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G 1

Broadband Matching. Matching with l /4 transmission line. G in. z in. G 1. G 2. G 3. G 4. z out. Matching with p /2 cells. v gg. Z OUT. v g1. v g2. Z IN. v g3. v g4. v g4. Z=V 2 /P v g =P/w. s=E 2 /w s/v g =E 2 /P ohms/m 2. Z=(1/v g )V 2 /w. p /2 cells. vgg1.smx.

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G 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Broadband Matching Matching with l/4 transmission line Gin zin G1 G2 G3 G4 zout Matching with p/2 cells vgg ZOUT vg1 vg2 ZIN vg3 vg4 vg4 Z=V2/P vg=P/w s=E2/w s/vg=E2/P ohms/m2 Z=(1/vg)V2/w

  2. p/2 cells vgg1.smx 1.125” smatr 11424 MHz 0.375” Inner conductor p/2 Outer conductor ra and pz as a function of Inner conductor group velocity

  3. Electric field and current density vgg Matching section terminated by its output impedance J E TE01 Coax DLG filter . Disks on center conductor. No E terminating on a conductor; No J at disk and coax interface

  4. Reflection and transmission vgg2 No attenuation cells s=5.8x106 Coax DLG filter m=10

  5. vgg2 Electric field E and current density J E J Coax DLG with 3 attenuation cells

  6. vgg1 Reflection and transmission

  7. Outer conductor reflection Disk thickness=3mm Vgmax[%c] 3.95 5.48 6.62 Inner conductor smatr transmission f_im=8MHz Vgmax[%c] 3.95 5.48 6.62 Bandwidth as a function of group velocity

  8. Vgg167la.smx TE01 Coax disk-loaded guide load or attenuator Vgm=3.95[%C] fim=8MHz 15 attenuation cells short (load) Att. 3mm thick disks on center conductor 16 dB attenuator Reflection 15 dB load attenuator attenuator transmission 20dB

  9. Vgm=5.48[%c] vgg150la fim=8MHz Outer conductor Load reflection Load 3mm disks Inner conductor Attenuator reflection 14 dB attenuator 20dB

  10. Vggsc0.mac Single cell H-field E-field

  11. Single cell H2 H-field

  12. vggsc1 Single cell E-field H-field

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