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Background. VP of Supply Management for Megatronics Base salary $450,000 per yearPotential $450,000 per year bonusYou may hire a maximum of 50 new supply management professionalsYou obtained authorization for a training budget of $3.25 million per yearYou will become a member of the executive committee.
2. Background VP of Supply Management for Megatronics
Base salary $450,000 per year
Potential $450,000 per year bonus
You may hire a maximum of 50 new supply management professionals
You obtained authorization for a training budget of $3.25 million per year
You will become a member of the executive committee
3. Background Obligations:
Reduce the cost of purchased goods and services by an average of 5% per year
Reduce incoming material defects from a current average of 1,000 ppm to 50 ppm over the next 5 years
Improve cutting-edge technology inflow by 10% per year
Reduce the average product development cycle by 20% per year
4. Characteristics of Successful Leaders Helps to establish a vision
Helps to prepare for change
Helps employees cope with change
Motivates and facilitates adaptive work
Energizes people
Maintains focus in facing adversity
Listens actively
Communicates clearly and convincingly
Knows how and when to disarm conflicts
Functions as an empathetic mentor
5. Three Critical Skills of SM
6. Destroying the Old Box World Class Supply Management requires more than just thinking outside of the supply management box
The old supply management box was a set of artificially imposed constraints that limited proactive, strategic, and synergistic efforts
WCSM calls for destroying the old box
WCSM calls for creating a new vision where leadership capabilities and capacities are enabled and unleashed
7. Transformational Training During boom times, firms dont have time for training
During bad times when they should be getting ready for the next upside of the cycle they claim that they cant afford it
Training should be a vehicle of transformation
8. Burts 12 Golden Rules of WCSM Operate SM as an integrated system including customers, operations, quality, demand mgmt, supply mgmt, logistics, and suppliers
Implement continuous improvement in all activities internally and externally
Apply strategic sourcing in the selection, maintenance & development of supply base
Focus on TCO not purchase price
Train and educate in world-class processes, leadership, and change mgmt
Work in a cross-functional mode with internal functions and with key suppliers
9. Burts 12 Golden Rules of WCSM Recognize and reward excellence, both internally and externally
Study and understand supply managements business environment
Involve supply mgmt and external suppliers in the earliest stages of new product development
Develop & manage appropriate supply alliances
Identify, verify, track, and control savings
Foster an environment of collaboration
10. Organization Chart
11. Purchasing Reports to Div. Mgr.
12. Supply management a core competence
Strategic sourcing
Monitor supply environment
Develop and implement commodity strategies
Supply base by design
Develop and manage alliances and networks
Time based competition
Virtually defect free materials and services
Leverage supplier technology
Integrated supply strategy
Manage risk
Emphasis: total cost relationships
Relationships: transactional, collaborative and alliance
Bottom line impact: increase shareholder value
Reporting: member, executive group
Data: facilitates strategic planning
Understand key supply industries
E-Commerce II The Progression to WCSM
13. Supply management must develop and manage the firms supply strategy as an integrated whole instead of a series of unrelated strategies
The corporations strategy is the key driver of the supply strategy
The technology, marketing, finance, and production strategies are all inputs to the supply strategy
Conversely, the supply strategy is an input to the corporations strategies for technology, marketing, finance and production Strategic Planning
14. Increased Sales:
Faster to Market
Improved Quality
Pricing Flexibility
Lower Total Cost:
Acquisition Cost
Processing Cost
Quality Cost
Downtime Cost
Risk Cost
Cycle Time Cost
Conversion Cost
Non-value Added Cost
Supply Chain Cost
Post Ownership Cost Improving SMs Impact
15. Supply management at Megatronics will perfect its worldwide process resulting in totally delighted customers and shareholders.
Megatronics Vision Statement
16. We will design and implement necessary process and cultural changes to create a fully integrated customer driven supply management system.
We will integrate suppliers into our business plans and processes in an environment of respect and trust, establish full cooperation throughout the enterprise, and establish supply management as a core competency. The Mission Statement
17. We will improve the bottom line by facilitating increased profitable sales while minimizing the total cost of ownership of all materials, equipment, supplies, and services.
We will ensure that diversity suppliers have opportunities to play vital roles in our supply base. The Mission Statement
18. You proposed an overall savings goal for the first year of 10% on the costs of purchased materials, equipment, supplies, and services
The team agrees that the focus must be TCO
The problem is that price often rises when the focus is on TCO
If we pay a price premium that is offset with a reduction in the total cost of ownership, we will document our analysis Cost
19. Criteria for Rating Suppliers
Cost minimization
Willingness to share cost data
Incoming quality levels (ppm, if feasible)
Current technology status: leader/follower
Ability to meet Megatronics technology needs in 3 years
Potential to become an alliance supplier Strategic Sourcing
20. World Class
Suppliers who are acceptable and have the potential to be developed to world class status
Suppliers who are acceptable and provide products and services where a supply alliance is not needed
Suppliers to drop Four Categories of Supplier
21. After assessing the suppliers the decision of whether to develop selected suppliers must be made
Your management team decides to field four dedicated supplier development teams to start Supplier Development Teams
22. Development of clear and concise specifications by our internal customers,
Quality considerations during sourcing,
Development of a clear understanding with suppliers on all aspects of quality both prior to, and subsequent to, award of a contract
Identification of opportunities for supplier development,
A comprehensive monitoring system, supplier certification,
A motivational program addressing quality, cost, and service Quality
23. Inflow of technology is a function of two variables:
The suppliers investment in advancing its technological capabilities
The suppliers willingness to share its innovations with us
Hire 12 individuals capable of developing and managing strategic supply alliances Technology
24. Utilize early supplier involvement (ESI) and early supply management involvement to improve new product development
Reduce design cycle time
Reduce costs of materials
Improve quality
Prequalify suppliers
Create supply engineers The NPD Cycle
25. Six Sigma program
Improve source selection process
Ensure understanding of requirements before and after award of a contract
Transfer responsibility for ensuring quality to the supplier
Investigate certifying our major suppliers
Work with suppliers to correct root causes More Proactive SM Initiatives
26. Create a diversity program
Create a pollution avoidance program
Assume responsibility for managing ethics Social Responsibilities
27. Create a Measurement and Standards Group
Develop and implement a standardization program
Hire a standards engineer to help in the effort Standardization
28. Provide training in VE/VA
Hire one or more value engineers for each division VE / VA
29. Create a hybrid organizational structure for supply management
Reap the benefits of centralization and decentralization
Eliminate or reduce the number of reactive positions as the need for them is reduced
Train/educate managers to assume more strategic activities Organization and Staffing
30. Reduce average price on incoming goods and services by 5 percent.
Reduce average incoming defects by 10 percent to 900 ppm Goals for Year 1
31. Implement strategic sourcing Q1
Document and obtain verification of savings Q1
Initiate supplier development program starting Q2
Implement a total cost of ownership program Q3
Develop and implement training program Q1
Initiate study of operating resource mgmt system Q3
Conduct Supplier Day in Q1 and annually thereafter
8 to develop & manage suppy alliances Q4
ID supplier relationships to progress to alliance status Q2
Train alliance champions Q2
Enter into first supply alliance Q4
Train and upgrade all staff to add value to all processes Q2
Promote and train 2 engineers for supply eng. billets Q2 Initiatives for Year 1
32. Hire supply engineers by Q3
Include supply engineers on NPD teams Q4
Initiate reverse auctions where appropriate Q4
Increase emphasis on quality during selection Q1
Ensure understanding quality/time/service obligations Q1
Initiate supplier certification program Q3
Work w/ suppliers to correct root causes of problems Q2
Collect and analyze supplier feedback Q4
Develop & implement social responsibilities program Q2
Hire standards engineer for program Q2
Add a value engineer to each divisions staff Q2
Increase compensation SM pros Q4
Study implications of purchasing e-Proc system Q3 Initiatives for Year 1
33. Our global supply chain will be unequaled in performance and one of Megatronics greatest competitive advantages.
Carrying out this strategic intent requires:
An optimized, leveraged, and responsive global supplier base and an efficient supply chain
Unequaled performance as measured by A.T. Kearney and as compared to competition and best-in-class
A supply chain that creates new business opportunities for Megatronics by providing an outlet for marketing our best practices and by allowing us to bring suppliers innovations to Megatronics new markets Strategic Intent
34. To better serve the customer, there must be a shift from a traditional functional organization to an enterprise-focused SCM effort that is aligned with business processes.
To meet business partner and supply chain requirements, we must understand customer requirements and improve our business processes.
Besides our own processes, suppliers processes must be integrated into the product delivery and order fulfillment processes Strategic Plans Basis
35. Reduce average purchase costs by 5%
Reduce incoming defects by 50% to 450 ppm
Reduce average NPD time by 10%
Reduce production disruptions due to late delivery of materials by 50%
Increase the number of new products based on supplier furnished technology by 10%
Decrease the supply base by 15%
Increase award of production contracts to diversity suppliers to 5% Goals for Year 2
36. Develop a world-class information system Q3
Document, verify, and track cost savings Q1
Implement VA / VE programs Q1
Develop or hire 8 cost engineers Q 2-3
Develop14 corporate-wide commodity teams Q2-3
Expand strategic sourcing to all commodities Q4
Initiate creation of a global supplier network Q3
Open an Asian intl procurement office Q4
Develop an education program for supplier diversity Q2
Recognize suppliers embracing pollution avoidance Q3
Increase supplier development efforts, ongoing
Develop four new supplier alliances Q4
Increase integration of suppliers into NPD process, ongoing Initiatives for Year 2
37. Develop web-based applications to link suppliers Q1
Analyze supply management skills systematically
Conduct training to upgrade personnel, ongoing
Develop leadership from within, ongoing
Implement a college recruiting leadership program, Q1
Recruit best candidates, ongoing
Ensure clear employee performance goals Q2
Provide career development opportunities, ongoing
Implement rewards and incentive plan Q2
Ensure retention of promising employees, ongoing
Integrate SM, logistics, and demand mgmt, Q3
Increase compensation of supply professionals, Q4 Initiatives for Year 2
38. Reduce average price of incoming goods and services by 5 percent
Reduce incoming defects by 50% to an average of 225 ppm
Improve forecast accuracy to ? 5 percent for 30 days and ? 10 percent for 30 120 days Goals for Year 3
39. Develop 10 new supplier alliances Q4
Document, verify, track, and control savings Q1
Increase diversity suppliers purchases to 6% of total Q2
Initiate one supplier family (a la Toyota) Q3
Initiate 20 quality teams, four operating groups, Q4
Develop 16 new commodity teams Q2
Integrate inbound and outbound traffic Q3
Upgrade order and fulfillment processes Q1
Go global on all aspects of supply chain management Q1
Introduce lean into Megatronics supply chain Q2
Optimize use of the Internet Q3
Increase emphasis on contract & relationship mgt, ongoing
Ethics training to members of SCM system Q2 Initiatives for Year 3
40. Focus negotiation training on synergy with suppliers, Q2
Conduct debriefings addressing lessons learned on all negotiations, Q1
Study implications of employing other than firm fixed price compensation, Q2 Initiatives for Year 3
41. Reduce TCO on incoming goods/services by 5%
Reduce avg incoming defects by 50% to 110 ppm
Develop 17 new supplier alliances
Increase purchases from diversity suppliers to 6.5 percent of production materials
Increase number of firms embracing Megatronics pollution avoidance program to 53
Globalize pollution avoidance program
Add 2 supplier families
Improve forecast accuracy to ? 4 percent for 30 days and ? 8 percent for 120 days Goals for Year 4
42. Champion pursuit of Malcolm Baldrige Award Q2
Develop & deploy new metric measuring system Q2
Implement program of integrated financial transaction work flows coupled with tax effective SCM practices Q3
Develop and implement supply chain scorecards Q3
Implement an aggressive publicity program, both corporate-wide and including suppliers Q4
Reward 50% of savings from VA programs to suppliers Q1
Replace long w/ short contracts - teamwork intent, ongoing
Experiment allowing suppliers to construct their own contracts on website Q2
Establish SM as recognized competency, ongoing
Integrate SCM planning with other systems, ongoing Initiatives for Year 4
43. Align Strategic Sourcing strategies across enterprise, ongoing
Optimize global logistics (inbound/outbound), ongoing
Develop a globally integrated order fulfillment process Q1
Set consistent performance standards Q2
Communicate expectations / feedback to suppliers, Q2
Expand supplier network around the globe, ongoing
Enable suppliers to interact seamlessly, ongoing
Support strategic sourcing, supplier integration, product delivery and order fulfillment processes with timely and effective cost/financial information, Q3
Utilize supplier development to transform the supply chain towards lean manufacturing, maximum flexibility, reduced cycle times, improved quality and reduced overall total cost in the supply chain, ongoing Initiatives for Year 4
44. Integrate SC into technology delivery process, ongoing
Integrate e-Commerce II processes with key processes to enable better integration and strategic planning, Q3
Develop worldwide purchase data gathering and sharing capabilities, ongoing
Provide needed education and training, globally, across the enterprise and enable distance learning, ongoing
Provide meaningful work, challenging assignments, and development opportunities, ongoing
Develop individual development/succession plans, ongoing
Identify common activities / eliminate redundancies, ongoing
Identify/optimize synergies across supply chain, ongoing
Identify and develop business marketplaces enabling supply chain leverage and synergy, ongoing Initiatives for Year 4
45. Megatronics stock has increased 5-fold
You enter your new office and get a thrill out of the sign on your new door:
Office of the President and Chief Executive Officer 5 Years Later
46. Megatronics: SCM Organization
47. Corporate Level (Expanded View)
48. Division Level (Expanded View)
49. Implementing WCSM and World Class Supply Chain Management is as much about leadership and management as it is about concepts and practices
Based on its integrative, relationship, and boundary spanning nature, there is no question in our minds:
World class supply managers have the essential skill set to become Chief Executive Officers! Concluding Remarks