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Who Dares, Wins…

de Ferrers Specialist Technology College. Who Dares, Wins…. Easy ways to succeed using Learning Platforms. Greg Hughes Consultant – Deep Experience. DEEP EXPERIENCE. NEW TECHNOLOGIES + PERSONALISED CURRICULUM. = IMPROVED ENGAGEMENT. NEW TECHNOLOGIES team :

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Who Dares, Wins…

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  1. de Ferrers Specialist Technology College Who Dares, Wins… Easy ways to succeed using Learning Platforms Greg HughesConsultant – Deep Experience


  3. NEW TECHNOLOGIES team: • Assistant Principal – Deep Experience (JSL) • Leadership Consultant – Deep Experience (GH) • New Technology Development Leaders (NTDLs): • - D&T (DB) • - ICT (SJ) • - Maths (CB) • - Science (SG) • Web Designer – ICT/Reprographics (TW) • Monthly meetings of Management group for New Technologies team (MY, JSL, GH, CB). • NTDLs conduct ICT pilot projects, support staff training and advise on future developments.

  4. Different types of VLE

  5. Once you learn to drive a car, you can quickly get used to a different make. How we use the VLE to support learning is more important than being an ICT expert.

  6. Phase 1 de Ferrers Specialist Technology College VLE my a**e…!

  7. Phase 2 I’d love to use the VLE more but it’s making me tear my hair out…!

  8. Phase 3 VLE? Let’s really get stuck in….


  10. Learning Platform developments: VLE • Several years experience already – admin fully electronic – no paperwork! Staff trained to use VLE for communication, notices, QA, cover • All subjects now covered with pages & resources at KS5, most at KS4 and some at KS3 – system makes it hard to track use & map out everything • Expanding more into KS3/4 to pick up other subjects, more clubs and groups • Increased diversity of activities being used by various staff, including support staff • Developing ‘new’ VLE (Frog) for September 2009 – will allow parental access to data – more creativity.

  11. E-Mentoring D + T Relevant links for independent learning. Class vote on topical subject. Pod casting Download Live topical design news from the young designers. Class journal for E-mentoring

  12. E-Mentoring D & T • Year 10 present Pod cast and post on the VLE • Year 13 view Pod Cast through the VLE • Year 13 leave feedback for Year 10 • Pupils communicate through the class journal

  13. D & T

  14. D & T • Students develop their experience of different areas of D+T and use relevant ICT tools and software for each area. • Work is uploaded to VLE and peer-assessed. • Supported by video role-play

  15. Physics File boxes with notes from class & quizzes. Link to Past Papers & Mark Schemes Student Discussion Forums Student Discussion Forums

  16. Physics Votes on topics. You Tube video Assignments (ELFs)

  17. Physics Y12 IBDP Physics survey

  18. Talking Point! Art RSS feed Resources for students Sixth Form ART

  19. 10 good ways to use the VLE to support learning: de Ferrers Specialist Technology College • Add past exam papers & mark schemes • Upload podcasts / podquizzes • Make use of forums to start discussions & get students to help each other • Add weblinks/webtrails to direct them to broaden & deepen their studies • Use votes & surveys to get student views

  20. 10 good ways to use the VLE to support learning: de Ferrers Specialist Technology College 6. Submit & mark homework online 7. Track research for projects using ELFs 8. Save class notes/IWB charts/quizzes in file boxes 9. Use RSS news feeds to point them at current news/events in your subject 10. Display movies from You Tube, Clipbank, and class presentations

  21. SOME FURTHER IDEAS: • Staff surveys & Support/CPD resources • ILPs • Clubs & Groups – blur home/school boundary • Self-assessment quizzes – eg, Hot Potatoes • Clipbank • Flash learning games/projects

  22. Staff e-learning survey de Ferrers Specialist Technology College SECTION 1: Confidence in using ICT for e-learning 4 = very confident, 3 = quite confident, 2 = OK, 1 = Never really used it • Most staff seem much more confident using the ICT resources they have. • Key priorities for 2008 – 2009 are: • Interactive Whiteboard training, especially for faculties that haven’t had them before • More training in using My Classes, in and out of lessons • Some sessions on SIMS?

  23. Staff e-learning survey de Ferrers Specialist Technology College SECTION 2: How well could ICT support Personalising Learning in your area? 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = unsure, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree • There were very few staff who felt these ideas were not of some use. The most popular areas were use of games, quizzes & concept maps. • Key priorities for 2008 – 2009 are: • Further training on using Hot Potatoes to produce revision/review quizzes • Training on using free concept mapping software & Real Smart • Look at purchasing/making ICT learning games for staff to use in lessons with students

  24. Staff Support de Ferrers Specialist Technology College

  25. Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) • Last year – trials with Y7/Y10/Y12 • This year – phased in for Y8/Y9/Y11/Y13 • Templates devised by A+G staff • NTDLs help put them onto VLE • Students access templates and fill in during sessions in morning tutorials • Filled-in templates saved & displayed in an online portfolio for form tutor to access/add reflections to, as needed de Ferrers Specialist Technology College

  26. Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) de Ferrers Specialist Technology College

  27. Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) de Ferrers Specialist Technology College

  28. de Ferrers Specialist Technology College Sign Language Club

  29. Fill in the blanks exercises Matching pairs Puts activities together in bulk Mix up & sequence sentences Multiple choice quizzes Create crosswords

  30. CLIPBANK: de Ferrers Specialist Technology College

  31. Learning Games de Ferrers Specialist Technology College • Flash e-learning games & activities produced ‘in house’ by a web designer • Students use them in lessons and at home to support active learning and self-assessment • Multimedia-rich and interactive • Export games to the learning platform

  32. Why do we need a new VLE? • Current system not developing quickly enough • de Ferrers wants to stay ahead of the game • Limited support • Current system is slow, it limits large file downloads, not very user friendly • We need real-time editing & links to learning resources • More exciting system – get student engaged more – better AFL opportunities - creativity • Parental engagement and reporting

  33. FINAL THOUGHTS: de Ferrers Specialist Technology College • SATURATION - Offer students a wide choice of resources to learn from – Blitzkrieg approach! • DRIP FEED - Keep chipping away at staff to encourage use, suggest ideas, experiment… • Develop a TEAM to support all staff in setting up pages & learning tools – booster sessions? • ENCOURAGE staff to share ideas at meetings • ASK students – what do they want? Get them involved: Demand Supply

  34. de Ferrers Specialist Technology College Greg HughesConsultant – Deep Experiencee-mail: hughesg@deferrers.mg4l.net Skype & Twitter: deepexperience1 Website: www.deferrers.com THANK YOU FOR WATCHING Winner of the award for ICT

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