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Revive your Basic Commands

Revive your Basic Commands. 03.22.13 http://db2commerce.com. Out With the old, in With the New. List Applications – the Old. $ db2 list applications Auth Id Application Appl. Application Id DB # of

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Revive your Basic Commands

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  1. Revive your Basic Commands 03.22.13 http://db2commerce.com Out With the old, in With the New.

  2. List Applications – the Old $ db2 list applications Auth Id Application Appl. Application Id DB # of Name Handle Name Agents -------- -------------- ---------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62651 WC039D01 1 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62650 WC039D01 1 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62735 WC039D01 1 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62886 WC039D01 1 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62912 WC039D01 1 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62655 WC039D01 1 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62653 WC039D01 1 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applica 62652 WC039D01 1

  3. Using SQL to List Applications select substr(A.AUTHID,1,10) as AUTH_ID, substr(A.APPL_NAME,1,16) as app_name, integer(A.AGENT_ID) as APP_HANDLE, substr(A.APPL_ID,1,25) as APPLICATION_ID, substr(A.APPL_STATUS,1,10) as status, second(current timestamp-A.STATUS_CHANGE_TIME) as STATUS_SEC, substr(A.CLIENT_NNAME,1,15) as CLIENT_NNAME from SYSIBMADM.APPLICATIONS A with ur; AUTH_ID APP_NAME APP_HANDLE APPLICATION_ID STATUS STATUS_SEC CLIENT_NNAME ---------- ---------------- ----------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------- --------------- WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62651 UOWWAIT 30 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2taskd 62644 *LOCAL.DB2.130317084524 UOWWAIT 54 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62650 UOWWAIT 30 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2stmm 62643 *LOCAL.DB2.130317084523 UOWWAIT 54 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62735 UOWWAIT 30 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62886 UOWWAIT 30 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62912 UOWWAIT 30 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62655 UOWWAIT 30 srvr-dev-app01 DB2INST1 db2bp 62930 *LOCAL.db2inst1.130317193 UOWEXEC 0 srvr-dev-db01 WSCOMUSR db2fw0 62647 *LOCAL.DB2.130317084527 UOWWAIT 6 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62653 UOWWAIT 37 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2lused 62646 *LOCAL.DB2.130317084526 UOWWAIT 52 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2jcc_applicati 62652 UOWWAIT 28 srvr-dev-app01 WSCOMUSR db2wlmd 62645 *LOCAL.DB2.130317084525 CONNECTED 6 srvr-dev-app01 14 record(s) selected.

  4. Using SQL to Analyze Applications select substr(client_nname,1,25) as client_nname, count(*) as count from SYSIBMADM.APPLICATIONS where APPL_ID not like '*LOCAL%' group by client_nname with ur; CLIENT_NNAME COUNT ------------------------- ----------- 435796-svp00comm01r. 2 435707-svp00comm02r. 3 435717-svp00comm03r. 2 435727-svp00comm04r. 2 435737-svp00comm05r. 3 435747-svp00comm06r. 1 6 record(s) selected.

  5. List Applications Considerations

  6. List Tablespaces – Old Way ]$ db2 list tablespaces Tablespaces for Current Database Tablespace ID = 0 Name = SYSCATSPACE Type = Database managed space Contents = All permanent data. Regular table space. State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal Tablespace ID = 1 Name = TEMPSPACE1 Type = System managed space Contents = System Temporary data State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal Tablespace ID = 2 Name = USERSPACE1 Type = Database managed space Contents = All permanent data. Large table space. State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal

  7. List Tablespaces Show Detail – Old Way $ db2 list tablespaces show detail Tablespaces for Current Database Tablespace ID = 0 Name = SYSCATSPACE Type = Database managed space Contents = All permanent data. Regular table space. State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal Total pages = 98304 Useable pages = 98300 Used pages = 81484 Free pages = 16816 High water mark (pages) = 93028 Page size (bytes) = 4096 Extent size (pages) = 4 Prefetch size (pages) = 24 Number of containers = 1

  8. Using SQL to List Tablespaces select substr(TBSP_NAME,1,12) as Name, SMALLINT(TBSP_ID) as TBSP_ID, INTEGER(TBSP_PAGE_SIZE) as PAGE_SIZE, TBSP_TYPE as TYPE, TBSP_CONTENT_TYPE as CONTENT_TYPE, substr(TBSP_STATE,1,8) as STATE, decimal(float(TBSP_USED_PAGES*TBSP_PAGE_SIZE)/1024/1024,10,2) as SIZE_MB, (select count(1) from table(mon_get_container('',-2))as C where C.TBSP_ID = T.TBSP_ID) as num_conts, case when TBSP_TYPE = 'DMS' THEN DECIMAL(FLOAT(TBSP_USED_PAGES)/FLOAT(TBSP_USABLE_PAGES)*100,5,2) ELSE -1 END as PCT_USED from table(mon_get_tablespace('',-2)) as T with ur NAME TBSP_ID PAGE_SIZE TYPE CONTENT_TYPE STATE SIZE_MB NUM_CONTS PCT_USED ------------ ------- ----------- ---------- ------------ -------- ------------ ----------- --------------- SYSCATSPACE 0 4096 DMS ANY NORMAL 318.29 1 82.89 TEMPSPACE1 1 4096 SMS SYSTEMP NORMAL 0.00 1 -1.00 USERSPACE1 2 4096 DMS LARGE NORMAL 25108.25 1 79.98 TAB8K 3 8192 DMS ANY NORMAL 238.25 1 9.54 TAB16K 4 16384 DMS ANY NORMAL 930.00 1 90.86 TEMPSYS8K 5 8192 SMS SYSTEMP NORMAL 0.00 1 -1.00 TEMPSYS16K 6 16384 SMS SYSTEMP NORMAL 0.01 1 -1.00 TEMPSYS32K 7 32768 SMS SYSTEMP NORMAL 0.03 1 -1.00 USERTEMP32K 8 32768 SMS USRTEMP NORMAL 2.12 1 -1.00 DBA32K 9 32768 DMS LARGE NORMAL 51.00 1 2.07 SYSTOOLSPACE 10 4096 DMS LARGE NORMAL 0.07 1 0.24 11 record(s) selected.

  9. Finding What an Application is Currently Executing There were two approaches the “old” way. • take an application snapshot and look at the “last executed” SQL • Notice “last” and not “current” • Run a statement event monitor • Lot of information • Potential performance impact

  10. Vote for Ember! Blog: http://db2commerce.com Twitter: @ember_crooks LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ember-crooks/8/a9b/25a/ E-mail: ember.crooks@gmail.com Useful links on this topic: DB2 Info Center entry on ALTER TABLE: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.ref.doc/doc/r0000888.html DB2 Info Center entry on ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE:http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.rtn.doc/doc/r0055069.html

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