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Welcome!. Today’s Outcomes. Become familiar with the Danielson Framework for Teaching Develop understanding of SLOs and PD for teachers Share ideas for Focus on the Framework. Today’s Agenda. 8:30 Sessions 11:40 Lunch 12:25 Sessions 3:30 Adjourn. 3 Sessions:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome!

  2. Today’s Outcomes • Become familiar with the Danielson Framework for Teaching • Develop understanding of SLOs and PD for teachers • Share ideas for Focus on the Framework

  3. Today’s Agenda 8:30 Sessions 11:40 Lunch 12:25 Sessions 3:30 Adjourn • 3 Sessions: • Danielson Framework for Teaching • Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) • Focus on Framework

  4. Session Agenda • Understand the structure and the language of the Danielson Framework for Teaching • Learn about the domains, components and elements of the Framework • Identify the essential characteristics of each of the Framework’s levels of performance

  5. Your Professional Growth Mentor Sun=Inspiration Soil=Values that ground you Leaves=milestones Water=professional learning ITL NTO Master’s Cohort Respect

  6. Facilitating Professional Learning About the New HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Model and SLOs TDL Training Wednesday, February 27, 2013

  7. Today’s Outcomes Participants will • Reflect on ways to respond to staff levels of concern in times of change • Deepen knowledge about new HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Model and Student Learning Objectives • Preview materials for facilitating the Pre-April 25th professional learning session.

  8. Change is all around us! edutechdebate.org

  9. Think-Pair-Square-Share • Think: Complete the organizer about the changes you and your staff are experiencing and the corresponding levels of concern. • Pair: Share your thinking with a partner. • Square: Share your pair’s thinking with another pair. • Share: Share your takeaways from this activity with the larger group. www3.canisius.edu

  10. Reflection • How can I use what I know about my staff’s stages of concern in my facilitation of professional learning?

  11. The plan so far… • August 2012:Facilitated session at schools (TDLs and Principals) • August 2012-June 2013: Teacher Evaluation Pilot • October and December 2012: Principal and AP initial training about SLOs • October/December 2012, February/May 2013: Principal, AP, CO, and pilot teacher training on Danielson Framework • January 2013: Present: Formation of SLO Steering Committee and Workgroup

  12. The plan so far… • February 2013: Superintendent’s message about Teacher Evaluation • February 2013: TDL training on SLOs, Pre-April 25 session and Framework • March-April 2013: Facilitated session at schools (TDLs and Principals) • April 25, 2013: Countywide PD on SLOs

  13. Deepening Your Knowledge about the New HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Model

  14. Assess Yourself!

  15. What I know…

  16. framework.wikispaces.hcpss.org/TDL+training+022713

  17. Browse the resources and take notes to deepen your knowledge

  18. Facilitating the Pre-April 25th session on the New HCPSS Evaluation Process and SLOs

  19. Planning for Facilitating the Pre-April 25th Session • Review the resources. • Make plans with your administrator to co-facilitate. • Have handouts printed in advance.

  20. We don’t have all the answers…

  21. Revisit your self-assessment

  22. Reflection

  23. Reflection Professional Growth is like a ……. because…. Student Growth is like a ……. because….

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