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Yin Yang Crisis by Gahl Eden Sasson www.CosmicNavigator.com. 道教. קבלה. How Astrology, Kabbalah and Daoism Can Heal the Global Economy Crisis. The Way. West. East.
Yin Yang Crisisby Gahl Eden Sasson www.CosmicNavigator.com 道教 קבלה How Astrology, Kabbalah and Daoism Can Heal the Global Economy Crisis
The Way West East The ancient Daoist symbol of Yin Yang is one of the world’s most powerful representations of unity. According to Daoism, the eternal dance between Yin and Yang, black and white, feminine and masculine, creates the balance and equilibrium we need in order to walk “The Way,” the natural flow of the Universe that results in effortless success. The Western civilization can be represented by Yang (masculine) while the Eastern by Yin (Feminine).
When these opposing forces embrace and complement one another, the organism—which can be anything from an individual’s psychological well being to the globe’s economic solvency—thrives. • When the pendulum swings too far in one direction, however, turmoil generally ensues. And right now the global economic calamity signals that the forces of Yin and Yang, receiving and giving, saving and spending, pessimism and optimism, caution and risk, honest dealing and deceit have tumbled dramatically out of whack.
What Caused the Crisis: The “Earthly” Reasons • The mortgage and credit crunch which originated in the United States • The global imbalance between creditor and debtor nations, namely Asian producers like China and Western consumers like the United States.
Giving Receiving – Creditors and Debtors • The U.S. had a $246 billion trade deficit with China as of November 2008 • The U.S. owes the world $10.7 trillion!
Yang is childlike:spending energy & money • The Outstanding USA Public Debt is around $11 trillion • The estimated population of the United States is $305,882,256 • Each individual’s share of this debt is about $36,128 on top of personal dept. Translated to spiritual terminology: Dept=Karma By electing a President from African descent, the USA has finally started dealing with the Karma of slavery. Now, the Karma of greed, excessiveness and obesity (both financial and physical) is being burnt. Yin is the Mother:saves, protects and nurtures • Chinese citizens hold $1.8 trillion Yuan ($263,435,315) in bank deposits
Spending vs. Saving • In 1982 households in America spent about 60% of their income • 2008 we spent 130% of what we make!
The USA:Born on July 4, 1776 – a typical Cancer. The USA is trying to recover from 8 years under a Cancer President Cancer Sun in the 7th house of relationships and balance. The USA can shine only when has a partner. Sagittarius Rising Moon in Aquarius
Cancer – Home, Land, and Security • The most popular personification of the USA is Uncle Sam. The meaning of the name Samuel: וַיְהִי לִתְקֻפוֹת הַיָּמִים, וַתַּהַר חַנָּה וַתֵּלֶד בֵּן; וַתִּקְרָא אֶת-שְׁמוֹ שְׁמוּאֵל, כִּי מֵיְהוָה שְׁאִלְתִּיו. And it came to pass, that Hannah conceived, and bore a son; and she called his name Samuel: 'because I have asked (lent) him of the LORD.' --Samuel 1:20 Samuel means – lent or borrowed from God. Now, people are loosing their homes because of an inability to pay what they lent. America needs a new symbol that is less Yang, less demanding and not associated with war or “Want.” • 2.3 million households underwent foreclosure in 2008. Nothing worse for a Cancer nation then to be homeless...
As Above so Below – Astrological Explanations to the Crisis • Saturn in Virgo - Began in September 2007 and happens every 30 years • Pluto in Capricorn - Began in Fall of 2008 and occurs every quarter of a millennium. Saturn by God Pluto by Agostino
USA has Sagittarius Rising – Over optimism... • The Rising Sign is the path we walk in order to reach our potential. • In the last twenty years there has been an overdose of the Sagittarius archtype. Banks overtrusted lenders, we pulled too much equity thinking prices will surely rise. For example: • “When your bank says no, Champion says yes” Champion Mortgage Addvertsing. • Banks and financial institutions kept saying Yes when No was needed
What caused the Sagittarius overdose?
Pluto in Sagittarius 1995-2008Pluto is the planet of death and resurrection • Sagittarius’ over optimism created two bubbles: the Internet and Housing booms. The “bubbles lead to booms” mentality. • Sagittarius wants freedom, lead to deregulations. • Phil Gramm, a strong supporter of deregulation was the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee from 1995-2000, right when Pluto moved into Sagittarius Pluto in Capricorn 2008-2023 • Capricorn is a pregmatic, realistic and pessemistic sign. • American pessimism is soaring, resulting in the lowest reading ever in the 42-year history of the Consumer Confidence Index. • The moment Pluto enetred Capricorn (fall of 2008) it started destroying old structures including many financial institution • The USA was founded when Pluto was last time in Capricorn.
Kabbalah - The esoteric spiritual strain of Judaism • Giving – Receiving • Creditor – Debtors • Export – Import • Kabbalah suggests: • Balance is created when giving and receiving are in equilibrium. The Tree of Life is the blueprint of creation. The Pillar of Expansion is associated with Yang it is balanced by the Yin Pillar of Constriction. Life is a dance between giving and receiving expansion and constriction The crisis has happened for A reason – to balance humanity and bring it in to the Pillar of Balance. This is important since in November 2009, Saturn moves to Libra – the sign of Balance.
How do we fix it? - Tikun • Tikun in Kabbalah – Rectification. • According to Kabbalah, God left imperfections in the cosmos to empower as well as prompt us to participate in the process of creation. We do it using Tikun Olam, the fixing of the world. • The planet Saturn is associated with the Sphere of Understanding, the vessel in the Tree of Life that helps us burn Karma. • Each two and a half years, Saturn moves into a different sign and fixes that archetype in our lives. From September 2007, Saturn has been fixing, auditing, and rectifying Virgo. A month later, in October 2007, the Dow Jones Industrial Average begun its decline. In just over a year it lost 50%.
The Yang Dollar:USD is the International Reserve Currency since WWII • Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) established the US dollar as the preeminent reserve currency. Many experts believe it is time to shift towards a more pluralist distribution of economic power. The Yang needs to share. • On March 24, 2009, the Head of China Central Bank proposes the creation of a new international reserve currency.Jupiter (abundance) is in Aquarius (humanity, democracy) since Jan, 2008.
Power ToolsHow other Yang authorities held on to power: • The Romans had Latin to unify their Empire and create the Pax Romano. • The Catholic Church had literacy. • The USA has the dollar. Yang energies are designed to maintain control and centralize power. But too much Yang can over extend itself and start burning itself. No water (Yin) to cool the engine can cause the vehicle to break down. For example…
AIG Worldwide Handling: Insurance, life and retirement services, asset managements and financial services. From Los Angeles Times, 3/24/08
What Went Wrong with AIG? • In 2007 AIG was one of the world’s most powerful companies with $1 trillion is assets, $110 billion in revenue, 74 million customers and 116,000 employees. • In 2001, when Saturn was in Gemini, the sign of lies, theft, and trade, AIG begun selling credit default swaps – insurance protection against default on mostly mortgage based securities • Those securities at first were AAA rating, which allowed AIG to expand this activity without putting up huge collateral or reserves. • When Saturn moved into Virgo in 2007, homeowners begun to default on mortgages and AIG began to incur heavy losses • Those losses led to reduction of AIG’s credit rating in September 2008 (Pluto moved into Capricorn), forcing it to post billions in collateral. • Tax payers now own 80% of AIG. AIG received thus far over $180 billion in financial aid from us (us as in you and me not USA…) ---Excerpts from Business, LA Times, March 24 2009
Virgo to Fix Sagittarius • Daniel Gross of Newsweek: “Our ‘Yes, We Can’ president is going to have to fix a ‘No, We Can’t economy.’” Key word for Sagittarius – Yes Key word for Virgo – No!
Virgo –The sign of work service and health According to Kabbalah, since Saturn (Tikun) is in Virgo, we need to not only fix our global and personal accounting (accounting is ruled by Virgo) but also rectify the other aspects of Virgo: our health system, diet, work, and infrastructure. “Jobs are the new assets.” ---Barbara Kiviat for Time Magazine (March 23, 2009) Before, our assets were in real-estate and stocks, which we used as piggy banks. Now it is our jobs, our work and service that is our true asset. Saturn in Cancer (home) 2003-2005. Saturn in Leo (stocks) 2005-2007. Saturn in Virgo (jobs) 2007-2009 In 2008 and 2009, while Saturn is in Virgo, we stopped taking our work for granted with over 8.1% unemployment! “people are realizing that their job is their real source of financial stability” ---David Ellison, Money manager from Boston. Obama’s Health Plan – Virgo in action
Virgo – the Sign of Health President Obama’s Health Plan – the best time to focus on health since Saturn is fixing Virgo.
Humbling... The chief executives of the Big Three automakers opted to fly their company jets to the capital for their hearings this week before the Senate and House -- an ill-timed display of corporate excess for a trio of executives begging for an additional $25 billion from the public trough this week. ---Washington Post Nov 20th 2008 "There's a delicious irony in seeing private luxury jets flying into Washington, D.C., and people coming off of them with tin cups in their hands,…It's almost like seeing a guy show up at the soup kitchen in high-hat and tuxedo. . . . I mean, couldn't you all have downgraded to first class or jet-pooled or something to get here?" ---Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (D-N.Y.)
Grounded by Virgo the Mutable Earth Sign GM CEO Rick Wagoner will now be heading back to Capitol Hill in a Chevy Malibu Hybrid while Ford exec Alan Mulally has opted for a Ford Escape Hybrid - a far cry from the luxurious private jets that first ferried the pair... ---The Motor Report Dec 3rd 2008 Vikram Pandit, who became CEO of Citigroup in December 2007, when he declared that he would settle for an annual salary of $1 until the company’s financial plight improves.
In the East, the family, clan, And nation are emphasized and not the individual. In the Olympic opening ceremony the beautiful girl to the right lip-synched while the talented girl to the left was the real voice. All in the name of the nation.
Who is the Beauty and who is the Beast? Lip-synched "Ode to the Motherland," and fake fireworks, spray-painted grass in the opening ceremonies... "The audience will understand that it's in the national interest,“ ---Chen Qigang, Olympic ceremony's chief music director. Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXxcqYwy-1s
Solutions: Professor Joseph Stiglitz, a Noble Laureate and Professor at Columbia University says that: Any response should be based on social justice (Libra’s Tarot card is Justice) and solidarity (key word for Aquarius) that goes beyond national boundaries. There is a nee to reflect on the role of financial markets in the economy, they should be evaluated on how they serve (key word for Virgo) citizens... [These institutions] were not an end in themselves – they were a means to economic growth and prosperity for all, including homeowners, ordinary people and the poor...
Since Taurus rules money we must all become Taurus: • Identify where you have Taurus in your chart and try to apply the lessons of Taurus—pleasure, sensuality, and self-worth—to that area of your life. • Connect to the five senses. Play background music when you work, light a scented candle, hug and touch people, eat delectable food, and view art. • Recite the affirmation of Taurus every day: “I am my own spiritual guide. I possess the ability to translate my inner wealth into material abundance. I am worthy of success and financial security.” • Pamper yourself. • Make a list of all your talents and how much money and time you have invested in them. • Write your mission statement. • Go to nature. Hike in a forest. Lie on the ground and feel the earth. Sit under a tree and amplify your thoughts of self-worth. • Practice yoga. • Meditate on the letter Vav. • Plant a tree. • Wear red-orange clothes.
Bull Market • Arturo Di Modica created the 7,000-pound bull statue to infuse Wall Street with optimism after the 1987 crash
Meditate with the Hebrew letter VAV Go to: http://cosmicnavigator.com/video/astrology-and-financial-crisis
Jupiter in Aquarius – Invest in Humanity Since in 2009 Jupiter, the planet of abundance is in Aquarius, the sign of humanity, computers, hope, friends, technology, groups and organization, investing in those aspects of life will yield success.
Need help with Virgo? Get a Pet! Pets are ruled by Virgo, they serve us and teach us service, they heal us and give us an opportunity to heal them. Below is Balkahn, the pet that adopted me about six month after Saturn moved to Virgo. He feeds me love and teaches tricks…
The Solution – No Gain The Tarot card of 9 of Disk (interesting coincidence that we are now in 2009) represents Venus in Virgo. The card symbolizes the union of hard work, creativity, dedication and service. Meditate with this card to activate inner as well as outer, spiritual and material abundance. While you are doing this remember not to be deceived by the name GAIN. There is no GAIN…Watch this You Tube and you will find out why... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPMnMmnZ2Zc
I believe that this crisis has given us the opportunity and motivation to create great good, an entire world filled with concord and abundance. But for this rebalance to result both East and West must move and change. America ought to relinquish some of the financial control it has wielded since the Bretton Woods Agreement (1944), it is time to shift towards a more pluralist distribution of economic power. It’s time to realize that only a team effort will pull us all out of this colossal muddle. Auspiciously, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton chose to make Asia (China) the destination for her first trip abroad in her new job rather than Europe, which is where most of her predecessors generally ventured first. The Yang at last has started to recognize the Yin. On the other side of the globe, Asian markets must tamp down the saving-for-a-rainy-day mentality since these savings have served to call down the very storm they were so afraid of. The Chinese Internet Wall must fall to more closely attune to the ideal of Western openness and the free flow of trade and communication, just as the Berlin Wall crumbled to reintegrate the countries of Eastern Europe into the global community. And both East and West ought to do away with as many forms of separation, seclusion, and all other signs of a superior/inferior complex as possible. No one is special, and that is what makes us all so special. When these rebalances meet in the middle, the East and West (Yin and Yang) can marry and give birth to an Aquarian reality that most systems of religion and mysticism have prophesized will transport humanity to its final stage of evolution. If we play the cards (and planets) right, then Pluto, which will trek through the terrain of Capricorn until 2023, will help us reshape our consumption of resources, wean us off our addiction to fossil fuels (Capricorn is associated with oil), and prepare us for the next auspicious shift, which will occur in 2023 when this small but powerful planet finally moves into Aquarius. This last point is very important since the U.S. and China collectively produce more then 50% of greenhouse gasses emission.
Astrology is not a deterministic art. It is a system that charts what is happening, not what will happen. Astrology, like modern physics, believes in parallel futures. The future is not written in the stars. The heavenly bodies merely describe the possibilities. It is up to us to make choices on a personal level and on a global level too. In November 2009, Saturn, our spiritual Pro-Tools, will move to Libra, the sign of relationships, diplomacy, and balance. It will afford us the rare opportunity to fix all that remains unbalanced between nations, between masculine and feminine, and to restore the ultimate equilibrium between Yin and Yang. And who knows, with the help of all of us who choose to follow the signs of truth and harmony, show us the way to The Way…
www.CosmicNavigator.com “…Their end is embedded in their beginning, their beginning in their END…” ---Sefer Yetzira