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HP Labs Semantic Web Programme

HP Labs Semantic Web Programme. Introductory Presentation: DIP Proposal Meeting 17 th January 2002. Stuart Williams <skw@hplb.hpl.hp.com>. Who Are We?. HP European Research Centre HPL Role Inform Corporate Strategy Technology Creation and Advancement Fundamental Science and Technology

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HP Labs Semantic Web Programme

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  1. HP Labs Semantic Web Programme Introductory Presentation: DIP Proposal Meeting 17th January 2002. Stuart Williams <skw@hplb.hpl.hp.com> file name\ file location

  2. Who Are We? • HP European Research Centre • HPL Role • Inform Corporate Strategy • Technology Creation and Advancement • Fundamental Science and Technology • Located in Bristol, UK. • Research Themes • Digital Media Systems • Enterprise Systems and E-commerce • Trust and Security • Web and Grid Technologies • Semantic Web • ~150 Research Staff (in UK). • Part of HP’s World-Wide Corporate R&D Organisation: • USA, Europe, Japan, Israel and India. • See http://www.hpl.hp.com/semweb file name\ file location

  3. Why are we here Today? • DIP: Very Resonant with HPL research interests. • Information gathering opportunity: • Being presented with more FW 6 opportunities than we can resource! • Evaluating the most promising proposals. • 4 year programs are a significant commitment for management sign-off. • Shaping opportunity. file name\ file location

  4. HP and Semantic Web • Semantic Web Research Focussed on: • Standards • W3C • RDF Core WG (Chairing and Participating) • Web Ontology WG – OWL (Participating) • Tools • Jena Semantic Web Toolkit • Research Vehicle • Standards based implementation. • Query (RDQL) and Reasoning (coming in Jena 2) • Applications • B2B E-commerce, Web Service based Marketplaces (SWWS) • Personal Information Infrastructures • Semantic Community Portals(SWAD-E) • Semantic Blogging (SWAD-E) • See http://www.hpl.hp.com/semweb file name\ file location

  5. HP and Web Services • Web Services Standards • Participating in W3C and OASIS WS activities. • WS Product Areas • Web Services Management – fuelling our participation in WSA-WG • Services and Solutions (HPC) • Imaging and Printing E-Services • Internal IT Solutions • Supply Chain Management • CRM and ERP. • E-commerce channels e.g.. HP Galway • Research Themes • Automated Contract Negotiation. • Electronic market places and trading. file name\ file location

  6. HP and Semantic Web Services • Current WS Activities: a Personal Perspective • Poor interoperability between independently conceived solutions. • Interoperable WS Platform but divergent Solutions. • Conceptually similar (identical) but mechanically different. • Nirvana Vision of Purposeful Dynamically Composed Interactions between Business Entities with minimal prior knowledge: • Robust against evolutionary change – dynamic versioning. • Rich Interface Descriptions: • Ground the consequences of actions into shared process Ontologies. • Enable reasoning over interfaces. • Adapt interaction behaviour to ‘fit’ the interface. • Evolve new strategies/plans – multiple ways to achieve same ‘goal’. • Broader and dynamically changing range of potential business partners. • Reduce friction induced by technology choices. file name\ file location

  7. Interests in DIP Proposal • More biased toward EAI and B2B/B2C Interaction than KM. • Virtual Enterprise. • Research Interests: • Process and Message mediation • Machine processable descriptions of Business Protocol rules (‘How’) and service (‘What’). • Reasoning • Over protocol/process descriptions to adapt interaction behaviour. • Over service descriptions to enable composition and decomposition of interactions – dynamic planning. • Over contract to monitor ongoing compliance with contractual obligations. • Automated Contract Negotiation and Business Process Lifecycles. • Different trading regimes: Market places, Auctions, 1-1 negotiation. • Different trading strategies spanning multiple market-places and regimes. • Application and Requirements domains informing our work on Semantic Web Tools • Federated Reasoning, Storage and Query • Ontology transformation • Case Studies • Could build on SWWS case-studies or synthesise new case studies. file name\ file location

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