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BES 2005

BES 2005. The 2005 British Election Study. Principal Investigators Harold Clarke David Sanders Marianne Stewart Paul Whiteley RO: Kristi Winters RA: Paul Tran. Key Features of the 2005 BES.

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BES 2005

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  1. BES 2005

  2. The 2005 British Election Study Principal Investigators Harold Clarke David Sanders Marianne Stewart Paul Whiteley RO: Kristi Winters RA: Paul Tran

  3. Key Features of the 2005 BES • Core Face-to-Face Pre-Campaign and Post-Election Surveys with Panel and Self-Completion Components – Fieldwork by National Centre under direction of Katarina Thomson • Four-Wave Rolling Campaign Panel Internet Survey – fieldwork by Yougov under direction of Joe Twyman • Separate CSES Post-Election Internet Survey • Project funded by ESRC, additional funding by Electoral Commission • BES surveys supplemented by 48 Large Monthly Internet Surveys (funded by the NSF)

  4. 2005 BES Core Surveys

  5. 2005 BES Core Surveys By Country • Pre-Campaign: England = 2014, Wales = 642, Scotland = 933 • Post-Election: England = 2369, Wales = 733, Scotland = 1019 • Pre-Post Panel: England = 1693, Wales = 527, Scotland = 739 • Self-Completion: England = 1852, Wales =576, Scotland = 798

  6. Features of The Rolling Campaign Panel Survey (RCPS) • Large N’s • Pre-Campaign Base-line Survey – Vital For Assessing Campaign Dynamics and Campaign Effects • Four-Wave Panel • Mode Comparisons • Experiments Including Feedback-to Respondent

  7. Aggregate Data For Multilevel Modelling? • Yes, some data sets already available and others will be added to website very soon • data sets will contain aggregate data from the British Constituency Database – thanks Pippa Norris • data sets will contain aggregate census data at the constituency and ward levels - thanks Ron Johnston

  8. Where To Get the 2005 BES Data • Download data in SPSS or STATA formats from the project website: www.essex.ac.uk/bes • Project website also has questionnaires and technical information memos • By end of 2005, all 2005 BES data will be archived at the ESRC Data Archive at the University of Essex • Need Help? Contact kwinte@essex.ac.uk

  9. Substantive Findings? • Early Release for EPOP Conference Papers • PIs Findings? Paper at EPOP • A Brief Sampler

  10. A New Issue Agenda: 2001 & 2005 BES Pre-Election Surveys

  11. Conservative Nosedive: Trends in Party Support During the 2005 Campaign

  12. Valence Politics: Factors Affecting Probability of Voting Labour

  13. But Where’s Iraq?

  14. Feelings About Tony Blair by Evaluations of His Government’s Handling of the Iraq War

  15. Effects of Significant Predictors on Feelings About Tony Blair

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