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Space News Update - June 7, 2013 -. In the News Story 1: 'Dust Trap' around Distant Star May Solve Planet Formation Mystery Story 2: What Does Antarctica Look Like Under the Ice? Story 3: Astronomers gear up to discover Earth-like planets Departments The Night Sky
Space News Update - June 7, 2013 - In the News Story 1:'Dust Trap' around Distant Star May Solve Planet Formation Mystery Story 2:What Does Antarctica Look Like Under the Ice? Story 3: Astronomers gear up to discover Earth-like planets Departments The Night Sky ISS Sighting Opportunities NASA-TV Highlights Space Calendar Food for Thought Space Image of the Week
> 'Dust Trap' around Distant Star May Solve Planet Formation Mystery
The Night Sky Friday, June 7 · Mercury in the twilight has reached its farthest distance above Venus, 5°. See the scene at right. They're as far apart as fainter Pollux and Castor above them, which come into view as twilight dims. 5° is about three finger-widths at arm's length (depending, of course, on the width of your fingers relative to the length of your arm!). Saturday, June 8 · After dark, look southeast for orange-red Antares. It's one of the two great red supergiants of the naked-eye sky; the other is Betelgeuse in winter. Around and to the upper right of Antares are other, white stars of upper Scorpius. · New Moon (exact at 3:14 a.m. on this date EDT). Sunday, June 9· After sunset, look for the young crescent Moon about 6° to 8° below Venus very low in the west-northwest (at the times of twilight in North America). Binoculars will help. Monday, June 10 · The thin crescent Moon low in twilight now forms a triangle with Venus and Mercury, as shown at right. Look above the triangle for the Pollux-and-Castor pair. Sky & Telescope
ISS Sighting Opportunities For Denver: Sighting information for other cities can be found at NASA’s Satellite Sighting Information
NASA-TV Highlights June 10, Monday11:35 a.m. - ISS Expedition 36 Educational In-Flight Event with the Douglas, MA Public School District - JSC (All Channels) Watch NASA TV on the Net by going to NASA website.
Space Calendar Jun 07 - [Jun 04] Shenzhou 10CZ-2F/H Launch (Chinese Manned Launch to Tian Gong1 1 Space Station) Jun 07 - [Jun 02] Cosmos 2486 (Persona N2) Soyuz 2-1B Launch Jun 07 - Comet P/2005 L1 (McNaught)At Opposition (2.241 AU) Jun 07 - Asteroid 2013 HO11Near-Earth Flyby (0.063 AU) Jun 08 - Comet C/2013 F3 (McNaught)At Opposition (1.424 AU) Jun 08 - Comet 82P/GehrelsClosest Approach To Earth (3.567 AU) Jun 08 - Comet P/2000 QJ46 (LINEAR)At Opposition (3.925 AU) Jun 08 - Kuiper Belt Object 50000 Quaoar Occults 2UCAC 26262935 (12.7 Magnitude Star) Jun 08 - Asteroid 5049 Sherlock Closest Approach To Earth (1.284 AU) Jun 08 - Asteroid 763 Cupido Closest Approach To Earth (1.405 AU) Jun 09 - Comet C/2013 G2 (McNaught)Closest Approach To Earth (2.049 AU) Jun 09 - Comet 258P/PANSTARRSClosest Approach To Earth (3.535 AU) Jun 09 - Comet 82P/GehrelsAt Opposition (3.567 AU) Jun 09 - Asteroid 5405 Neverland Closest Approach To Earth (1.048 AU) Jun 09 - Asteroid 3197 Weissman Closest Approach To Earth (2.140 AU) Jun 10 - [Jun 07] Asteroid 2013 LD2Near-Earth Flyby (0.015 AU) Jun 10 - [Jun 03] Asteroid 2013 KK6Near-Earth Flyby (0.059 AU) Jun 10 - Asteroid 36800 Katarinawitt Closest Approach To Earth (1.129 AU) Jun 10 - Asteroid 42776 Casablanca Closest Approach To Earth (2.067 AU) Jun 10 - Asteroid 6984 Lewiscarroll Closest Approach To Earth (3.725 AU) Jun 10 - Kuiper Belt Object 28978 IxionAt Opposition (39.650 AU) Jun 10 - 10th Anniversary (2003), Mars Exploration Rover A (Spirit) Launch Jun 10 - 40th Anniversary (1973), Explorer 49 Launch (Moon Orbiter) JPL Space Calendar
Food for Thought NASA Flights Target How Pollution, Storms and Climate Mix
Space Image of the Week M57: The Ring Nebula Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI / AURA)- ESA / Hubble Collaboration