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As 2012 draws to a close, all the members of the Center for Entrepreneurial Development at Universidad Icesi (CDEE-Icesi), are very happy to get in contact with our friends all over the world , to wish them a season full of beautiful and joyous moments and
As 2012 draws to a close, all the members of the Center for Entrepreneurial Development at Universidad Icesi (CDEE-Icesi), are very happy to get in contact with our friends all over the world , to wish them a season full of beautiful and joyous moments and to share with them some of the achievements we were able to accomplish this year.
The main International events were: performing in Ecuador, in partnership with the Universidad AndinaSimón Bolívar, the XXII Latin American Congress on entrepreneurship, participating in the Board of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and continuing to exercise, on behalf of Latin America, as vice president of the World Union of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (WUSME). We participated with papers at the following Conferences: 57th ICSB World Conference (New Zealand), USASBE 2012 (New Orleans),
International seminar of the Brazilian Entrepreneurial Policy (Brasilia), XIII International Congress: Virtual Educa (Panama), Entrepreneuring on Entrepreneurship (Puerto Rico), International Forum of Family Businesses (Nicaragua), Ibero-American Forum of Young Entrepreneurs (Guatemala), XVII Annual Meeting of Merco Sur SME Network (Brazil), Sixth Emprendesur Workshop (Peru). Several groups of colleagues from Chile, Mexico, Ecuador, and Dominican Republic visited our Center to learn about our programs and activities.
Regarding the GEM global project, we continued our active participation in GEM Colombia and the coordination of the GEM Caribbean Project. Around this last project we participated in the global launch of GEM 2011 (USA.), in Resource Mobilization Seminar (Barbados), Colombia 2011 launch (Cali), Barbados 2011 launch (Barbados), Jamaica 2011 launch (Jamaica), in GEM Caribbean report launches in: Calgary, Toronto and Ottawa, in GEM research seminars (Barbados), and we began the research on creative industry in the Caribbean.
CDEE members were visiting professors at several universities in Latin America. Dr. Rodrigo Varela was honored by the ITESM - Guadalajara as "Academic Leader", and by Pacific University – Lima, as "Honorary Professor". He was also appointed to the GEM Research and Innovation Advisory Committee, The CDEE received an award in the category of academic institution, from ACOPI - Colombia.
At the national level we continued our participation in the Regional Network of Entrepreneurship, at the University Network of Entrepreneurship (REUNE), in Exponegocios 2012, in the Regional Bureau of MSMEs, in the Regional Bureau of Culture, and gave lectures at several conferences and events nationwide. INNpulsa provided certification to the Center to support dynamic enterprises.
Besides traditional programs as : EXPOICESI 2012, XXII Summer Camp, Bancoldex Entrepreneurial Center, the following programs were developed and executed for the SME managerial and entrepreneurial group:"Vida, Mundo y Empresa", "Family and Business: preparing for the future generations”, “Orientation and Support program for undergraduate students”.
Teaching, at the undergraduate level, covered 27 groups and 580 students, and four “CompetenciasEmpresariales” were runned, two of them on “Blue Economy”, one on "Products and services for socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3" and another on “Dancing and wood“. Also there were two outdoor exercises for a total of 195 students. In the graduate school teaching did cover 8 groups and 125 students. A total of 23 graduate final projects were oriented by the CDEE.
A significant proportions of the profits generated by the students in the “CompetenciasEmpresariales” was assigned as Social Sensitivity to support the following social organizations: Fondo de Becas del Consejo Estudiantil de la Universidad Icesi, Fundación Canitas, Colegio Cristóbal Colon Sede Antonio Santos, Escuela Santa Ines, Fundación Paz y Libertad.
In the area of research in addition to GEM Colombia and GEM Caribbean project the following projects were executed: “ Estrategias de jóvenesempresarios para generarconfianza”, “Nuevastecnologías en el desarrollo de competenciasempresariales”, “Red PyMEIberoamerica – FAEDPyME”, “Análisis Longitudinal de egresados 1984 – 2004”, “Educación Empresarial: nuevosretos”.
Thefollowingarticleswerepublished: “Factores determinantes de la generación de confianza hacia empresarios jóvenes”, “Transforma: crea oportunidades y conviértete en un motor de cambio”, “El aprendizaje experencial: una metodología para el desarrollo de competencias empresariales”, “Análisis de la influencia de los niveles de formación en la actividad empresarial en Colombia: un estudio sobre los resultados de GEM Colombia 2011”, “Creative industries en Colombia: characterization and development”,
“Desarrollo de competencias empresariales usando video juegos”,“Kambiri: anentrepreneurialalternative for afro descentwomen displaced byviolence”, “Espacios que apoyan la creación de empresas de base tecnológica”, and thefollowingbookswere published : “GEM: Colombia 2011”, “GEM: Caribbean 2011”, “GEM: Colombia 2011 (Ingles)”, “GEM: Social Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean 2011”.
El Centro Alaya de Desarrollo Empresarial was very active in the support to very small enterprises and to their entrepreneurs. It executed the "The management development program for micro and small enterprises", 23 workshops in 10 cities of the aProgresar program, the Business Plan program, the Media and Advertising Campaigns program, the Design and Digital Graphic program. It provided consultancy for 430 businesses , and was in charge of the SIDOC´s project which did required the opening of a Centro Alaya in Siloe
.It was also in charge of the technical coordination of the Contest ”Mipyme Innovadora del Valle del Cauca”. Propyme unit , had the opportunity to see the effort done in previous years in their Network Program for Exports, as the Egg industry Network created OVOPACIFIC with an investment of US$ 3.5 million and the Bread Industry Network launched a new line of products: VIDASOL .
They continued to provide specialized consulting services to SME , and 5 companies did benefits from their services. They launched the” Taller MiPyME Global" and the “Suppliers Network Program”, They finished the Program to increase the export potential of the Agro industry and signed an agreement with Bancolombia to provide assistance to SMEs. The Start-Upcafé continued to support the 81 enterprises they have created, some of them
with very significant sales level. In addition to this, they supported the MIT-AITI program with MIT, two spin-off started operations "Fair Services SAS" and "Theragel", they originated ,with the School of Engineering and the Ministry of Telecommunications, the project “Apps.co “.They collaborated with the contest “Valle E”, and several Start-Upcafe’s entrepreneurs participated in different competitions “Descubra Futuro” ,”Ventures” and some of them were candidates for seed money from “Fondo Emprender”. .
There were several sessions of "Tomemos cafe con ....." and several meetings with angel investors. The Director participated in the study tour to learn about the ecosystem of entrepreneurship in Cambridge. This year a new unit was born at the CDEE : the Cultural Industries Center (CIC - Icesi) which featured among other programs: the Diploma of Cultural Marketing, the undergraduate course Cultural Innovation and Entrepreneurship, consulting services for 25 cultural enterprises, participated in regional
We hope that 2013 will enable us to continue to fulfill our mission of developing a corporate culture on the Latin-American continent. I you want to have detailed information about any One of the activities that are mention in this message please visit our electronic newsletter Innovando (http://www.icesi.edu.co/cdee/innovando/) a review the 46 and 47 editions.
Merry Christmas and a very productive 2013 for you and your organization Alba Tatiana, Ana Carolina, Andrés Felipe, Carolina B., Carolina L., Claudia, Diana Carolina, John David, Karen, Lina Maria, Luis Miguel, Maria del Mar L., Mary E. Sea, María del Pilar, Melquicedec, Rocío del Pilar, Rodrigo.