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Welcome!. Today’s Outcomes. Become familiar with the Danielson Framework for Teaching Develop understanding of SLOs and PD for teachers Share ideas for Focus on the Framework. Today’s Agenda. 8:30 Sessions 11:40 Lunch 12:25 Sessions 3:30 Adjourn. 3 Sessions:
Today’s Outcomes • Become familiar with the Danielson Framework for Teaching • Develop understanding of SLOs and PD for teachers • Share ideas for Focus on the Framework
Today’s Agenda 8:30 Sessions 11:40 Lunch 12:25 Sessions 3:30 Adjourn • 3 Sessions: • Danielson Framework for Teaching • Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) • Focus on Framework
Session Agenda • Understand the structure and the language of the Danielson Framework for Teaching • Learn about the domains, components and elements of the Framework • Identify the essential characteristics of each of the Framework’s levels of performance
Your Professional Growth Mentor Sun=Inspiration Soil=Values that ground you Leaves=milestones Water=professional learning ITL NTO Master’s Cohort Respect
Facilitating Professional Learning About the New HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Model and SLOs TDL Training Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Today’s Outcomes Participants will • Reflect on ways to respond to staff levels of concern in times of change • Deepen knowledge about new HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Model and Student Learning Objectives • Preview materials for facilitating the Pre-April 25th professional learning session.
Change is all around us! edutechdebate.org
Think-Pair-Square-Share • Think: Complete the organizer about the changes you and your staff are experiencing and the corresponding levels of concern. • Pair: Share your thinking with a partner. • Square: Share your pair’s thinking with another pair. • Share: Share your takeaways from this activity with the larger group. www3.canisius.edu
Reflection • How can I use what I know about my staff’s stages of concern in my facilitation of professional learning?
The plan so far… • August 2012:Facilitated session at schools (TDLs and Principals) • August 2012-June 2013: Teacher Evaluation Pilot • October and December 2012: Principal and AP initial training about SLOs • October/December 2012, February/May 2013: Principal, AP, CO, and pilot teacher training on Danielson Framework • January 2013: Present: Formation of SLO Steering Committee and Workgroup
The plan so far… • February 2013: Superintendent’s message about Teacher Evaluation • February 2013: TDL training on SLOs, Pre-April 25 session and Framework • March-April 2013: Facilitated session at schools (TDLs and Principals) • April 25, 2013: Countywide PD on SLOs
Deepening Your Knowledge about the New HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Model
Browse the resources and take notes to deepen your knowledge
Facilitating the Pre-April 25th session on the New HCPSS Evaluation Process and SLOs
Planning for Facilitating the Pre-April 25th Session • Review the resources. • Make plans with your administrator to co-facilitate. • Have handouts printed in advance.
Reflection Professional Growth is like a ……. because…. Student Growth is like a ……. because….