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Esperimenti Hypernuclei Pb-QuasiElastico PVES/PREX Form Factors @ 12GeV Apparati SBS Front Tracker. JLab12 / 2 A parte. Evaristo Cisbani / Roma gruppo collegato Sanità. Gradi di libertà nucleari. Gradi di libertà nucleonici. Milestones / Richieste Finanziarie. 21 Set 2009 / CSN III.
Esperimenti Hypernuclei Pb-QuasiElastico PVES/PREX Form Factors @ 12GeV Apparati SBS Front Tracker JLab12 / 2A parte Evaristo Cisbani / Roma gruppo collegato Sanità Gradi di libertà nucleari Gradi di libertà nucleonici • Milestones / Richieste Finanziarie 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 1
Hypernucleus N … N L Kaon detected by HRSk K+ Scattered electron Detected by HRSe L g* e’ p beam p N … N e Nucleus Electroproduction of Hypernuclei in HallA Study L-N Interaction potential • Reactions Investigated: 9Be9LiL (spin doublets, information on s-s) 12C12BL (comparison with previous data: better understanding of results with hadron probesand Hall C at JLab) 16O16NL (precise determination of L binding energy) • Experimental requirements: • Excellent Energy Resolution • Detection at very forward angles (6° to obtain practical counting rates septum magnets) • Excellent Particle Identification, unambiguous kaon selection RICH • High luminosity Adapted from: F. Cusanno, Hyp-X Conference, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 15th of September, 2009 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 – Hypernuclei - E. Cisbani 2
Results on 16O target – Hypernuclear Spectrum of 16NL Theory Fit / 13.76 ±0.16 Binding Energy BL=13.76 ± 0.16 (stat) ± 0.05 (sys) MeV Measured for the first time with this level of accuracy • Fit to the data (red line): Fit 4 regions with 4 Voigt functions c2/ndf = 1.19 • Theoretical model (blu line) based on : • SLA p(e,e’K+) (elementary process) • N interaction fixed parameters from KEK and BNL 16O spectra (J. Millener) Adapted from: F. Cusanno, Hyp-X Conference, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 15th of September, 2009 Paper resubmitted to PRL 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - Hypernuclei - E. Cisbani 3
JLAB Hall AE-94107: PreliminaryResults on 9Be target Theory (J. Millener and M. Sotona) Preliminary Fit (fourpeaks) TO DO: Use Be windows data of waterfall target to increase statistics Adapted from: F. Cusanno, Hyp-X Conference, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 15th of September, 2009 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - Hypernuclei - E. Cisbani 4
E-07-012 - The Angular Dependence of 16O(e,e’K)16NLand 1H(e,e’K)L Will run right before 6 GeV shutdown • These data and, especially, the ratio of HN to the elementary cross section will give: • new valuable information on hypernuclear structure (including spin assignment of produced hypernuclear states), and reaction mechanisms • the modification of the dynamics of the (e,e’K+) process in the nuclear medium. Parasitic test for E-08-012 Study of Light Hypernuclei by Pionic Decay at JLab 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - Hypernuclei - E. Cisbani 5
(Pb-QE) Studio correlazione long-range e dinamica relativistica nel mezzo nucleare Adapted from Guido Urciuoli 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 – PbQE - E. Cisbani 6
Esperimenti di Violazione della Parità • Misura accurata della asimmetria nei processi elastici (e DIS) di elettroni polarizzati longitudinalmente su nucleone/nucleo non polarizzato • Accesso alle costanti di accoppiamento deboli elettroni-quark (u/d) delle correnti neutre, ovvero alla corrente debole del protone, ovvero all’angolo di mixing debole • Pone limiti su esistenza di nuova fisica (PVDIS, QWeak, Möller) • Ha permesso la misura del contributo dei quark s ai fattori di forma del nucleone (HAPPEX, G0) • Permette la misura di importanti grandezze nucleari soppressi nei processi elettromagnetici PREX 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 – PVES - E. Cisbani 7
Violazione di Parità e l’angolo di mixing a basse energie Programma rilevante delle sale A e C 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 – PVES - E. Cisbani 8
Lead(208Pb) Radius Experiment: PREX Elastic Scattering Parity Violating Asymmetry E = 850 MeV, J=6° electrons on lead Clean Probe Couples Mainly to Neutrons (T.W. Donnelly, J. Dubach, I. Sick) In PWIA: 208Pb w/Coulomb distortions (C. J. Horowitz) : In run primavera 2010 • Implicazioni su equazione di stato stelle neutroni • Propedeutico per test standard model Adapted from Guido Urciuoli 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 – PVES/PREX - E. Cisbani 9
Fattori di Forma Elettromagnetici del Nucleone Nella separazione Rosenbluth l’approssimazione di singolo fotone scambiato non sembra adeguata Trasferimento di polarizzazione dalla sonda elettronica al protone diffuso elasticamente Evidente discrepanza tra i due metodi di misura. Mal comprensione dei meccanismi di QED nei processi elastici! + nuove informazioni nello studio della struttura del nucleone 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 – FF@12GeV - E. Cisbani 10
Approved FF Experiments @ 12 GeV • E12-07-109: GEp up to 14.5 GeV2 by recoil-polarization • Require high lumi (low analyzing power and elastic cross section ~ E2beam/Q16 • E12-09-016: GEn/GMn up to 10 GeV2 by beam-target double-polarization: • Polarized 3He, neutron detector • Doulbe Spin Asymmetry ~ GE/GM • E12-09-019: GMn up to13.5→18 GeV2 by cross section ratio D(e,e’n)/D(e,e’p) • High luminosity; neutron detector + SIDIS @ 12 GeV (see Patrizia Rossi) New SBS Spectrometer 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - FF@12GeV - E. Cisbani 11
EM FF: Perché alti Q2 • Test per molti modelli fenomenologici. • Studio regione di transizione tra la descrizione non- e perturbativa della QCD • Constraint of the H and E GPD 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - FF@12GeV - E. Cisbani 12
New SBS Spectrometer (GEP5 Conf.) • Alta Luminosità (1038 /cm2/s) • Angoli molto in avanti • Moderatamente larga accettanza • Buona risoluzione in momento (0.5% a 4-8 GeV/c) • Buona risoluzione angolare 0.2 mrad • Flessibilità (possibilità di riconfugurare i rivelatori in modo ottimale Responsabili dello sviluppo del tracciatore GEM + design elettronica per tutti i rivelatori GEM hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/ 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 – SBS Tracker - E. Cisbani 13
SBS Tracking Requirements … and modular: reuse in different geometrical configuration MPGD = Micro Pattern Gas Detector (GEM, Micromegas …) 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - SBS Tracker - E. Cisbani 14
GEM for SBS • Standard 3 GEM foils • 2D Readout plane, 0.4 mm pitch • Approx. 50000 channels • Chamber made by 40x50 cm2 modules • Minimize frames (8 mm width) • Minimize front-end electronics size • Minimize cabling • Optimize HV distribution • Sezioni coinvolte: BA + CT + GE + ISS 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - SBS Tracker - E. Cisbani 15
GEM: Prototype 0 and 1 • First 10x10 prototypes under cosmic test • Using 70/30 Ar/CO2 gas mixture • 7 Independent HV levels up to ~ 5000 V Assembling the GEM chambers parts require a careful quality control at several check points and specific tools for gluing, heating, testing, cleaning Final 40x50 cm2 module finalized; GEM foils and readout ordered 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - SBS Tracker - E. Cisbani 16
SD (x/y) Chamber doublet Dipole Track Angular Range + Small Silicon Detector 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 17
2000 ch. FE 10cm FE 50mm 2000 ch. 20cm FE 2000 ch. FE 2000 ch. SiD Detector Layout (RM1) ~ 1 40x100 cm2 GEM chamber Costo e X0 equivalenti 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 18
SBS Front Tracker: Modellizzazione + Rec Photons largest background (80%) GEANT4 + Root FEM 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 19
SBS Front Tracker Electronics • Use APV25 (CMS and COMPASS): 128 analog channels at 40 MHz; no real alternative existing • Compact FrontEnd card designed by GE • Cabling minimized by flexible backplane • Work in progress on ADC Module (for 16 APV25) in VME64x standard • Read both SiD e GEM 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 20
SBS: Collaborazione Internazionale Progetto SBS in sottomissione al DOE da parte dei gruppi americani (CMU, UVA, W&M, NSU, Rutgers&UNH, JLab) per circa 3 M$ (+ contingenza) + Glasgow + FIU 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 21
JLab12: Milestones 2010 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 22
JLab12: Richiesta Finanziaria 2010 Capitoli vs Sottoprogetti COL = Funzionamento collaborazione GEM = Tracciatore per SBS RICH = RICH per CLAS12 FT = Forward Tagger per CLAS12 CD = Central Neutron Detector HD = HD-ice target 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 23
JLab12: Richiesta Finanziaria 2010 Sezioni vs Sottoprogetti • Proposte dettagliate e basate in larga misura (ove applicabile) su offerte • Richiesta complessiva inferiore all’anno precedente 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 24
Conclusioni • JLab ha un programma di upgrade avviato e finaziato interamente (si pensa già al futuro prossimo con EIC) • Offre e continuerà ad offrire una vasta gamma di opportunità di fisica dal subnucleare ai processi elettrodeboli • La collaborazione italiana ha un ruolo rilevante in diversi campi di indagine di punta per il laboratorio 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 25
SBS Front Tracker Project BA: Gas system + Electronics (FE chips) CT: Mechanics + Test + MC + Slow Control + (Ele) GE: Electronics ISS/ROME: Prototyping, Test, Digitization + Reconstruction, Evaluate/Prototype SiD, Coordination 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 27
Hall A E-94-107 High Resolution Hypernuclear Spectroscopy e’ e K+ p L 16O(e,e’K)16NL 12C(e,e’K)12BL • separation between 3rd and 4th peak and narrow 4th peak very small pLspin-orbit splitting • - binding energy BL=13.76±0.15 MeV • for the first time with this level of accuracy • energy resolution = 650 KeV/c • the best achieved in hyp. prod. • - first clear evidence of core excited states with high statistical significance understanding of the elementary reaction on proton, poorly known JLab12 - ISS & RM / E. Cisbani
Results on 16O target – Hypernuclear Spectrum of 16NL [1] O. Hashimoto, H. Tamura, Part Nucl Phys 57, 564 (2006) [2] private communication from D. H. Davis, D. N. Dovee, fit of data from Phys Lett B 79, 157 (1978) [3] private communication from H. Tamura, erratum on Prog Theor Phys Suppl 117, 1 (1994) [2] [1] [3] Difference expected with respect to mirror nucleus: 400 – 500 keV (M. Sotona) E94-107 (Kstop,p-) (K-,p-) (p+,K+) Comparison with the mirror nucleus 16OL Paper (re)submitted to Phys Rev Lett F. Cusanno, Hyp-X Conference, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 15th of September, 2009
PREX & Neutron Stars ( C.J. Horowitz, J. Piekarweicz ) R calibrates EOS of Neutron Rich Matter N Crust Thickness Explain Glitches in Pulsar Frequency ? Combine PREX R with Obs. Neutron Star Radii N Phase Transition to “Exotic” Core ? Strange star ?Quark Star ? Some Neutron Stars seem too Cold Cooling by neutrino emission (URCA) 0.2 fm URCA probable, else not Crab Pulsar
Atomic Parity Violation • Low Q test of Standard Model • Needs R to make further progress. 2 Isotope Chain Experiments e.g. Berkeley Yb N APV
Atomic Parity Violation • Low Q test of Standard Model • Needs R to make further progress. 2 Isotope Chain Experiments e.g. Berkeley Yb N APV
Proximity RICH / Preliminary Performance Transversity Experiment data taking completed in Feb/09 p K Mean number of PhotoElectrons for p: NPE~ 9 Error in angle reconstruction: sJp < 7 mr nsp-K~ 4.5 s JLab12 - ISS & RM / E. Cisbani
JLAB Hall AE-94107: PreliminaryResults on 9Be target Red line: Bennhold-Mart (K MAID) Blue line: Sagay Saclay-Lyon (SLA) Curves are normalized on g.s. peak. Theory (J. Millener and M. Sotona) Counts / 150 keV Counts / 200 keV Preliminary Fit (fourpeaks) Energy levels Energy levels Missing energy (MeV) F. Cusanno, Hyp-X Conference, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 15th of September, 2009
E-07-012 - The Angular Dependence of 16O(e,e’K)16NLand 1H(e,e’K)L Analysis of the 9Be(e,e’K)9LiL Complex structure, different fits can be compared with the theoretical curve These data and, especially, the ratio of HN to the elementary cross section will give new valuable information on hypernuclear structure (including spin assignment of produced hypernuclear states), reaction mechanisms and, even possibly the modification of the dynamics of the (e,e’K+) process in the nuclear medium. Parasitic test for E-08-012 Study of Light Hypernuclei by Pionic Decay at JLab 10 Jul 2009 JLab12 - ISS & RM / E. Cisbani 37
Detector optimisation and calibration completed first draft paper on Q2 dependence ready; 2 additional papers will follow 10 Jul 2009 JLab12 - ISS & RM / E. Cisbani 39
Nuova strumentazione per sala A • Gli esperimenti sulla struttura dei nucleoni TMD (SIDIS) e FF (scattering elastico) richiedono un nuovo spettrometro: • a larga accettanza (angolo e momento) • in grando di supportare luminosità di 1038 cm-2s-1 SBS in configurazione SIDIS Prototipo GEM hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/ 10 Jul 2009 JLab12 - ISS & RM / E. Cisbani 40
Modulo GEM40x50 cm2 • Frame da 8 mm • Elettronica a 90 gradi rispetto alla superfice utile su tutti i lati (richiesta per piani u/v con strip diagonali) • Connettori ZIF 21 Set 2009 / CSN III JLab12 - E. Cisbani 42