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Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS)

Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS). LT Michael Welgan June 2009. Outline. NRMS Overview Key Retention Metrics Command Career Counselor Reports Training Resources Available Points of contact at CCD. Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS).

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Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS)

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  1. Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS) LT Michael Welgan June 2009

  2. Outline • NRMS Overview • Key Retention Metrics • Command Career Counselor Reports • Training Resources Available • Points of contact at CCD

  3. Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS) Navy Enterprise Retention Reporting and Analysis Tool Web-based application, a component of NSIPS analytics, hosted on NMCI, with computer based/online training, an electronic SAAR process, and helpdesk support Designed in a collaborative effort between N1, Fleet, CNA, NPRST and CCD. Replaced the legacy Fleet and Staff tools (NAVRET and N1’s RMS) Provides access to personnel data from 1992 to present for retention reporting Sophisticated business intelligence capabilities, including ad hoc reporting to support analysis Standardized metrics (Fleet and Staff using same business rules) Fleet/Force-wide use with over 7,500 registered users Used to provide reports ranging from unit level leadership to Congress

  4. Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS) Facilitates meeting responsibilities delineated in DODINST 1304.3 and OPNAVINST 1040.11B DCNO N1 “Provide annual active and reserve reenlistment targets to Fleet and other Echelon 2 commanders” BUPERS 34 “Analyze, maintain, and disseminate command reenlistment and attrition data to Fleet and other Echelon 2 commanders” “Monitor Navy reenlistment and attrition trends” Fleets and Other Echelon 2 commanders “Establish a quarterly Honor Roll and annual Retention Excellence Award program in support of CNO reenlistment and attrition targets”

  5. Quick Overview of the Metrics • Reenlistment Rate = (Reenlistments + Long Term Extensions) divided by (Reenlistments + LTEs + EAOS Losses) • FY08 All-Navy Goals: Zone A 48%, Zone B: 58%, Zone C: 82% • Attrition Rate = (Before EAOS losses) (losses more than 90 days from EAOS) divided by (the Before EAOS inventory) [the number of people that are more than 90 days from the Hard EAOS] • Reenlistment Rate with RA (reserve affiliation) = (Reenlistments + Long Term Extensions + RAs) divided by (Reenlistments + LTEs + EAOS Losses) • RA Rate = number affiliating within 180 days of detaching divided by number eligible to affiliate (based on RE Codes) Focus of the metrics is on for Zones A - C

  6. Getting Started Click here to submit SAAR

  7. Getting Started Check here for news of interest

  8. Command Career Counselor Reports

  9. Command Career Counselor Reports

  10. Command Career Counselor Reports

  11. RET – ATT Report – Zone – Less Prompts

  12. RET – ATT Report – Zone – Less PromptsReenlistment Rate Calculation Reenlistments: Include both formal reenlistments (RE) + long term extensions (LTE) Long term extension: An extension of at least 24 months

  13. RET – ATT Report – Zone – Less PromptsReenlistment Rate w/ Reserve Affiliation Calculation A Reserve Affiliation (RA) is only counted if the Sailor diaries in within 180 days of detaching

  14. RET – ATT Report – Zone – Less PromptsReserve Affiliation (RA) Rate Calculation RA Rate = those affiliating within 180 days of detaching divided by those eligible to affiliate (based on Reentry Codes (RE Codes)). The numerator is 1,802, but we didn’t have room to show denominator in report. If you are curious, just divide the # of RAs by the RA Rate to get the number eligible to affiliate (i.e. 1,802/.15 = 12,013)

  15. RET – ATT Report – Zone – Less PromptsAttrition Rate Before EAOS Loss: A loss occurring greater than 90 days from EAOS Non EAOS Inventory: Number of Sailors greater than 90 days from EAOS Avg Non EAOS Inv: The average monthly Non EAOS Inventory across the date range specified in report

  16. Now a Quick Look at the Rest of the RET – ATT Report Following are marked up portions of the All Navy RET/ATT Report showing the At and Before EAOS Loss sections (the bottom of page one and page two)

  17. RET – ATT Report – Zone – Less PromptsBottom of Page 1 The losses listed here are At EAOS (within 90 days of EAOS), so they do not count toward attrition (recall, an attrite is a loss more than 90 days from EAOS).

  18. RET – ATT Report – Zone – Less Prompts Page 2 The losses listed here are Before EAOS, so they do count toward attrition (recall, an attrite is a loss more than 90 days from EAOS).

  19. What About A Report <12 Months? Question 1: What is the attrition rate at a command if there is 1 Non-EAOS loss in a month and a Non-EAOS inventory of 100? Question 2: What is the attrition rate at a command if there are 3Non-EAOS losses in a quarter and an average Non-EAOS inventory of 100? Question 3: What is the attrition rate at a command if there are 12Non-EAOS losses in a year and an average Non-EAOS inventory of 100? Attrition Rate = (Non-EAOS Losses) / (Average Non EAOS Inventory)

  20. What About A Report <12 Months? Answer: Each has an attrition rate of 12%!!! Huh?: Yes, attrition rate is always expressed on an annual basis to maintain consistency in reporting. A command with 1 Non EAOS Loss in a month with a Non EAOS Inventory of 100 has the same attrition rate as A command with 12 Non EAOS Losses in a year with an average Non EAOS Inventory of 100. Attrition Rate = (Non-EAOS Losses) / (Average Non EAOS Inventory)

  21. Let’s See if it Works 20 Before EAOS losses divided by 2,031 Average Non EAOS Inventory = 0.98% … NOT 3.9% as shown!!! Uh oh But There are 4 quarters in a year, so we need to multiply the Non EAOS Losses by 4 to express on annual basis: 20 Non EAOS Losses x 4 = 80 80 Non EAOS losses divided by 2,031 Avg Non EAOS Inv = 3.9% ... It does work!!!

  22. Does the same apply to Reenlistment Rate? Answer: No. The calculation for reenlistment rate over a period of time less than a year does not need to be expressed on annual basis. Why?: Because the reenlistment rate formula is determined completely by transactions (RE, LTE, EAOS Losses). Attrition rate did need to be expressed on annual basis because it is not completely determined by transactions – it has Average Non EAOS inventory in denominator. Reenlistment Rate = (RE + LTE) / (RE+LTE+EAOS Losses)

  23. Let’s See if it Works Reenlistment Rate Example for Less than a 12-month period 33 reenlistments / 72 At EAOS Transactions = 45.8% See, no need to convert to an annual basis. The same is also true for Reenlistment Rate w/ Reserve Affiliation as well as with Reserve Affiliation rate

  24. Master Transaction Report • The Master Transaction Report compliments the RET – ATT Report. • RET – ATT Report provides the numbers • Master Transaction Report provides the details (names, etc.) behind the numbers • Recommendations • Compare Master Transaction Report to RET – ATT report on monthly basis • Always have Master Transaction Report at the ready when briefing CMC/XO/CO on RET – ATT Report

  25. The RET – ATT shows: • 10 At EAOS Transactions, 1 Before EAOS Loss (RE-4), and 7 Reenlistments. You should be able to account by name for these numbers in Master Transaction Report

  26. Master Transactions Report

  27. Master Transactions Report

  28. Master Transactions Report

  29. Master Transaction Report Output • The Master Transaction Report does, in fact, have the same number of transactions as displayed on the RET – ATT report: 10 At EAOS Transactions, 7 Reenlistments, and 1 Before EAOS Loss (RE-4) • Note: Non-Qualifying Extensions and Executed Extensions are not shown on RET – ATT Report 7 RE + LTE 10 AT EAOS Transactions 1 Before EAOS Loss (RE-4)

  30. You have now had a chance to better understand both the • RET-ATT Report – Zone – Less Prompts and • Master Transaction Report.

  31. UIC Tree Report

  32. UIC Tree Report

  33. UIC Tree Report

  34. List Report – Unit Honor Roll by Zone

  35. List Report – Unit Honor Roll by Zone

  36. List Report – Unit Honor Roll by Zone

  37. List Report – Unit Honor Roll by Zone Reenlistment Rate Calculation 42.4% is below the FY08 Zone A goal of 48%. But … Reenlistments: Include both formal reenlistments (RE) + long term extensions (LTE) Long term extension: An extension of at least 24 months

  38. List Report – Unit Honor Roll by Zone Reenlistment Rate w/ Reserve Affiliation Calculation Although reenlistment rate is below 48%, a reenlistment rate with RA above 48% allows this ship to maintain eligibility for honor roll award A Reserve Affiliation (RA) is only counted if the Sailor diaries in within 180 days of detaching

  39. List Report – Unit Honor Roll by Zone Attrition Rate Calculation An attrition rate of 4.1% meets USFF FY08 attrition standards in Zone A of at or below 6.2% Before EAOS Loss: (Or Non EAOS Loss) A loss occurring greater than 90 days from EAOS Non EAOS Inventory: Number of Sailors greater than 90 days from EAOS Avg Non EAOS Inv: The average monthly Non EAOS Inventory across the date range specified in report

  40. Online Training Available Step 2: Click on any of the 3 choices to get additional info. Step 1: For training on creating own queries, open up Public Folders, NRMS, and click on “XI Information”

  41. Online Training Available Step 2: Click on any of the 3 choices to get additional info. Step 1: For training on creating own queries, open up Public Folders, NRMS, and click on “Training”

  42. NRMS POCs at BUPERS 34 • LT Michael Welgan: (901) 874-2317 • Miss Emily Brickell: (901) 874-3817 Email: Firstname.lastname@navy.mil

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