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EE – Evangelism Explosion. Viewing Acts Chapter 2 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010. Topics covered . Overall view of ACTS – Chart 10 Video on ACTS 8 Visiting… Discussion on Chapter 2 Allah word That’s the Spirit! 10 Exercise – Do 2001, 2, 8 (Part A) 15. The Upper Room.
EE – Evangelism Explosion Viewing Acts Chapter 2 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010
Topics covered ... • Overall view of ACTS – Chart 10 • Video on ACTS 8 • Visiting… • Discussion on Chapter 2 • Allah word • That’s the Spirit! 10 • Exercise – Do 2001, 2, 8 (Part A) 15
The Upper Room The room visited by tourists today is a Crusader structure as evidenced by the architecture. On the first floor below this room is the traditional tomb of David. The location of this "tomb" outside of the City of David precludes its authenticity but some suggest that evidence in the "tomb" indicates an early Jewish-Christian presence (or synagogue). If so, this could support this general area as the location of the biblical "Upper Room."
Visiting… Your friend, Eugene just arrived from Australia to visit you. You took him around visiting. Get three students to act out a scene at a turtle sanctuary. Not being able to speak Malay, Eugene depends on you to get around. The Malay guide will explain (using the brochure) with you doing the translation.
Holy Spirit Comes (v 1-13) What problems or challenges do different languages create for us? What do you think is the best way to communicate with people who speak other languages?
Holy Spirit Comes (v 1-13) Jesus had instructed the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit. What do you suppose they were expecting? What actually happened when the Holy Spirit arrived (v2-4)? Accompanied by the sound of a rushing wind, the visible manifestation of something like "tongues of fire" rested on each of the apostles who were then instantly able to speak other languages.
Holy Spirit Comes (v 1-13) What was the result of this event (v5-13)? People from every nation heard their language being spoken by unschooled Galileans. Many were amazed and perplexed. Others were skeptical, thinking the disciples were drunk.
Holy Spirit Comes (v 1-13) How are people today skeptical of God's work in the world? How do they explain away things like Creation and answered prayer?
Peter Addresses the Crowd (v14-42) Peter said that he and the others weren't drunk. He tied this event to the prophecy in Joel 2:28-32. According to this Scripture, what would be the result of this event (v14-21)? Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Peter Addresses the Crowd (v14-42) Not long before this, Peter had been lurking in the shadows, afraid to admit that he even know Jesus. But now he speaks with a new courage. Read through his message (v22-36) and see if he says anything that you might be reluctant to say to a curious crowd. He boldly proclaims the facts about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, tying them to OT Scripture. And he didn't hold back in stating that it was these people - the Jewish leaders - who put Him to death [v23], and that God had now made Jesus "both Lord and Christ" [v36]. These were courageous words for a onetime fisherman to direct to a large crowd. Pg 9 a’ - … Lord – YHWH (Yahweh), the supreme title for Jesus (v36). Present controversies in this issue …
Allah in the Bible - current issue An artificial Malay issue and not a genuine Muslim issue. Cynical manipulations by Malay politicians to gain votes from their community? The meaning of the words Allah (God) and Tuhan (Lord, Rabb) are not the same. Linguistically, Allah and Tuhan have different senses even though they have the same reference. Arab Christians, Allah is used to translate el/elohim and Tuhan(or TUHAN in caps) is used to translate Yahweh (YHWH). (http://www.krisispraxis.com/archives/2010/01/allah-and-tuhan-in-bible- translation/01.05.10 Kam Weng )
Allah in the Bible - current issue Implications if can only use Tuhan in place of Allah: • Incorrect substitution - since the meaning of Allah and Tuhan are different, egTuhan Allah (LORD God) becomes TuhanTuhan (??). • Unable to affirm the deity of Jesus Christ, thus Trinity - Without Allah, cannot affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ as one who is distinct from the Father and yet shares with the God of the Old Testament, the name that is above every other name – kurios /Tuhan (Philippians 2:9, cf. Isaiah 45:23). Christians in Malaysia must do their utmost to maintain religious harmony in Malaysia. Many concessions have been made in the past. However, it cannot accept the demand that it abandons the use of the word Allah and adopts the word Tuhan as the substitute simply because some ill-informed Malays take offence at their practice – an offence which would not have arisen if only these people set aside emotions and prejudices and examine the historical and linguistic evidence in a calm and rational manner.
Peter Addresses the Crowd (v14-42) How did the crowd respond to Peter's words (v37-41)? The people were "cut to the heart," and wanted to know what to do. Many repented and were baptized. Do you think you would have been one of the repentant crowd, or are you more likely to have tried to defend your previous actions? Why?
Peter Addresses the Crowd (v14-42) How did the crowd respond to Peter's words (v37-41)? The people were "cut to the heart," and wanted to know what to do. Many repented and were baptized. Do you think you would have been one of the repentant crowd, or are you more likely to have tried to defend your previous actions? Why?
Peter Addresses the Crowd (v14-42) In one day the number of believers in Jesus went from about 120 (1:15) to approximately 3,120 (v41). There had been plenty of confusion and conflicts when it was just Jesus and the twelve disciples. What would you expect from a crowd of more than 3,000 people coming together and trying to get along? Probably more conflicts and confusion.
Life Among the Early Believers (v43-47) What do you think made such a difference in how people were relating? The Holy Spirit unites believers. Jesus had promised that the Spirit would guide people in repentance and truth [John 16:7-15].
Life Among the Early Believers (v43-47) Do you feel that you know as much about the work of the Holy Spirit as you do about God the Father and Jesus? Explain. One function of the Spirit is to bring glory to Jesus [John 16:13, 14]. Yet we should not be in the dark as to the attributes of this third part of the Trinity.) - Do the worksheet "That's The Spirit".
Please attempt these questions and pass in by next week. SPM96 And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. When did this take place and how many disciples were in the house? What happened after this "sound" was heard? What did they do after that? SPM97 "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins;" When did Peter say this? What had happened to the disciples earlier that morning? What was the response to his appeal? SPM07 All the believers continued together in close fellowship and shared their belongings with one another. In which city did this take place? What did they do to share their belongings? Give two examples of how they lived in close fellowship.