • Time period • Easy to use interface • Full text linking • Management of searches and records • Save search and alerting features

  18. Inspec Developments Subject Headings Updated Annually

  19. Inspec Developments • Classification Updated Annually • January Introductions Include • A1317 Neutrino oscillations • A7570B Magnetic properties of nanostructures • More details at • www.theiet.org/publishing/inspec/support/docs

  20. Inspec Development • Nearly 400 new Journals in 2009 • Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, Australia • International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, Austria • Metrology and Instrument-Making, Belarus • Journal of Electronics, China • Around 500 new journals to be added in 2010 • More details at • www.theiet.org/publishing/inspec/support/docs

  21. Inspec Newish Features Full Author Affiliation Information

  22. Inspec New Features on Ebscohost • IPC codes • Search by IPC title (PC) • Search by IPC code (CP) • Browsable Index

  23. Inspec Upcoming Features • Unabbreviated Author Names • Author Contact Details • email address • Citations

  24. Inspec Documentation • Inspec Useful Documentation • www.theiet.org/publishing/inspec/support/docs • Includes • User Guides • Journals Lists • Lists of Classifications • Lists of Controlled Terms

  25. Inspec vs IEL Content & Coverage

  26. IEL • Electrical & Electronic Engineering • Computing Content & Coverage Inspec Physics Electrical and Electronics Engineering Computing and Control Engineering IT For Business Manufacturing, Production & Mechanical Engineering

  27. Content & Coverage • Inspec • Bibliographic • 11million records • 1969 – Date • Optional Archive extends coverage back to 1898 • 4500 current journals • 3000 Other publications • 1000 publishers • IEL • Full Text • Over 2 million Records • 1988 – Date • Selected material extends back 1873 • 149 Journals • 900+ conferences • 2000+ standards • 2 publishers • IET & IEEE

  28. Content & Coverage • IEL • Journals • Conferences • Standards Inspec Journals Conferences IEEE Standards Reports Patents Dissertations Books

  29. IEL Features • Citation Searching • Author Search • Download into reference management software • Email records • Some Inspec Indexing • TOC Alerts

  30. Inspec Features • Features Vary according to Search Platform Used. The following can be available • Citation searching • Author searching • Advanced search options i.e. Thesaurus Terms, Classifications, Numerical Indexing, Chemical Indexing, Treatment Code, IPC Codes • Email Records • Share searches • Download into reference management software • Current Awareness Alerts • Data Analysis Tools

  31. Inspec Value Add Features

  32. Key Phrase Headings (KW)(aka Free Term Indexing or Identifiers or Supplementary Terms or Uncontrolled Indexing) • Single words or phrases from title & abstract (or from full article text) to show all significant concepts of document • Includes: • inorganic formulae • organic compound names • acronyms or full names • manufacturer/brand names • British & US English • Benefit • Index for new technologies, etc that do not yet have a Thesaurus entry

  33. Inspec Headings (IH or DE) (aka Descriptors, Controlled Vocabulary, Thesaurus Terms) • Key words & phrases from Inspec Thesaurus • e.g. cascade control wn CV • Standardised spelling, punctuation, terminology • Overcome free language problems • High relevance • Terms are assigned at the most specific level • Use the thesaurus to find related terms

  34. Inspec Thesaurus • Authority List for Controlled Terms • Hierarchically Structured • Availability: • - Online for EBSCOhost users, print or as an XML file • 2010 edition contains 18,399 terms, of • which some 9,573 are preferred terms, and • 8,826 are lead-ins

  35. Classification Codes (CC)At one letter level also searchable as Discipline (DI) e.g. A wn DI, or choose as a limit via Quick Search or Expert Search • A – Physics • B – Electrical & Electronics • C – Computers & Control • D – Information Technology • E – Manufacturing, Production & Mechanical Engineering

  36. Computer Storage Equipment & Techniques Computer Hardware Second Level First Level C 5 3 20 K Fourth Level (Optional) Sector Code Letter Computing & Control Optical Storage Third Level Digital Storage Inspec Classification

  37. Classification Codes Structure C Computer & control C4 Numerical analysis & theoretical computer topics C42 Computer theory C4230 Switching theory C4230C Computational complexity Notes: 1. Classification codes can be searched at any of the above level 2. Truncation must be used at the five or six character level

  38. Inspec Classification • Hierarchically Structured • Availability: • - Browsable list online for EBSCOhost users, print or as an XML file

  39. Treatment Codes (TR) Choose as a limit in Quick Search, browse the Index or search by 3 letter code in Expert Search • Applications APP • Bibliographic BIB • Economic aspects/market survey ECO • Experimental EXP • General or review GEN • New developments NEW • Practical PRA • Product review PRO • Theoretical THR There is a record within Inspec with 32,000 references at the end of the original document. Reflect the authors approach to the topic, subjective, multiple codes may be assigned

  40. Chemical Indexing (CI) • Applied to records from 1987 • Controlled indexing for inorganic chemical compounds & material systems • Searching problems: • Nonstoichiometry, e.g. Ga1-xAlxAs • Case insensitivity, e.g. CO or Co, GaP or gap • Common words, different meanings, e.g. Be = beryllium & beta emission line (variable star)

  41. Basic roles el: element bin: binary system ss: 3 or more components Additional roles dop: dopant int: interface sur: surface/substrate ads: adsorbate Chemical Indexing Examples Co/el CO/bin C/bin O/bin V2O3/bin V2/bin O3/binV/bin O/bin H2SO4/ss H2/ss SO4/ssH/ss S/ss O4/ss O/ss

  42. Chemical Search Format • Search format: substance (adjacent) role proximity operator substance (adjacent) role .... • Examples: H2SO4 cih2so4/ss He-Ne cihe/binn3ne/bin GaAlAs ciga/intn5 al/intn5as/int

  43. Numerical Indexing (NI) • Applied to records from 1987 • Controlled indexing for numerical data • Variations in quantities velocity, speed standardised to velocity • Variations in units C, Celsius, °C, K, Kelvin, F standardised to K • Variations in values 27,500 kW 27.5 MW 2.75 E07 W standardised to 2.75 E07

  44. Numerical Indexing Format Search example: temperature of 100 ºC From the Numerical Thesaurus quantity unit temperatureK value 3.73E+02 Exponential (Floating) notation (Explained in the Thesaurus)

  45. Numerical Indexing Examples • Frequency of 50 Hertz • Search as: • “frequency 5.0 e+01 Hz” wn NI • Time of 10 minutes • Search as: • “time 6.0E+02 s” wn NI • Temperature of 100 degrees Centigrade • Search as: • “temperature 3.73 e+02 k” wn NI Note {} or “” can be used to enclose the numerical search statement

  46. Astronomical Object Indexing (AI) • Applied to records from 1995 • Uniquely identify millions of stars, nebulae & galaxies • Types of objects covered: • Objects in constellations • Galaxies in the Local Group • Objects in catalogues • Objects with only positions • Objects not covered: • Solar system objects (meteorites, the Moon, the Sun, planets & satellites, comets, asteroids) – because they move

  47. Customer Support • Inspec Help Desk • Telephone: +44 (0)1438 767297 • Fax +44 (0)1438 767339 • E-mail: inspec@theiet.org • In-House Training Seminars • Inspec Documentation • Inspec Website www.theiet.org/inspec

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