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Nuclei & the Early Universe: Looking Beyond the Standard Model

M.J. Ramsey-Musolf. Nuclei & the Early Universe: Looking Beyond the Standard Model. DNP Mini-Symposium: Maui ‘05. Sessions BB: M 7-10:30pm JB: Th 9am - 12pm KB: Th 2-5pm. Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History.

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Nuclei & the Early Universe: Looking Beyond the Standard Model

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  1. M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Nuclei & the Early Universe:Looking Beyond the Standard Model DNP Mini-Symposium: Maui ‘05 Sessions BB: M 7-10:30pm JB: Th 9am - 12pm KB: Th 2-5pm

  2. Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History • What were the fundamental symmetries that governed the microphysics of the early universe? • What insights can precision electroweak studies in nuclear physics provide?

  3. Standard Model puzzles Standard Model successes Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History

  4. Present universe Early universe Standard Model High energy desert Weak scale Planck scale Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History

  5. Present universe Early universe Standard Model Gravity A “near miss” for grand unification High energy desert Weak scale Planck scale Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History

  6. Present universe Early universe Unification Neutrino mass Origin of matter Standard Model Weak scale unstable: Why is GF so large? High energy desert Weak scale Planck scale Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History

  7. Cosmic Energy Budget Rotation curves & lensing Cosmic acceleration Stars, planets, Human life Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History What is the origin of matter ?

  8. Anthropic Relevance Budget Dark Matter Stars, planets, Human life Dark Energy Baryons Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History What is the origin of matter ?

  9. Cosmic Energy Budget Rotation curves & lensing Cosmic acceleration Stars, planets, Human life BBN WMAP SM: 1st order PT and CPV effects too weak Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History What is the origin of matter ?

  10. Supersymmetry, GUT’s, extra dimensions… There must have been additional symmetries in the earlier Universe to • Unify all matter, space, & time • Stabilize the weak scale • Produce all the matter that exists • Account for neutrino properties • Give self-consistent quantum gravity

  11. Large Hadron Collider Ultra cold neutrons LANSCE, NIST, SNS CERN What are the new fundamental symmetries? Two frontiers in the search Collider experiments (pp, e+e-, etc) at higher energies (E >> MZ) Indirect searches at lower energies (E < MZ) but high precision Particle, nuclear & atomic physics High energy physics

  12. What are the new fundamental symmetries? • Why is there more matter than antimatter in the present universe? • What are the unseen forces that disappeared from view as the universe cooled? • What are the masses of neutrinos and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe? Electric dipole moment searches Precision electroweak: weak decays, scattering, LFV Neutrino oscillations, 0nbb-decay, q13 , … Tribble report

  13. Present universe Early universe Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Weak scale Planck scale EDMs and Baryogenesis

  14. Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Topological transitions Broken phase 1st order phase transition Sakharov, 1967 • Is it viable? • Can experiment constrain it? • How reliably can we compute it? Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Unbroken phase CP Violation

  15. CKM fdSM dexp dfuture If new EWK CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM? EDM Probes of New CP Violation

  16. Better theory Present n-EDM limit Proposed n-EDM limit Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe ? M. Pendlebury B. Filippone Riotto; Carena et al.; Lee, Cirigliano, R-M “n-EDM has killed more theories than any other single experiment”

  17. Future: EDMs & LHC de dn BBN WMAP Large Hadron Collider Large Hadron Collider Lee, Cirigliano, R-M EDM constraints & SUSY CPV Non-equilibrium QFT

  18. Present universe Early universe Key Ingredients • Heavy nR • mn spectrum • CP violation • L violation Leptogenesis b-decay, 0n bb-decay, q13 Weak scale Planck scale Leptogenesis

  19. = 1 SM Expt Weak decays

  20. Flavor-blind SUSY-breaking CKM, (g-2)m, MW, Mt ,… b-decay New physics Kurylov, R-M SUSY Weak decays & new physics

  21. b-decay 0+! 0+ “Superallowed” Nuclear structure-dependent corrections Weak decays See J. Hardy, Thurs 2pm

  22. Lifetime & correlations b-decay 58Ni coated stainless guide Flapper valve Liquid N2 Be reflector LHe LANSCE: UCN “A” NIST: tn Future SNS: tn, a,b,A,… Future LANSCE: tn Solid D2 Ultra cold neutrons 77 K poly UCN Detector Tungsten Target Weak decays

  23. b-decay PSI: “Pi-Beta” Weak decays

  24. b-decay SM theory input Weak decays

  25. Details: question period kaon decay Value of Vusimportant New physics: too small Weak decays

  26. CKM Summary: PDG04 UCNA

  27. Vus & Vud theory ? New 0+ info CKM Summary: New Vus & tn ? New tn !! UCNA

  28. 3/4 0 3/4 1 Muon Decay: Michel Parameters

  29. mn MPs constrained by mn Erwin, Kile, Peng, R-M (in prog) Prezeau, Kurylov 05 First row CKM Muon Decay: Michel Parameters Model Independent Analysis 2005 Global fit: Gagliardi et al. Model Dependent Analysis

  30. “Weak Charge” ~ 1 - 4 sin2 qW ~ 0.1 Lepton Scattering & New Symmetries Parity-Violating electron scattering

  31. DIS-Parity, JLab LinearCollider e-e- Atomic PV N deep inelastic sin2W e+e- LEP, SLD JLab Q-Weak (ep) Moller, JLab (GeV) Weak Mixing Angle: Scale Dependence Czarnecki, Marciano Erler, Kurylov, R-M SLAC E158 (ee)

  32. SUSY loops E158 &Q-Weak Linear collider JLab Moller RPV 95% CL Comparing Qwe and QWp Kurylov, R-M, Su  SUSY dark matter

  33. “DIS Parity” SUSY loops E158 &Q-Weak Linear collider JLab Moller RPV 95% CL Comparing Qwe and QWp Kurylov, R-M, Su  SUSY dark matter

  34. Conclusions • Precision tests of fundamental symmetries and studies of neutrino properties -- together with careful theoretical analysis -- are providing a powerful probe of the fundamental symmetries of the early universe • The information obtained from these studies complements what we learn from high energy collider experiments • We can look forward to an interesting mini- symposium

  35. O(p6) Ke3decays: current status G. Isidori, CKM 2005

  36. Quenched LQCD Vus O(p6) Large NC Ke3decays: current status G. Isidori, CKM 2005

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