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Logging in as a User

Logging in as a User. In a web browser (preferably Internet Explorer) https://appstate.map-works.com/. Cl ick here. Enter your Email address Use Appalachian State University email. You will see this note: Check your ASU Email account for a message from MAP-Works.

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Logging in as a User

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Logging in as a User • In a web browser (preferably Internet Explorer)https://appstate.map-works.com/

  2. Cl ick here

  3. Enter your Email address • Use Appalachian State University email

  4. You will see this note: • Check your ASU Email account for a message from MAP-Works

  5. A link to your MAP-Works account is found in your ASU email

  6. Follow the link to set up a password • Local/ASU tech support, Heather Langdon, cannot update or access password (in case you forget it)

  7. “Save” password • See Confidentiality Statement  READ IT!!! • Only “Accept” this at first-time log in • Appalachian Attorneys have added an additional statement

  8. Home Page tab

  9. Terminology • High Priority Student: Highly likely to leave • Note: When you want others to know about your interaction with a student • Direct Connect: Others directly associated with the student • Alert: When you are very concerned • Alert Input Only: Offices that can only alert, not add notes (Office of Disability Services)

  10. When was the last activity logged for your student? • By whom?  Go to “Student Tracking” tab

  11. You can find groups of students on your “Home” page or the “Student Tracking” page Drop down menu beneath “Student Tracking” allows sorting

  12. From “Student Tracking” tab • Sort alphabetically • Sort by Intent to Leave • Sort by Risk Indicator • Only see your caseload – updated when caseloads are • Look at a student w/ Red or Yellow risk indicator, if possible

  13. Click on student’s name in Student Tracking tab list to see this pull down menu • About the Student • Talking Points • Dashboard • Send e-mail • Activity • Set follow up status • Mark reviewed

  14. About the Student – Choose one • What is their major? • Which Residence Hall do they live in? • With what race/ethnicity do they identify? • Who is their Residence Hall Director? • Click on “More Information +”

  15. Using drop-down menu located at student name, from Student Tracking tab From Student Tracking tab, choose a student and go to “Talking Points” from drop down Or Choose “Individual Student” tab and go to “Talking Points” • What is a listed strength • What is a listed weakness

  16. Go to Survey/Dashboard Dashboard accessed here difference between “Survey Rating” and “Intent to Leave” rating? Small arrows are clickable

  17. Survey/Dashboard • What Success Markers (boxes) should you attend to most, (different for every student)? • Which specific indicators (listed within the boxes) are of most concern in Academic Success Marker? • What strengths might a student capitalize on in the Socio-Emotional Success Marker?

  18. Let’s input information Sending Emails: Return to “Student Tracking” tab • Send an email to all your students – remind to make advising appt!! • Send an email to all non-responders – complete survey

  19. Download printable report for any student • To view a sample student report • More • Info • Sample student report portal • Click arrow • View interactive report

  20. Clicking on “View Interactive Report”

  21. Student Printable Report

  22. When to Log an Activity: Anytime you have contact with student you think others should know about Within “Student Tracking” tab, under “Students” • how would you log an activity with 5 students you saw today? • hint: “manage checked”

  23. Content of “Notes” • observed first-hand • non-judgmental • no discriminatory or judgmental language • no emotional words • best judgment on notes/alerts/details

  24. Input information is shared with professionals across campus • What happens to alerts, for now • Information protected by FERPA, cannot share with parents or non-professionals  need to know basis Important Considerations

  25. When to use “Alerts” Very important information others need to know about Experimenting during Pilot Phase When in doubt, issue the alert! Direct vs. Central – the difference

  26. Remember • Student has right to read all that is entered • Do not use • Discriminatory language • Judgmental language • Second hand or assumed information

  27. Shirley seemed to be impaired during our last meeting • Paul was entitled when we met • Nick was rude when we discussed his absences • Lynne does not care about her grades • Nikki is falling asleep in class… pregnant again? • Bob seems to be majoring in fraternity life • Belinda stated she is “disorganized and unfocused a lot”

  28. Accessing sent email • To students: More Info Email History • To Direct Connects: Be sure to choose IMAP option • One user error  my computer auto-fills my username to include the "@appstate.edu" I removed it and it worked!

  29. Returning to MAP-Works as a Professional • Next time you log in, you only need to go to:https://appstate.map-works.com/ • Or use the link in the email that was sent to you • Your ASU username is the “Username” • Your password is the one you loaded during this session • Save as a “favorite” or “bookmark” to access site more easily in the future

  30. 1.3 out of every 10 will consider leaving ASU in fall 2011. Know which ones!

  31. NON - RESPONDERS • Not engaged? • Not attending to college expectations? • Procrastination? • Apathy? YOU Can Know!

  32. We need your help! Use it  Tell us • what you think • what you hear • what worked for you/ for students • what didn’t work for you/ for students Your opinions matter!!!

  33. 400 students … $8 million … ..walked away last year We have to do something!

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