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Enhancing English Writing Competence through Web Portfolio Learning

The main goal of English learning at school is communicative competence, which involves being able to communicate well in English, both in speaking and writing. Web Portfolio offers a structured approach to teaching writing skills, incorporating technology-based communication methods and enabling students to publish their work online.

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Enhancing English Writing Competence through Web Portfolio Learning

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  2. The ultimate goal of English learning at school is : Communicative Competence or being able to communicate well in English Tujuan utama pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah adalah : Kompetensi berkomunikasi yaitu kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggris.

  3. Being able to communicate means : • being able to speak and write English well • Berkomunikasi aktif berarti : • Mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris

  4. But how many students are able to write English well? • Have the teachers taught writing well ? • Do the teachers teach writing or ask the students to write? • Have the students apply the right steps in writing? • Have the writing been published to read by others?

  5. Tetapi berapa murid kita yang mampu menulis Bahasa Inggris dengan baik? • Sudahkah guru mengajar menulis dengan baik? • Apakah guru sebenarnya mengajar menulis atau hanya menyuruh anak menulis? • Sudahkah para siswa kita memakai langkah Langkah yang benar dalam menulis? • Sudahkah hasil karya siswa dipajang untuk bisa dibaca siswa lain atau hanya disimpan di meja guru?

  6. Writing?? Menulis Bahasa Inggris??? Bagaimana harus memulainya? Kita tidak diajari menulis…

  7. Web Portfoliois the way out • Web Portfolio adalah pembelajaran menulis dengan porto folio berdasar Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi • Pembelajaran menulis dengan porto folio berarti menggunakan langkah langkah yang tepat dalam menulis • Ke 7 langkah pembelajaran menulis dengan porto folio menurut Cordello Nelo adalah : • Conferencing ( menggunakan two cycles four stages ) • Inventing • Planning • Drafting • Revising • Editing • Publishing

  8. Mengapa berdasar Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi? • Mengakualisasikan kompetensi dalam pembelajaran TIK di sekolah • Siswa sangat terbiasa dan senang menggunakan komputer dan internet • Fasilitas internet berupa WEBLOG sangat mudah dan dikenal siswa • Hasil web berupa karya siswa bisa dibaca di seluruh dunia

  9. BERIKUT ADALAH CONTOH HASIL KARYA SISWADALAM BLOG YANG BISA DIAKSES DI INTERNET • ROSAMUR english web aksel\rosamur.htm • TAVINDAenglish web aksel\tavinda.htm • SWASTIKAenglish web aksel\swastika.htm • MUKTIenglish web aksel\mukti.htm • FARIDAenglish web aksel\ffarida.htm • HANNYenglish web aksel\It's me HaNny !!.htm

  10. WRITING PORTFOLIO PROJECT FOR ACCELARATION CLASS SMA 1 PURWOREJO Saturday, December 23, 2006 WELCOME welcome to our blog THIS IS THE BLOG OF ACCELARATION PROGRAMIN THIS BLOG STUDENTS ARE WRITING THE ENGLISH TEXT AND PUBLISH THEM HERE TO SHARE WITH OTHERS. THE MAIN AIM OF THIS PROJECT IS TO ENHANCHE THE STUDENTS COMPETENCE IN WRITING.WELCOME TO OUR BLOG AND HAPPY READINGTHIS IS THE WRITING OF MUKTI WIDODO THE STUDENT OF ACCEL CLASS. School School is a place for studying. The boy or girl who study there named students, and the man and woman. Who teach the students named teacher. The students wear on uniform. There are a lot of rooms and places, such as classroom, teacher room, headmaster room, canteen, a yard for ceremony and playing football, a yard for basket, library, garden, part places and etc. The studends come to school in the morning. They enter their class, so they study there. Usually, they study four hours then they have a break for quarter hour and get out of the classroom. They go to canteen for buying some snack and some softdrink or only sit in front of the class and take a conversation. After the bell rings for finishes breaktime, they enter the classroom again and study hard again. And after last school hour, the bell rings again and they go home Blog Archive ▼ 2006 (1) ▼ December (1) WELCOME About Me nur aziz Hallo. I am NUR AZIZ. The English teacher of SMA 1 Purworejo. My students and I make this blog to enhanche the writing competence of the students, WELCOME to our blog and happy reading View my complete profile

  11. CONTOH TULISAN SISWA SETELAH 7 LANGAKAH MENULIS DAN DI UPLOAD DALAM WEB PORTFOLIO School School is a place where the students study. The school has some rooms. They are classrooms, library, staff room, teacher’s room, laboratory, and toilet. Each room in that school has many function too. The classrooms are used for the students to study. The students study from the first grade until the last grade. Library is a place for reading many kinds of books that we need. From library we can open the world and we can also know everything in our lives. Teacher’s room is a place for the teachers. The headmaster’s room is a place for headmaster in that school. The staff room is the place for staff officers. Laboratory is a place for making experiments : Physic, Chemistry, Biology, but not all of the school have laboratory, canteen is a place where student’s buy meal or drink when they have a break time. Commonly, the school consist of : the elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. The elementary school has six grades for students six until twelve years old. The junior high school has three grades for students 12-14 or 15 year old. And the senior high school has three grades too for the student 14/15-17/18 years old. Now, we know that they are many kinds of schools, but the main function of each school is the place for studying

  12. GANDES PUSPITA WANGI School School is where students study. In the school people can get a lot knowledge. School is divided into some grade such as : Kinder Garten, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School and University. Now, we will describe about Senior High School. For example in SMA 1 Purworejo. There are many kinds facilities in that school such as classroom, library, laboratory, hall, canteen, mosque, lavatories, guidance and conseling room, teacher office, administration office, headmaster office, field, basketball court, volley ball court, etc. SMA 1 Purworejo has 27 classroom; 8 calssrooms for ten grade, 9 classrooms for eleven grade, 9 classroom for twelve grade, and 1 classroom for acceleration class. It also not only has one laboratory but five laboratories, those are: physic, chemistry, biology, language, and computer laboratories. In the library we can get many books. It means we will get more knowledge if we go to library. The school is led by head master. There are four headmaster’s vices that are ready to help headmaster. And the teachers teach the students in the classroom every Monday until Saturday. There are the staff officers who handle the administration in the school. If we have some problems and we need the advice, we can go to guidance. SMA 1 Purworejo also has security guards in order to save the school. The students must obey the school regulation. For Monday and Tuesday, the students must wear OSIS uniforms. For Wednesday and Thursday, they must wear identity school uniform. Beside that on Friday, they must wear the scout uniform. And on Saturday, they must wear the region uniform. MUKTI WIDODO School School is a place for studying. The boy or girl who study there named students, and the man and woman. Who teach the students named teacher. The students wear on uniform. There are a lot of rooms and places, such as classroom, teacher room, headmaster room, canteen, a yard for ceremony and playing football, a yard for basket, library, garden, part places and etc. The studends come to school in the morning. They enter their class, so they study there. Usually, they study four hours then they have a break for quarter hour and get out of the classroom. They go to canteen for buying some snack and some softdrink or only sit in front of the class and take a conversation. After the bell rings for finishes breaktime, they enter the classroom again and study hard again. And after last school hour, the bell rings again and they go home together.

  13. Friday, February 23, 2007 WELCOME TO OUR WEBLOG.THIS IS THE BLOG OF OUR WRITING PORT FOLIO PROJECT for the SECOND CYCLES, CONTINUING OUR FIRST CYCLES about REPORT. In this cycles we will have DESCRIPTION texts.This cycle is done in January February 2007THE STUDENTS ARE WRITING ENGLISH TEXTS AND PUBLISH HERE. WE WILL SHARE TO YOU ALL WHAT WE HAVE BEEN WRITING. THE MAIN AIM IS TO ENHANCHE OUR WRITING COMPETENCE.BEST REGARD NUR AZIZ......... CYCLES II TASK : DESCRIPTION ABOUT MY MOTHER MUKTI WIDODO My Mother My mother is a beautiful woman. Her skin is brown. She has round face. She is not tall and not short to. Her is black. Her hair is black. She is thin like me. Her hair is wavy. Her eyes are big and brown. Her nose is not pointed a rid also not flat. Her teeth are white and she is short. She is old enough. Her foot are short. Her hand are two. Although she is thin like me, she is so strong. My mother is name Djuminah, She wear glasses…Mother, how are you…today ROSAMUR My Mother I have a mother. Her name is Hartati. She is old enough but she is still strong and she has sturdy body. She has tall body and her body is rather fat. Actually she has slender neck but now, she is rather fat so her neck looks short. And she has round face too. But I think that my mother is a beautiful mother from me. I can say like that, because her skin is bright but my skin is dark. It is very different from me. Not only the skin is different from mine but also her hair is different from mine too. My mother’s hair is short curly but my hair is long and straight. Beside these reasons, I can say that my mother is beautiful because her lips are sensual and reddish, but her nose is that,and I think it is not a problem because my mother is Indonesian. And then she has reddish cheek with dimples. So, she looks sweet when she is smilling. She has some acnes in her cheek that is a reason why my mother’s cheek is ratherrough. Her eyes big very beautiful. She has big eyes with the good eyebrow and eyelashes. She has neat teeth too. And I think the most important reason why I think that my mother is beautiful mother from me because every day she looks clean and patient ENGLISH PORTFOLIO FOR ACCELARATION PROGRAM OF SMA 1 PURWOREJO

  14. Tuesday, March 20, 2007 CYCLE 3 DESCRIPTION ABOUT HOME TOWN STUDENTS THIS IS THE THIRD CYCLE OF OUR WRITINGPROJECTSWE ARE TALKING ABOUT HOME TOWN IN THIS CYCLE. IN THIS WEB YOU WILL SEE THE WRITING OF YOUR FRIENDS , PLEASE KEEP READING AND GIVE COMMENT OR CORRECTIONHAPPY READING CYCLE III DESCRIPTION ABOUT HOMETOWN MUKTI WIDODO Purworejo Purworejo is a big town. I like it very much. It has two big and wide square. This town is called scott regency. The city is not so clean, but it’s not so dirty too. It is not very polluted like Jakarta, Bandung or Surabaya. It is rarely covered with flood. But the recreation place in this town is few. So that I think the government must use the nature for the place recreation. A lot of good place like a waterfall in Loning, Kemiri, Gong cave in Pituruh, and also the beach in Ketawang. That hasn’t been used optimally for recreation so the government can take income from there. ROSAMUR Purworejo Purworejo is a big town. I like it very much. It has two big and wide square. This town is called scott regency. The city is not so clean, but it’s not so dirty too. It is not very polluted like Jakarta, Bandung or Surabaya. It is rarely covered with flood. But the recreation place in this town is few. So that I think the government must use the nature for the place recreation. A lot of good place like a waterfall in Loning, Kemiri, Gong cave in Pituruh, and also the beach in Ketawang. That hasn’t been used optimally for recreation so the government can take income from there. SWASTIKA PURWOREJO , MY HOME TOWN Purworejo is small town in Jateng but Purworejo is a nice town for me. Especially the condition in Purworejo. The condition in Purworejo is very nice and friendly. There are a lot of threes souronding the street or the people’s house here. In the “alun-alun” Purworejo we can also find several big threes. So, the few in Purworejo is covered with green colour. Beside that, this town better clean than Jakarta we know that there, was flood several days ago. In Purworejo there are not a lot of pollution, and it is very different with the other big cities in Indonesia. That are reasons, why a feel comfortable an better in Purworejo. The people in Purworejo is friendly and patient too. They are like smile to each other, so it makes friendly condition in Purworejo. The cost of living is not to expensive too and transportation is good too. And this town there are not traffic jam because there are not a lot vehicles here, and that is the reason the transportation is good now. There are also some facilities on Purworejo such as post office, bank, hospital, mosque and etc. But the facilities in Purworejo are not so completely like in the big city. But, they are not matter for me because my daily needs still can found here. They all the reasons why I like Purworejo very much. And I hope the condition to be better and better long the time. ENGLISH PORTFOLIO FOR ACCELARATION PROGRAM OF SMA 1 PURWOREJO



  17. Membuat Web Portfolio ? Mengasyikkan sekali.

  18. Pembelajaran menulis dengan web portfolio? I am Rosamur. I love writing now I am Gandes, writing in web is great


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