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Customized Employment: A Collaborative Model to Increase Integrated Employment in Nevada

Customized Employment: A Collaborative Model to Increase Integrated Employment in Nevada. Scott W. Harrington, Ph.D., BCBA-D Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities & Yanan (Nancy) Zhu, M.S., CRC Nevada Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation. Overview. Customized Employment Overview

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Customized Employment: A Collaborative Model to Increase Integrated Employment in Nevada

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  1. Customized Employment: A Collaborative Model to Increase Integrated Employment in Nevada • Scott W. Harrington, Ph.D., BCBA-D • Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities • & • Yanan (Nancy) Zhu, M.S., CRC • Nevada Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation

  2. Overview • Customized Employment Overview • CE Evolution & Project Outputs • Data from Nevada • Collaborative Team in NV • Challenges & Barriers • Project Successes • Workshop Activities I, II, and III

  3. Customized Employment Definition ”Customized employment is a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. It is based on an individualized match between the strengths, conditions, and interests of a job candidate and the identified business needs of an employer. Customized Employment utilizes an individualized approach to employment planning and job development — one person at a time . . . one employer at a time” U.S. Department of Labor, ODEP

  4. Customized Employment Overview • Person-centered, job-seeker is focus • Identify passions, skills, interests and supports the job-seeker may need • Identify business needs • “Discovery” is used to learn about job-seeker’s strengths • Information captured into “Portfolio”

  5. CE Evolution in Nevada • Rural Institute (Montana UCEDD) held Customized Employment training 2005, 2007 & 2009 • Customized Employment with AmeriCorps 2005-2006 • Employment Policy Summit 2010: Six Outcomes • Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) Projects 2011 ($750,000) • BVR-SRC-NCED Customized Employment (“Pilot”)Collaboration 2011-2013

  6. Project Outputs • Representational Portfolios • Photos of strengths, interests passions, skills, supports needed • Video Resumes for businesses • shows job-seeker skills • provided in a Youtube link

  7. Data on Integrated Employment in Nevada (2010) • 2,060 persons served in NV • 1,657 persons in facility-based and non-work settings (80.4%) • 378 persons on waitlist for JDT (medicaid waiver) • 3,869 BVR Closures and of those, 140 ID/DD (3.6%) • 947 BVR Closures into employment setting, 40 ID/DD (4.2%) • $367 mean weekly earnings at closure; $212 ID/DD • 31.8 mean weekly hours at closure; 25.7 ID/DD Butterworth, J., Smith, F., A., Hall, A.C., Migliore, A., Winsor, J., Domin, D., Timmons, J.C. (2012). StateData: The national report on employment services and outcomes. Boston, MA: University of Massachusetts Boston, Institute for Community Inclusion.

  8. Who are the partners? • DETR-Rehabilitation Division • Developmental Services-Sierra Regional Center • Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities- University of Nevada

  9. DETR-Vocational Rehabilitation • Be Honest, no apologies • Collect and Analyze Data • Design A “Pilot” Study • Participant Selection procedure • Developing the “Right” Team • Operational Definition of Milestones

  10. DHHS-Developmental Services • Pre-screening with SC and Director • Two populations: with/without JDT (medicaid waiver folks) • Developing “Natural Supports” • Problem-solve “family” challenges

  11. Nevada UCEDDwww.NCED.info • Recruit, train, supervise JD and JC from the University setting • Conduct and develop SA, CBA, & Customized Employment Portfolios • Approach employers • Job Carving/Job Sharing/Task reassignment, self-employment • Case management

  12. Team Collaboration • Bimonthly Meeting • 1st: potential intake • 2nd: case review • Communication is critical • emails ad nauseum • Trust & integrity in team

  13. Project Challenges • Stagnant economy/employer prejudice • Ignorance about untapped population • Three bureaucratic agencies • Staff turnover across all state agencies • Lack of Resources (JD & JC) • Funding (SE funding & JDT)

  14. Other barriers? • Smoke & Mirrors

  15. Other barriers? • Smoke & Mirrors • We need Transparency • Collect & Report data on: • Wages • Weekly hours worked • Length of employment • Quality of life/satisfaction

  16. Our CE Successes

  17. Ariqa at Sierra Nevada Academy Charter Schoolhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRFbPURyTOQ&feature=plcp

  18. Stacy at Starbuckshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcdVAGBa0vA 

  19. Genuine “Inclusion”

  20. Ciera CBA at Sierra Regional Center

  21. Brian’s Vinyl Conversion (CBA at Recycled Records)

  22. Ian CBA at Zephyr Books

  23. Geoffrey at Arrow Electronics

  24. Glenn at Arrow Electronics

  25. For Glenn:Quality of Life & Meaningful Work$22/week at facility-based to $300/week at Arrow Electronics

  26. Keith’s CBA at Reno Auto Wrecking

  27. Dwayne at Safeway

  28. Workshop Activity • Do you have a collaborative project in your state? Is it CE? Serve ID/DD? • Identify Stakeholders, agency name contact • Sign “Collaboration Contract” • Provide email on sign-in sheet • Plan on 1/25/13 email from Scott

  29. At Home Activity • Look at BVR/DHHS data (be honest!) • Meet with your stakeholders • Respond to Scott’s 1/25 email about team updates! • Follow Customized Employment and Employment First advances

  30. For more information:Dr. Scott Harringtonsharring@unr.edu(775) 682-9059Yanan (Nancy) Zhuy-zhu@nvdetr.org(775) 823-8139

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