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EAR LY MODERN ENGLISH ( c. 1500 - c. 1800). THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE (1 6th & early 17 th c.). the revival of classical scholarship the “Elizabethan Era” / the “Age of Shakespeare” the additions to English vocabulary = deliberate borrowings. THE GREAT VOWEL SHIFT.
EARLY MODERN ENGLISH (c. 1500 - c. 1800)
THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE(16th & early 17thc.) • the revival of classical scholarship • the “Elizabethan Era” / the “Age of Shakespeare” • theadditions to English vocabulary = deliberate borrowings
THE GREAT VOWEL SHIFTc.1400 - 1600 • major factor separating Middle English from Modern English • long vowels- made higher and further forward in the mouth; a series of connected changes in one vowel pushing another to change in order to "keep its distance”; the order of these movementsisstilldisputed. • short vowel sounds - largely unchanged • the shift probably started very gradually some centuries before 1400, and continued long after 1700 • the changes also proceeded at different times and speeds in different parts of the country; some subtle changes arguably continue even to this day • the causes of the shift are still highly debated • an important factor may have been the very fact of the large intake of loanwords from the Romance languages of Europe during this time, which required a different kind of pronunciation. • a peculiarly English phenomenon • French, German and Spanish - entirely unaffected • native and non-nativewordwereaffected • Middle English (Chaucer) - the long vowels generally pronounced very much like the Latin-derived Romance languages of Europe • e.g. sheep = “shape”; me= “may”; mine= “meen”; shire= “sheer”; mate= “maat”; out = “oot”; house= “hoose”; flour = “floor”; boot= “boat”; mode= “mood”; etc • Chaucer’s word lyf ( = “leef”) > ”lafe” > life;five (=“feef”) > five /faiv/ gradually acquired its modern pronunciation.
THE EFFECTS OF THE GVS • occurred earlier in the south • Some NothEng words still retain their pre-vowel shift pronunciation, e.g. uncouth and dour = “uncooth” and “door” rather than “uncowth” and “dowr” • many of the oddities of English pronunciation: Busy= old West Midlands spelling + an East Midlands/London pronunciation; bury= a West Midlands spelling + a Kentish pronunciation • presentobscurity of the relationships between many English words and their foreign counterparts • Thechangeis spellings of some words reflect the change in pronunciation, e.g.: stān > stone; rāp > rope, derk >dark, bern> barn, herte > heart someyimes two separate forms (different meaning!) continued, e.g. parson : person • irregularities + regional variations in the vowel shift > phonetic inconsistencies, e.g., food :good, stood, blood, etc; roof = variable pronunciation) shove, move, hove, etc. = the different pronunciations of the “o”
CHANGES IN SPELLING & PRONUNCIATION • OE “voiceless velar fricative” = “ch” of loch or Bach – disappears: >> the OE word burX (= place) > “-burgh”, “-borough”, “-brough” or “-bury” (place names) >> sometimes”voiceless fricative” >/f/, e.g. laugh, cough • Many other consonants phoneticallylost at all, e.g. >> final “b”, e.g.:dumb, comb >> “l” b/n some vowels and consonants, e.g.:half, walk, talk and folk >> initial “k” or “g” + /n/, e.g. : knee, knight, gnaw and gnat >> post-vocalic“r” gradually lost as late as the 18th >> “r” before a vowel remained unchanged, e.g. render, terror, etc. Chaucer’s pronunciation = almost completely unintelligiblenow Shakespeare’sEnglish(the late 16th and early 17th c.) = quite understandable = much more in common with ModE than with Chaucer’s English Shakespeare’sEnglish short vowels almost interchangeable, e.g. not = nat, when as whan, etc), speak= “spake”, work= “wark” (eveninthe 19th c.) the old pronunciations retainedin: derby,clerk (= “darby”, “clark”), place names:Berkeley,Berkshire ( = ”Barkley”, “Barkshire”)
EMODE BORROWINGS • Latin or Greekwords (often via Latin) - imported wholesale • intact. e.g. genius, species, militia, radius, specimen, criterion, squalor, apparatus, focus, tedium, lens, antenna, paralysis, nausea, etc) or, more commonly, • slightly altered, e.g. horrid, pathetic, iilicit, pungent, frugal, anonymous, dislocate, explain, excavate, meditate, adapt, enthusiasm, absurdity, area, complex, concept, invention, technique, temperature, capsule, premium, system, expensive, notorious, gradual, habitual, insane, ultimate, agile, fictitious, physician, anatomy, skeleton, orbit, atmosphere, catastrophe, parasite, manuscript, lexicon, comedy, tragedy, anthology, fact, biography, mythology, sarcasm, paradox, chaos, crisis, climax, etc. • Greek-based suffixes “-ize” and “-ism” words - also introduced around this time. • Latin-based adjectives: • plugging "lexical gaps“ - no adjective was available for an existing Germanic noun, e.g. marine-sea, pedestrian -walk, o • an existing adjective has unfortunate connotations , e.g. equine/equestrian for horsey, aquatic for watery), o • an additional synonym, e.g. masculine &femininei=manly&womanly, paternal=fatherly, etc). Early Modern English loans from Latin & French - TheInkhorn Controversy Some “inkhorn” scholars adopt Latin terms so excessively and awkwardly to create obscure and opulent terms, many of which have not survived, e.g. revoluting, ingent, devulgate, attemptate, obtestate, fatigate, deruncinate, subsecive, nidulate, abstergify, arreption, suppeditate, eximious, illecebrous, cohibit, dispraise, etc. • Some inkhorn terms have stayed in the language and now remain in common use, e.g. dismiss, disagree, celebrate, encyclopaedia, commit, industrial, affability, dexterity, superiority, external, exaggerate, extol, necessitate, expectation, mundane, capacity and ingenious. • a self-conscious reaction - some writers try deliberately to resurrect older English words, • e.g. gleeman= musician, sicker = certainly, inwit= conscience, yblent=confused, or to create wholly new words from Germanic roots, e.g. endsay= conclusion, yeartide= anniversary, foresayer=prophet, forewitr=prudence, loreless=ignorant, gainrising =resurrection, starlore=astronomy, fleshstrings= muscles, grosswitted =stupid, speechcraft =grammar, birdlore=ornithology, etc. Most of these were also short-lived.
Classical languages also influence the Englishspelling: • silent ”b”: debt, doubt • silent ”s”: island • silent“c”: scissors • silent ”h”:anchor, school&herb • silent ”o”:people • silent ”c” + ”u”:victuals; - MidEperfet,verdit>perfect,verdict, faute,assaut>fault,assault, aventure>adventure. • by the end of the 16thc. – English widely accepted as a language of learning, equal if not superior to the classical languages.
The first book printed in English -“Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye” by RaoulLefevre, translated by William Caxton in 1473
THE PRINTING PRESS • William Caxton (1476); (Johann Gutenberg’s original invention, Germany c. 1450). • the first book printed in the English language was Caxton's own translation, “The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye”, printed in Bruges in 1473 or early 1474. • up to 20,000various booksprinted in the next150 years, • mass-produced books became cheaper and more commonly available, literacy mushroomed, • soon works in English became even more popular than books in Latin. • a huge variety of different spellings. • Church= 30 • People= 22 • Receive = 45 • She = 60 • Though = 500 variations • “-ing” participle (e.g. running) • = NMidE“-and” • = East Midlands “-end” • = West Midlands“-ind”, e.g. runnand, runnend, runnind • "-eth" /"-th" verb endings = Southern goeth) • =NorthMidE /Midlands"-es”/"-s“ e.g. goes) >>> the standard. The Chancery of Westminster : • efforts from the 1430s standardise spellings for official documents: I, land,such, right, not, but, these, any, many, can, cannot, but, shall, should, could, ought, thorough, etc,. • Chancery Standard (well established long before the 15th c. ) contributes significantly to Standard English + the political, commercial and cultural dominance of the "East Midlands triangle" (London-Oxford-Cambridge) • the printing press - responsible for accomplishing the standardization process. • the advent of mass printing: the dialect and spelling of the East Midlands + that of the national capital, London >>> the standard > spelling and grammar gradually become more and more fixedovertime. • Some of the decisions made by the early publishers had long-lasting repercussions for the language.: London hi, hir and hem > NorthMidEngthey, their and them A good part of the reason for many of the vagaries and inconsistencies of English spelling = words fixed on the printed page before any orthographic consensus • Standardization (well under way by c. 1650) - a slow and halting process and names often rendered in a variety of ways. E.g., more than 80 different spellings of Shakespeare’s name & his 6 known signaturesarespelleddifferently
TheBible (I) • 1384 - John Wycliffe – the 1st English translation of “The Bible” • 1526 - William Tyndale printed his New Testament (1536 – executed) - much clearer and more poetic than Wycliffe’s early version. - completely new English words like fisherman, landlady, scapegoat, taskmaster, viper, sea-shore, zealous, beautiful, clear-eyed, broken-hearted, etc. - many of the well-known phrases, e.g.: let there be light, my brother’s keeper, the powers that be, fight the good fight, the apple of mine eye, flowing with milk and honey, the fat of the land, am I my brother’s keeper?, sign of the times, ye of little faith, eat drink and be merry, salt of the earth, a man after his own heart, sick unto death, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, a stranger in a strange land, let my people go, a law unto themselves, etc. • 1549 - the “Book of Common Prayer” • 1611 - the Authorized Version of “The Bible” = the ”King JamesBible” • the majority based on Tyndale’s • an attempt to standardize the plethora of new Bibles • deliberately conservative (vocabulary & grammar): many archaisms/forms dying out , e.g.: digged= dug, gat/gotten=got, bare=bore, spake=spoke, clave=cleft, holpen=helped, wist=knew, etc), • -eth = -es/-s • Ye = you
TheBible (II) Excerpts • Wycliffe 1. And Jhesus, seynge the puple, wentevp in to an hil; and whanne he was set, hisediscipliscamen to hym.2. And he openyde his mouth, and tauyte hem, and seide,3. Blessed ben pore men in spirit, for the kyngdom of heuenes is herne.4. Blessidbenmylde men, for theischulenwelde the erthe.5. Blessidbenthei that mornen, for theischulen be coumfortid.6. Blessidbenthei that hungren and thristenriytwisnesse, for theischulen be fulfillid.7. Blessidben merciful men, for theischulengete merci.8. Blessidbenthei that ben of cleneherte, for theischulen se God.9. Blessidbenpesible men, for theischulen be clepidGoddis children.10. Blessidbenthei that suffrenpersecusioun for riytfulnesse, for the kingdam of heuenes is herne. • Tyndale 1. When he sawe the people, he went vp into a mountayne, and when he was set, his disciples came to hym,2. And he opened hysmouthe, and taught them sayinge:3. Blessed are the povre in sprete: for theirs is the kyngdome of heven.4. Blessed are they that morne: for they shalbe comforted.5. Blessed are the meke: for they shall inheret the erth.6. Blessed are they which honger and thurst for rightewesnes: for they shalbe filled.7. Blessed are the mercifull: for they shall obteyne mercy.8. Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God.9. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God.10. Blessed are they which suffrepersecucion for rightwesnes sake: for theirs ys the kyngdome of heuen. • King James 1. And seeing the multitudes, he went vp into a mountaine: and when he was set, his disciples came vnto him.2. And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying:3. Blessed are the poore in spirit: for theirs is the kingdome of heauen.4. Blessed are they that mourne: for they shall be comforted.5. Blessed are the meeke: for they shall inherit the earth.6. Blessed are they which doe hunger and thirst after righteousnesse: for they shall be filled.7. Blessed are the mercifull: for they shall obtainemercie.8. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.9. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall bee called the children of God.10. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousnesse sake: for theirs is the kingdome of heauen.
Dictionaries & grammars“A Table Alphabeticall” by Robert Cawdrey(1604)
DICTIONARIES & GRAMMARS • 1604 – the 1st English dictionary, “A Table Alphabeticall”, Robert Cawdrey • 2,543 of “hard words” from Hebrew, Greek, Latin and French • an unreliable resource (words spelled in two different ways) • The 17th & 18th c.. other dictionaries & grammar, pronunciation and spelling guides • Samuel Johnson’s “Dictionary of the English Language”(1755) - an impressive academic achievement in its own right, J43,000 words • riddled with inconsistencies in both spelling and definitions. • Many examples of inkhorn terms: digladation, cubiculary, incompossibility, clancular, denominable, opiniatry, ariolation, assation, ataraxy, deuteroscopy, disubitary, esurine, estuation, indignate and others. J • the 16th onwards - calls for the regulation and reform of English • the removal of all silent letters, - the 18 the - callsfor the establishment of an Academy of the English Language - RegulatingEnglish pronunciation as well as its vocabulary and spelling. • Prescriptivegrammars- the “correct” way of using English. • The 1stEnglish newspaper - the “Courante” or “Weekly News”in 1622, • The 1stprofessional newspaper -the “London Gazette”in 1665. • The 1stdaily, “The Daily Courant”in 1702 • ”The Times”in 1790 • “The Tatler” • ”The Spectator”
EARLY MODERN LITERATURE • the 16th to 18th C. - the Early Modern period (= the Golden Age of English Literature) • 1500 – 1650 -an estimated 10,000-12,000 new words coined; 1/2are still in use today. • Sir Francis Bacon -thermometer, pneumonia, skeleton and encyclopaedia. I • Newton -lens, refraction, etc. • Sir Thomas Elyot - animate, describe, dedicate, esteem, maturity, exhaust and modesty • SirThomas More - absurdity, active, communicate, education, utopia, acceptance, exact, explain, exaggerate and others • Ben Jonson -damp, defunct, strenuous, clumsy • Sir Philip Sydney -bugbear, miniature, eye-pleasing, dumb-stricken, far-fetched and conversation the 17th c. - dialects begin to be considered uncouth and an indication of inferior class. - dialects - good comic material for the theatre industry: Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” • many dialect words introduced into general usage in that way.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE • William Shakespeare single-handedly changesthe English language to a significant extent in the late 16th and early 17th Century. • He takesadvantage of the relative freedom and flexibility and the changeablenature of English at the time • He playsfree and easy with the already liberal grammatical rules:in his use nouns as verbs, adverbs, adjectives and substantives - early “verbification” of nounsin „he pageants us”, “it out-herods Herod”, dog them at the heels, the good Brutus ghosted, “Lord Angelo dukes it well”, “uncle me no uncle”, etc. • He hasa vast vocabulary 34,000 words by some counts • He personally coined an estimated 2,000 new words:bare-faced, critical, leapfrog, monumental, castigate, majestic, obscene, frugal, aerial, gnarled, homicide, brittle, radiance, dwindle, puking, countless, submerged, vast, lack-lustre, premeditated, assassination, courtship, eyeballs, ill-tuned, hot-blooded, laughable, dislocate, accommodation, eventful, pell-mell, aggravate, excellent, fretful, fragrant, gust, hint, hurry, lonely, summit, pedant, gloomy, and hundreds of other terms still commonly used today • He also introducescountless phrases in common use today, such as one fell swoop, vanish into thin air, brave new world, in my mind’s eye, laughing stock, love is blind, star-crossed lovers, as luck would have it, fast and loose, once more into the breach, sea change, there’s the rub, to the manner born, a foregone conclusion, beggars all description, it's Greek to me, a tower of strength, make a virtue of necessity, brevity is the soul of wit, with bated breath, more in sorrow than in anger, truth will out, cold comfort, cruel only to be kind, fool’s paradise and flesh and blood, among many others. • Theword order -more fixed in a SVO pattern • English has a complex auxiliary verb system • to be- thecommon auxiliary, e.g. I am come= I have come • Do - sometimes an auxiliary verb and sometimes not, e.g. say you so?/ do you say so? • Past tenses -in a state of flux:clomb: climbed, clew : clawed, shove:shaved, digged : dug, etc. • Noun plurals – two:“-s” &“-en” • The old verb ending “-en” >“-eth”, >“-es”
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S ENGLISH • King Lear”1623 First Folio - transition • Sir, I loue you more than words can weild ye matter,Deerer than eye-sight, space, and libertie,Beyond what can be valewed, rich or rare,No lesse then life, with grace, health, beauty, honor:As much as Childe ere lou'd, or Father found.A loue that makes breath poore, and speech vnable,Beyond all manner of so much I loue you. Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter,Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty,Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare,No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour,As much as childe e'er loved, or father found.A love that makes breath poor and speech unable,Beyond all manner of 'so much' I love you. • The spellings of words such as weild, libertie, valewed and honor: "u" and "v" in loue and vnable • silent "e“:lesse, Childe and poore; retained in many words the preceding vowellenghteningindicator, e.g. name= “naim” • Thee, thou and thy(familiarity or social inferiority)disappearalmost completely from standard usage by themid-17thc. • the GVS – incomplete, Shakespeare’srhymese.g. tea= sea=say, die=memory, etc).
INTERNATIONAL TRADE British naval superiority is growing. #1 the 16th-17thc. -international trade expands immensely, #2 Loanwordsareabsorbed from the languages of many other countries throughout the world
International Trade Borrowings • French (e.g. bizarre, ballet, sachet, crew, progress, chocolate, salon, duel, brigade, infantry, comrade, volunteer, detail, passport, explorer, ticket, machine, cuisine, prestige, garage, shock, moustache, vogue); • Italian (e.g. carnival, fiasco, arsenal, casino, miniature, design, bankrupt, grotto, studio, umbrella, rocket, ballot, balcony, macaroni, piano, opera, violin); • Spanish (e.g. armada, bravado, cork, barricade, cannibal); • Portuguese (e.g. breeze, tank, marmalade, molasses); • German (e.g. kindergarten, noodle, bum, dumb, dollar, muffin, hex, wanderlust, gimmick, waltz, seminar, ouch!); • Dutch/Flemish ( e.g. bale, spool, stripe, holster, skipper, dam, booze, fucking, crap, bugger, poll, scrap, curl, scum, knapsack, sketch, landscape, easel, smuggle, caboose, yacht, cruise, dock, buoy, keelhaul, reef, bluff, freight, leak, snoop, spook, sleigh, brick, pump, boss, lottery); • Basque (e.g. bizarre, anchovy); • Norwegian (e.g. maelstrom, iceberg, ski, slalom, troll); • Icelandic (e.g. mumps, saga, geyser); • Finnish (e.g. sauna); • Persian(e.g. shawl, lemon, caravan, bazaar, tambourine); • Arabic(e.g. harem, jar, magazine, algebra, algorithm, almanac, alchemy, zenith, admiral, sherbet, saffron, coffee, alcohol, mattress, syrup, hazard, lute); • Turkish (e.g. coffee, yoghurt, caviar, horde, chess, kiosk, tulip, turban); • Russian (e.g. sable); • Japanese (e.g. tycoon, geisha, karate, samurai); • Malay (e.g. bamboo, amok, caddy, gong, ketchup); • Chinese (e.g. tea, typhoon, kowtow). • Polynesian(e.g. taboo).
EMODE CLIPS Great Vowel Shift pronunciation changes (35 sec) Excerpt from the Gospel According to St. Matthew Ch. 26 (Douay version,1582) (73 sec) Prologue from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" in original dialect (45 sec)