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Campus Testing Strategies: Data Analysis & Training Tips

Learn to utilize benchmark data to enhance student performance, organize test administration, and engage targeted subgroups effectively. Stay informed with accountability details and make training sessions engaging for successful outcomes.

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Campus Testing Strategies: Data Analysis & Training Tips

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  1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Where Do I Begin? ? ? ? Karen Hester School Counselor/Campus Testing Coordinator Giddings Elementary School, Giddings ISD karen.hester@giddings.txed.net 979-542-2886

  2. Agenda TAKS: How to use benchmark data to improve performance in targeted subgroup populations How to make training less monotonous and more exciting How to prepare for and monitor test administration Staying organized TELPAS tips

  3. How to use benchmark data to improve performance in targeted subgroups Which subgroups? AEIS (State) AYP (Federal) Know your numbers. How many do you have? How many do you need? Where are we now? Where are we headed? Know how your campus accountability will be determined. 2010 Accountability Manual – TEA website

  4. Individual student progress Group progress

  5. Individual student progress – each student has a tag - paper color = ethnicity (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - dots indicate special programs (At-Risk, Economically Disadv., LEP, SPED, GT) - score on most recent benchmark places the student “above” or “below” the line - grouped by ethnicity Group progress – - breakdown according to accountability subpops (Total, African American, Hispanic, White, Economically Disadvantaged) - use the individual progress chart to find: 1st column = how many students count in each subpop 2nd, 3rd, 4th columns = how many students have to be successful for each accountability level rating 5th column = where we are now (benchmark scores)

  6. Make training fun Training and Testing Calendar Meet with your administrator -- have list of training deadlines and suggested dates/times/places for trainings. Color code calendar : blue-TAKS, purple-TELPAS, red- deadlines, black-additional information. Include all training dates, testing dates, refresher course window opening/closing, TELPAS window opening/closing, writing collection due dates, Texas TrainingCenter URL, etc. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Writing Collections begin on Feb. 2nd 2 Last Day for TELPAS Writing Verifier Training K-1 and 2-12 Online Refresher course opens: www.texasassessments. com/telpasonlinetraining 3 4 5 1st TELPAS writing sample due…any type of writing 6 7 8 9 TAKS Administrator training at 3:30 in the cafeteria ** 10 TAKS Administrator training at 3:30 in the cafeteria ** 11 12 2nd TELPAS writing sample due…. NARRATIVE about a past event 13 14 15 16 17 TAKS Administrator training at 3:30 in the cafeteria ** 18 TAKS Administrator training at 3:30 in the cafeteria ** 19 3rd TELPAS writing sample due… ACADEMIC (math, science, or social studies) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4th TELPAS writing sample due… ACADEMIC (math, science, or social studies) 27 Last day for TAKS Admin. training Last day for Hall Monitor training 28

  7. Make training fun Snacks Keep it moving Handouts or email Take out what doesn’t pertain to your campus (or leave in??) Games/prizes Sign In Sheets Oaths

  8. Prepare for test administration Pre-Code data verification – changes in red, add any newly enrolled students Know groups, TAs, locations Sticky notes for students with data corrections or for students using special test forms. Use group rosters, make corrections to data Plastic sweater boxes Secure Material Control Form Have “Extras”: blank seating charts, secure materials control form, TA manuals, pencils/ erasers, “Do Not Disturb” and “Help” signs Testing map for each day – post If giving special pencils, do not give them on the day of testing Room check

  9. Prepare for test administration Plastic sweater boxes: 1 per TA Name on back of sticky note Test books/answer documents Other materials (math/science charts, proper nouns list) Test group roster with room assignment Accommodations (drop down list) Signs (“Do Not Disturb” and “Help”) Extra pencils (sharpened) Blank seating chart Secure materials control form Signed oath

  10. Prepare for test administration Arrive early. Patience – you set the tone. Relax or fake it – especially in front of the students.

  11. Monitor Test Administration - before Make sure all students /TAs have had breakfast. Check in with “fragile” students. Test Administrators count materials and sign out. Keep – signed oath and signed secure materials control form Have: • “Extras” • Two-way radio • Cell phone (SILENCED) • Clip Board: Monitoring Form, Testing Groups, Testing Map, Accommodations

  12. Monitor Test Administration - during Monitoring form. Contact DTC with any questions or problems. Regrouping: Check in ALL testing materials. Shuffle students. New secure materials form. New seating chart.

  13. End of the testing day Account for all secure testing materials. New groups for the next day. Repack sweater boxes. New secure materials control form and seating chart. Attendance roster – PEIMS clerk.

  14. End of the testing administration Account for all secure materials. Check/bubble test taken and score codes. Check to make sure no other data has been changed. Prepare campus and grouping sheets. Know when and how DTC wants materials returned.

  15. Considerations How/where will materials be signed out? How will students who aren’t testing in their homeroom get to their testing location? How will TA contact me for materials return? When will we regroup? How, who, and where will new groups be? What distractions might there be? (playground, announcements, squirrel) How will TAs get a break during testing? Who will relieve them? Where will we place any students who are exempt from testing? Are we having snacks? Will we test past the regular school day? How will /who will notify parents?

  16. Considerations How will we handle: lunch – for those who are still testing? for those who have finished testing? attendance? lunch count? late student? ill student or TA? upset student? student who refuses to work? sleepy student?

  17. Benchmarks Just like the actual test day: groups accommodations distractions materials sign out and sign in

  18. Organization Binders: Training agendas Training sign in sheets Training materials Oaths Student groupings Accommodation list Order forms Pre-Code data verification Attendance reports Secure materials forms Seating Charts Campus Monitor checklists Testing irregularities ARFs and approval emails “Anything” and “Everything”

  19. TELPAS Monitor training on LMS website. Texas TrainingCenter user name and password – sealed envelopes. Identify all ELLs, including parent denials. Create test sessions (2-12). Exited (M1, M2, F, S) do not test. Keep test sessions open until all student information is entered. Do not remove a student from a session if information has been entered, you will lose the information. Close test sessions only after all information has been entered. Accommodations?

  20. TELPAS K-1 writing collections – nothing larger than 8 ½ x 11 paper. Writing sample deadlines. Writing sample verification worksheet. Assign writing collection verifiers. TELPAS check-out sheet What about students who enroll or withdraw during the testing window? Keep documentation of whom and when you contacted the other campus/district, and who will test/rate/submit.

  21. Available at http://giddings.ges.schoolfusion.us“Campus Resources”  “Counselor’s Page” Training and Testing Calendar Secure Materials Control Form Seating Chart Campus Monitoring Form Writing Sample Verification worksheet TELPAS Check-Out Sheet A copy of this presentation …and more

  22. Questions/comments? Sharing with those around you.

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