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History. Grammar. Science and Philosophers. Other. Literature. 5pt. 5pt. 5pt. 5pt. 5pt. 10pt. 10pt. 10pt. 10pt. 10pt. 15pt. 15pt. 15pt. 15pt. 15pt. 20pt. 20pt. 20pt. 20pt. 20pt. 25pt. 25pt. 25pt. 25pt. 25pt.
History Grammar Science and Philosophers Other Literature 5pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 10pt 10pt 10pt 10pt 10pt 15pt 15pt 15pt 15pt 15pt 20pt 20pt 20pt 20pt 20pt 25pt 25pt 25pt 25pt 25pt
What was the fortified defense line along the western border of Germany during WW1 and II?
This military campaign was designed to invade the Soviet Union?
The first modern assault rifle. It is the base for the modern AK47.
This is Germany’s elite special operations and counterterrorism unit.
KSK Kommando Spezialkorp
This was created as a response to the attacks at the 1972 Olympics. It is Germany’s SWAT.
Combine the following sentences using the subordinating conjunction "weil." "Ich kann nicht nach der Schule gehen. Ich muß meinen Bruder helfen."
Ich kann nicht nach der Schule gehen, weil ich meinen Bruder helfen muß.
Change all the nouns to pronouns and arrange in the proper order. "Der Hund gab dem Besitzer den Ball zurück."
Add the correct case endings to the indefinate articles. "Heute kaufte ein_ Mann ein_ Katze, ein_ Hund, und ein_ Ball."
Ein Mann kaufte heute eine Katze, einen Hund, und ein Ball. OR Heute kaufte ein Mann eine Katze, einen Hund, und ein Ball.
ich ging, du gingst, er/sie/es ging, wir gingen, ihr gingt, sie/Sie gingen.
Use the following words to make a sentence in the passive tense. "Heute - bauen - viele Häuser"
Heute werden es vielen Häuser gebaut. Or Es werden heute vielen Häuser gebaut.
Communist Manifesto 1848
These two discovered how to and accomplished splitting the atom. Who were they?
Why and in what year did Röntgen receive his Nobel Prize in Physics?
This philosopher greatly influenced such greats as Freud and Husserl. This former priest is known for his Theory of Perception.
The best known lyric poet on the 12th and 13th century. What was his name and what type of poet was he?
Walther von Vogelweide Minnesänger
This movement was the beginning of modern German literature. What was it called and what did it advocate?
Die Aufklärung (the Enlightenment) Religious tolerance and greater religious freedom
This author lived from 1898-1970. He wrote prolifically about life in Germany from World War 1 to World War II. 3 of his novels were made into American movies. One such novel is “Zeit zu Leben, Zeit zu sterben”. Who is this author?
This author caused international turmoil with his play that depicts Pope Pius XII being accused of refusing to use his authority and influence to oppose the Nazi extermination of the Jews. Who is he and what is the name of the play?
Rolf Hochhuth “Der Stellvertreter “ (The Deputy)
He wrote the “Die Blechtrommel”, which was eventually made into a movie which earned the Best Foreign Language Film of the year award. Who is he and in which year did the film win the award?
Gunter Grass 1979
Name the artist, • The piece, • The year the piece was made, • The community the artist was a member of
Max Beckmann The Dream 1921 Die Brücke
Name the artist, • The piece, • The year the piece was made, • The community the artist was a member of
Paul Klee • The Rose Garden • 1920 • Der Blaue Reiter
The name and location of the structure • The Movement • Name the founder • Where the movement was founded
Office Building in Cologne (1914) • Bauhaus Movement • Walter Gropius • Dessau