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2. 3. 6. 5. 1. 4. Order of hoops (1): Hoops 1 to 6 are run in a clockwise direction. 1-back. 4-back. penultimate. rover. 2-back. 3-back.
2 3 6 5 1 4 Order of hoops (1): Hoops 1 to 6 are run in a clockwise direction
1-back 4-back penultimate rover 2-back 3-back Order of hoops (2): After going through hoops 1-6, hoops 1-back to rover are run in an anticlockwise direction. After running rover the ball has to hit the peg.
2 3 6 5 1 4 The turn: A turn startsby hitting another ball (a roquet). This is followed by a croquet stroke. You then get a continuation stroke, which can be used to roquet another ball. Once you have roqueted all the other balls you must go through a hoop before you can roquet one of the balls again.
2 3 (1) 6 5 1 4 (2) Roquet:(1) Blue roquets black 20 yards away. At this distance you are just trying to hit the ball. (2) Red roquets yellow 1 yard away. A short roquet is called a rush and is an important stroke as it allows you to take croquet from where you want to be instead of where you happen to be.
2 3 6 5 1 4 Croquet stroke: After Blue roquets Black it is placed in contact with Black, lined up with the intended direction of Black. To play the stroke, imagine where you want the two balls to finish and aim at the point half way between. After the croquet stroke Blue has a continuation stroke.
Stop shot Take off 2 3 6 Pass roll 5 1 4 Roll More croquet strokes: Roll: Hit Pink on top of ball to impart forward spin. Stop shot: Hit Blue on the up so Yellow goes a lot further. Take-off: Balls lined up at right angles to intended direction, aim in so Brown just moves. Pass roll: striker’s ball (Red) goes further than croqueted ball.
2 3 6 5 1 4 Break building (1): Blue roquets Black, plays the croquet stroke to send Black into the middle and Blue towards Red. Blue then roquets Red in the continuation stroke, plays another croquet stroke to leave a rush on Yellow and then uses the continuation stroke to roquet (rush) Yellow to hoop 1.
2 3 6 5 1 4 Break building (2): Blue croquets Yellow putting it past and right of hoop 1. Blue runs hoop 1 in the continuation stroke, and after running the hoop rushes Yellow towards the corner. In the croquet stroke Yellow is sent to hoop 3 and Blue stops behind Red. Blue then rushes Red towards Black.
2 2 3 6 5 1 1 4 Break building (3): Blue plays a croquet stroke to leave Red in the middle and Blue behind Black. In the continuation stroke Blue rushes Black to hoop 2. After running the hoop Black is sent to hoop 4, Blue roquets Red and goes to Yellow which is used to run hoop 3
2 1-back 4-back 3 6 penultimate 5 rover 1 2-back 3-back 4 Triple peel: The way to win in advanced play. Yellow is for 4-back and Red for 3. In a standard triple Red peels Yellow through 4-back after making 3 itself and through penultimate after making 6. The rover peel (not shown) is often done just before Red runs rover.