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LPH PPMRS Training

LPH PPMRS Training. Focus on Family Home Visiting Evaluation Reporting. Kari Guida Office of Public Health Practice Contact Information 651-201-3876 kari.guida@state.mn.us. Agenda. What is PPMRS? How do I get into PPMRS? What do I do in PPMRS? What is validation?

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LPH PPMRS Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LPH PPMRS Training Focus on Family Home Visiting Evaluation Reporting

  2. Kari Guida Office of Public Health Practice Contact Information 651-201-3876 kari.guida@state.mn.us

  3. Agenda • What is PPMRS? • How do I get into PPMRS? • What do I do in PPMRS? • What is validation? • Who do I contact with questions? • Questions

  4. What is PPMRS? • LPH PPMRS = Local Public Health Planning and Performance Measurement Reporting System • Web-based reporting system that collects consistent, comparable and relevant information

  5. What is PPMRS? • Information collected • Performance measures & activities • Staffing information • Financial information • Federal Title V Block grant reporting data • TANF information • Family Home Visiting Evaluation

  6. How do I get into PPMRS? • Login at: https://cfhp.health.state.mn.us/ppmrs/login.jsp • Use the local health department username and password • Previously created • Ask your CHS Administrator or Kari Guida

  7. How do I get into PPMRS? How do I find the login page? • Go to the MDH Homepage • Search “PPMRS” • Select first search result (PPMRS homepage) • Select “online reporting” (navigation bar) • Click to enter the system • Enter username and password Tip: Bookmark the login page

  8. http://www.health.state.mn.us

  9. What do I do in PPMRS? • How do I find the Family Home Visiting Evaluation Forms? • Click on “Data Entry” tab • Click on “Family Home Visiting Evaluation” • Select form by clicking on “submit/edit”

  10. https://cfhp.health.state.mn.us/ppmrs/login.jsp

  11. What do I do in PPMRS? Family Home Visiting Evaluation Forms • Enter data • Read data • Update data • Delete data

  12. What do I do in PPMRS? Tips • Always complete the “form contact” first • The yellow cells total the column or row (cannot enter data) • Numeric answers can only be positive • no text • no commas • no symbols • Text boxes have 2000 character limit • Can copy and paste text into box • Always spell and grammar check text

  13. What to do in PPMRS? Save vs. Submit • Save form as many times as needed • Must have “form contact” complete • Form half complete • Saves information in the database • Submit when form is reviewed and completed • After all forms submitted, validation will run

  14. What is validation? • Validation is the automatic checking of the data to verify accuracy. Upon final submission of all forms (pushing “submit” for all forms), the validation will run and the CHS Administrator will receive an email from PPMRS with the results in a validation report. If errors occurred, the validation report will identify the errors.

  15. What is validation? • All errors must be fixed by August 31, 2009. Therefore we strongly encourage you to submit all forms in a timely manner to ensure that all errors can be fixed by the deadline. If no errors occurred, the email will confirm the completion of the Family Home Visiting Evaluation Reporting

  16. What is validation • After errors have been fixed, resubmit forms. Validation will run again and another email will be sent out. • The validation cycle continues until there are no more errors. • Emails go out the morning after all forms are submitted.

  17. Questions?

  18. Who do I contact with questions? Content questions & validation errors: Joni Geppert joni.geppert@state.mn.us 651-201-3632 Usernames, passwords, & technology questions: Kari Guida kari.guida@state.mn.us 651-201-3876

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