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Promoting EO&D in teaching and learning. Objectives for the session. Define legal and demographic drivers which shape our need to effectively promote Equality and Diversity across the provision and to tackle unfair discrimination
Objectives for the session • Define legal and demographic drivers which shape our need to effectively promote Equality and Diversity across the provision and to tackle unfair discrimination • Identify appropriate sources of evidence that might inform a sound judgement on the promotion of Equality and Diversity when observing/ mentoring • Make reliable judgments that inform the quality improvement action planning for tutors
Defining EO&D • Group activity – 6 minutes • Define the three words or phrases you have been given • Be prepared to share at least one of these definitions • Handout – for information
Single Equality Scheme • What is this and what does it cover? • How should you assess the impact of this scheme (policy) on learners and staff? • Should you be gathering evidence in OTL and when mentoring?
What do Ofsted say? • EO&D is integral to all three Aspects of the revised CIF • Promotion of EO is now a limiting grade that may affect the grade for L&M and for overall effectiveness • Compliance is not good enough, EO must be promoted and you will need evidence that this is happening
Focus for OTL • Outcomes for Learners • Enjoy and achieve • Achieve economic and social well being • Feel safe • Be healthy • Make a positive contribution • Quality of Provision • Teaching, learning and assessment • Meeting the needs and interests of learners • Partnerships • Care, guidance and support • Leadership and Management • Safeguarding • Equality and diversity
What will inspectors look for in T&L? • learning, teaching, training and assessment promote equality and support diversity • the use of activities in sessions that motivate and engage all learners, whatever their age, ability and cultural background, and which are suitably demanding • how well teaching meets individual needs • how effectively staff use materials and teaching methods that are sensitive to, and promote, equality of opportunity and good race relations • how well staff plan sessions to take account of meeting the needs of different groups of learners fully • how staff maximise opportunities in sessions and within all learning contexts to promote equality of opportunity and awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity (including IAG and support)
Activity • DVD – observation of British Sign Language • Use your own OTL pro formas to make judgements but focus on EO&D • Compare judgements in pairs • Be prepared to share at least one judgement with the full group
Outstanding Excellent Innovative Inventive Exceptional Superb Perfect Extensive Highly successful Superior Exemplary Accomplished Highly imaginative Highly creative High standard High quality Fine Superior Highly skilful What would make a T&L a Grade one In groups identify what you would expect to see regarding a ‘Gold Standard’ in the promotion of EO&D and write onto flip chart – some useful words - :
Sharing of ideas • Groups walk round to look at flip charts • Verbal feedback and summary • How can this be taken forward? • How could you use this to help when action planning with tutors?
Recap objectives • Evaluation against objectives • Identify any further support • Evaluation of session