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P5 School Parent Meeting ENGLISH LANGUAGE Department 30 May 2014 Presented by: Miss D. Turina (HOD EL). Presentation Outline. Changes in EL Assessment STELLAR Curriculum What parents can do to help. Changes in EL Assessment. Why change? What we want for our children

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Presentation Transcript

  1. P5 School Parent MeetingENGLISH LANGUAGE Department30 May 2014Presented by: Miss D. Turina (HOD EL)

  2. Presentation Outline • Changes in EL Assessment • STELLAR Curriculum • What parents can do to help

  3. Changes in EL Assessment Why change? • What we want for our children • Competencies for a world in flux What is changing for the better? • New ways to teach and learn • A revised syllabus & curriculum How will we move to a new level? • Aligning the teaching and assessment • Education for Life

  4. Why Change? New skills for a changing world The Child & The World • Need to prepare our children for life and work in the 21st century • Develop students to be • Effective communicators • Confident, self-directed learners

  5. What we want … All children should enjoy learning English, develop good language skills, be effective communicators and lifelong learners.

  6. STELLAR Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading Aims to move EL learners towards independence using authentic texts and learning activities that motivate and engage different learners

  7. STELLAR Lessons STELLAR lessons develop … Language Skills • Listening & Viewing • Speaking & Representing • Reading & Viewing • Writing & Representing

  8. STELLAR Lessons STELLAR lessons develop … • Social Skills • oral interaction among peers in non-threatening situations • working in partnership with other children • turn-taking & respect for others during class discussions

  9. Reading To Learn Writing As Process Differentiated Instruction The teacher modifies her teaching to cater to the specific needs of children to build their language skills. The teacher models the writing processes for different text types. Children engage in writing together and writing independently. What is an upper primary STELLAR lesson like? Teacher uses different strategies to help children read and understand different types of texts.

  10. Rich Texts P5: Information text P5: Literary recount

  11. HOWwill we move to a new level? Assessment is part of learning and teaching. Children will be assessed on what they have been taught.

  12. P4 Assessment Assessment for Primary 6 from2015

  13. P6 Assessment These are examples of changes in assessment to give students greater scope for interpretation and personal response. EL Guided Writing EL Visual Text Comprehension EL Listening Comprehension EL Oral Communication

  14. P6 Assessment These are examples of changes in assessment to give students greater scope for interpretation and personal response. • FEL Continuous Writing • FEL Comprehension • FEL Listening Comprehension • FEL Oral Communication

  15. EL Marks breakdown

  16. What Parents can do to Help: Reading & Speaking • Encourage your child to read widely. • Select and read interesting newspaper / magazine articles together. • Practise reading aloud. • Discuss on interesting and relevant topics with your child. • Encourage your child to give his/her opinion based on rational thinking.

  17. What Parents can do to Help: Writing • Situational Writing: Use of PACT strategy • Continuous Writing: - Plan – Write – Edit – Publish - Know the features of text types – narrative, recount - Use of 5W1H question frame in planning • Read model compositions and highlight useful, interesting and creative phrases. • Provide opportunities for your child to practise writing.

  18. What Parents can do to Help: Listening • Listen to news, announcements or messages being read out. • Listen for information and for details. • Pose questions based on information given

  19. What Parents can do to Help: Grammar • Learn grammar rules and apply them accordingly. • Underline key words when completing worksheets and tests. • Drill and practise using assessment books, especially in areas needing improvement. • MC Online, online grammar websites

  20. What Parents can do to Help: Vocabulary • Expand vocabulary through reading. • Look up the meanings of new words and learn to use it in context. • Encourage the use of a word bank book – For example: record one new word learnt each day, look up the meaning and apply in context. • MC Online, vocabulary games online

  21. What Parents can do to Help: Useful websites • https://www.lead.com.sg/ • http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-games • http://www.nlb.gov.sg/ • http://www.storylineonline.net/ • http://dictionary.reference.com/

  22. What Parents can do to Help: Parents, please visit www.stellarliteracy.sg STELLAR STRATEGIES Recommended Books FAQs Games and Quizzes USEFUL TIPS for Parents Parents, please visit http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/syllabuses/ - 2010 EL syllabus

  23. In Summary • Your child will benefit from changes to the way English is taught. • Assessment changes are aligned with teaching. • Teachers will prepare your child for these changes. • Preparation for examination must begin early – NOW.

  24. Contacts • Miss Turinadevi (HOD/EL) turinadevi_devarajan@moe.edu.sg • MdmIndrawati Ali (Senior Teacher) indrawati_ali@moe.edu.sg • Mrs Amy Ravie (Senior Teacher) ng_yunn_ru@moe.edu.sg

  25. Thank You

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