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红学文化与翻译. Redological Culture and Translation. 主讲:金钏. 第一讲 红学及 《 红楼梦 》 翻译简介 Redology and Translation History of Hong Lou Meng. Guide to the Theme. How much do you know about Hong Lou Meng ? What is the English Version of Hong Lou Meng ? Do you know anything about ``redology” ?.
红学文化与翻译 Redological Culture and Translation 主讲:金钏
第一讲 红学及《红楼梦》翻译简介 Redology and Translation History of Hong Lou Meng
Guide to the Theme How much do you know about Hong Lou Meng ? What is the English Version of Hong Lou Meng ? Do you know anything about ``redology” ?
Guide to the Theme Hong Lou Meng is a masterpiece of Chinese vernacular literatureand one of the Chinese Four Great Classical Novels. The novel was composed some time in the middle of the 18thcentury during the Qing Dynasty, attributed to Cao Xueqin 1. How much do you know about Hong Lou Meng ?
Twelve beauties of Jinling "Twelve beauties of Jinling" refer to the twelve excellent ladies in A Dream of Red Mansions, namely, Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Shi Xiangyun, Wang Xifeng, Jia Yingchun, Jia Xichun, Jia Yuanchun, Jia Tanchun, Qin Keqing, Li Wan, Miao Yu, and Jia Qiaojie.
Lin Daiyu Lin Daiyu is one of the twelve beauties of Jinling, and the only daughter of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min. After her parents passed away, her grandma picked her up to stay with her in pity of her loneliness. Although she was an orphan who had to live under others’ roof, she was proud and aloof, innocent and upright, a rebel against feudalism as Jia Baoyu.
Lin Daiyu She never persuaded him to pursue the path of becoming a government official. She despised power and dignitaries and shared the same ideal and interest with Jia Baoyu. However, their true love was relentlessly [ri'lentlisli] smothered by her grandma and Wang Xifeng. Therefore, Lin Daiyu ended up with a tragic death.
Xue Bao chai One of the twelve beauties of Jinling as well. She was beautiful and elegant, and constantly persuaded Jia Baoyu to associate with officials, which was despised by Jia Baoyu as “bullshit“. She strictly followed feudal ethics.
Xue Bao chai Under the arrangement of Jia baoyu’s grandma and Ms. Wang – Jia Baoyu’s mother, Jia Baoyu was compelled to marry Xue Baochai. Without common ideal and interest, Jia Bouyu still couldn’t forget Lin Daiyu, so not long after their marriage, he was converted to Buddhism [‘budizəm]. Xue Baochai had to live a lonely life.
Jia Baoyu Jia Baoyu is the key character in A Dream of the Red Mansions. Born in a rich family, smart and debonair[debə'nɛə] (温文尔雅的), he was the inheritor of the Jia family. But his personality led him to betray his family.
Love Tragedy Between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu Lin Daiyu, a beautiful and intelligent young lady, lost her parents in childhood and lived in her grandma's home in Jia family. When she and Jia Baoyu became increasingly fond of each other, their innocent love was suffocated by the feudal concept of "Jinyu Liangyuan (match made in heaven)“. Suffering from long-term lovesickness, coupled with the heavy shock from the fact that Baoyu had to marry someone else, Lin lost her life at a very young age. Later Jia became a monk in a faraway place, mourning of his beloved one.
Grand View Garden Grand View Garden is the most important place for the activities of the key figures in the book such as Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.
Granny Liu in the Grand View Garden The Grand View Garden was the residence of the wealthy and powerful Jia family. Granny Liu was a poor peasant woman who was distantly related to the Jias. She came to the Grand View Garden to ask for assistance. Madame Jia, the head of the household, was bored with her daily life, and wished to hear about something fresh. So she asked Granny Liu to stay for a few days. Granny Liu, as a country bumpkin, made many clownish mistakes in her new and opulent ['ɔpjulənt] surroundings.
Guide to the Theme Dream of the Red Chamber Red Chamber Dream A Dream of Red Mansions The Story of the Stone 2. What is the English Version of Hong Lou Meng ?
Guide to the Theme Any study concerning A Dream of Red Mansions can be seen as redology, including the research on the theme, the characters, the author's biography, the versions, and the reciprocal[ri'siprəkəl]influence among it and other classic works, etc. 3. Do you know anything about ``redology” ?
二、当代红学研究四大名家 1 . 周汝昌 当代红学研究大师和泰斗 1953年《红楼梦新证》
二、当代红学研究四大名家 1 . 周汝昌《红楼梦辞典》《序》 《红楼梦》是一部出自文人之手的传世之作,而“曹学芹这个‘文人’,既有中国历代文人的共同特点,又有清代满洲八旗文人的更大特色……这种文人的文化素养加上特性特习,就使得《红楼梦》带上了极其深厚的中国文化传统的奇妙的色调和气质,风格和手法。 假如不能理会中国汉字文学艺术传统和华夏文人对这种文化的造诣和修养之深之高,那就永远无法真正谈得上理解与欣赏他们的作品。”
三、当代红学研究四大名家 2. 冯其庸 中国人民大学国学院院长 中国红楼梦学会名誉会长 《红楼梦学刊》主编
三、当代红学研究四大名家 2. 冯其庸 1)《红楼梦》作者曹雪芹的 家世、籍贯以及《红楼梦》 的版本作了系统研究 2)倡导和组织了多种红学基 础工程。
二、当代红学研究四大名家 3.红楼梦诗词曲赋研究大家 蔡义江 中国红楼梦学会副会长, 中国古典文学普及研究会副会长 中国韵文学会常务理事, 中国诗学研究会常务理
三、当代红学研究四大名家 3. 蔡义江 中国红楼梦学会、 《红楼梦学刊》
三、当代红学研究四大名家 4.红学精神传承大家胡文彬 《读遍红楼:不随黄叶舞秋风》
胡文彬:《红楼梦》与中国的文化自觉 “真正传统的好东西是不会完全走掉的。我们的任务就是要把这些好的传统从生活中提炼出来,让大家意识到和理解到我们有些什么样的、应该保留的优秀传统,并有意识地去发扬它和继承它。我把这种行为叫做文化自觉。”
5.刘心武 《百家讲坛--揭秘《红楼梦》 --秦可卿身世之谜》 红学家冯其庸和李希凡,“有人说我扰乱了社会文化的方向,感觉在给我扣帽子”。
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 1)1830年,John Davis 将 《红楼梦》第三章的一些片 段译为英语,内容主要包括 贾宝玉和林黛玉初次会面的 描写,标题为“Chinese Poetry”, 发表在英国皇家亚洲学会会刊上。
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 2)1846年,英国驻宁波领事, Robert Tom将《红楼梦》 的第六章的一些片段译为英语, 译文登载在《宫话汇编》 (The Chinese Speaker), 作为外国人学中文的教科书。 标题为Dream of Red Chamber.
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 3)1868年,上海税务司E.C.Bowra 将《红楼梦》前八章译为英语, 译文从1868-1869连载于《上海 杂志》(Chinese Magazine).
三、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 4)在1892-1893年间,第一个 较为系统的《红楼梦》英文节 译本由香港Kelly and Walsh Ltd 出版译者是英国驻澳门副领事 H.Bencraft Joly。译本包括第一 章到56章。
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 5)1927年,王良志的《红楼 梦》英译本在纽约出版。这个 译本有95章,主要以林黛玉的 爱情为线索。
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 6)1929年,王际真的《红楼 梦》英译本由纽约Doubleday Doran Co 和伦敦Routledge Ltd同时出版。书名为Dream of the Red Chamber.
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 7) 1958 年,《红楼梦》的另一 个译本,The Dream of the Red Chamber,由伦敦Routledge and Kegan Paul出版, 译者为麦克休姐妹。
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 8)1974年,《红楼梦》第一 部英文译本共5卷,书名为 The Story of the Stone,由伦 敦Pengain Books Ltd出版, 译者为牛津大学著名中文教 授David Hawkes .
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 • Remembering David Hawkes • By Fu Ying (China Daily)Updated: 2009-09-26 08:03 • Returning to London after summer break, I was shocked to learn of the passing of David Hawkes. An Oxford scholar of classical Chinese literature, he was renowned for his translation of the beloved masterpiece of Chinese literature, A Dream of Red Mansions, or The Story of the Stone, as he translated it. • The last time I saw him was on a warm, sunny afternoon last April, when I called on him at his Oxford home, a nondescript two-story building easily missed when passing by. Coming out of a narrow passageway, he greeted me in the traditional Chinese manner: both hands held together to his chest and all smiles. He said "Welcome to my humble home" in perfect Chinese, just like any Chinese elderly.
☞朱侃Joke☜ 2009年09月27日 12:15:27 • it's a pity to hear David Hawkes leaves us Chinese people • 杨昕^Shane 2009年09月27日 11:16:02 • David Hawkes maybe is a greatest classical Chinese literature researcher in this word.
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 Hawkes 译本 第一卷 金色年华the Golden Day 第二卷 海棠诗社the Crab-Flower Club 第三卷 哀世之音the Warning Voice 第四卷 还泪情史the Best of Tears 第五卷 如梦方醒the Dreamer Walks
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》九种英译本简介 9)《红楼梦》的另一部英文全译 本由杨宪益夫妇所译,书名为 A Dream of Red Mansion ,于 1978年由北京外文出版社出版。
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 杨宪益(1915年1月10日-2009年11月23日) • 与英国才女珠联璧合 • 杨宪益和夫人戴乃迭 • 早期比翼赴幽冥,不料中途失健翎。 结发糟糠贫贱惯,陷身囹圄死生轻。 • 青春做伴多成鬼,白首同归我负卿。 • 天若有情天亦老,从来银汉隔双星。
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》英译的历史意义 与翻译手段 第一阶段:1830-1899 1)翻译的目的是提供语言材料 2) 译本的社会功能
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》英译的历史意义 与翻译手段 第二阶段:1927-1958 1)译者意图翻译特点 2)对人物姓名的独特翻译方式 3)译本的社会功能
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》英译的历史意义 与翻译手段 第三阶段:1973-现在 1)内容完整
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 第三阶段:1973-现在 2) 原文版本经过精心选择 “It is a somewhat surprising fact that the most popular book in the whole of Chinese literature remained unpublished for nearly thirty years after its author’s death, and exists in several different versions, none of which can be pointed to as definitely ‘correct’”(Hawkes,1974: 18)
四、《红楼梦》英译史简介 《红楼梦》英译的历史意义 与翻译手段 第三阶段:1973-现在 3)吸收了当代红学研究成果 4)《红楼梦》英译事业的发展脉络 、