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Remember ... Don’t make it like this ;-). 5 elements of good writing:. Purpose -> inform, persuade or entertain. Audience : Who are you writing for ? How are we writing for them? Clarity -> clear, unambiguous. Unity -> same goal, aim or focus. Coherence -> sticks together.
5 elements of good writing: • Purpose -> inform, persuade or entertain. • Audience : Who are you writing for ? How are we writing for them? • Clarity -> clear, unambiguous. • Unity -> same goal, aim or focus. • Coherence -> sticks together.
Purpose -> inform, persuade or entertain. • Making a purpose statement might help in your writing. • Topic: The effects of insufficient sleep. • Purpose statement: Is to tell the negative effects or results of not getting enough sleep.
Audience and viewpoint. • viewpoint (1st-3rd Person) / Formality • First – (I, we, me, us, mine, ours) – personal exp. • Second(you, your(s)) – informal writing, instructions • Third (he, she, it, they, him, her, theirs) – academic Talk about a recent personal experience How do you cook / make something Change below: “In this essay I will examine how gender and ethnicity factors affect buying behaviours.” “I think that assisting developing countries to grow crops such as tobacco and opium poppies is not in their best long-term interests”
Clarity - “Clean, clear and naked.” fighter pilot • Clarity = clear and concise. So the reader can understand your writing through clear points. • Sentences aren’t vague or indirect; specific and concise language is used. • Improve through descriptive (precise) words. • Clear pronoun references.
The straw that broke the camel's back. • The grass is always greener on the other side. • Like father, like son. • Every dog has its day. • If the shoe fits, wear it. • A watched pot never boils. • You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. • Look before you leap. • Beauty is only skin deep. • Dead men tell no tales. • You can't teach an old dog new tricks. • Don't cry over spilled milk. • Similar sire, similar scion. • Surveillance should precede saltation. • Each canine possesses its period of pre-eminence. • Adorn yourself with the comfortable pedal encasement. • Male cadavers are incapable of yielding any testimony. • Pulchritude possesses exclusively cutaneous profundity. • It is futile to attempt to indoctrinate a superannuated canine with innovative maneuvers. • Gramineous organisms are perpetually more verdant when located on an adjacent surface. • It is fruitless to endure lacrimation over precipitately departed lacteal fluid. • The temperature of the aqueous content of a metallic receptacle under unremitting surveillance does not attain its level of evaporation. • The ultimate entity of dried gramineous organism induces a rupture of the dorsal portion of the ship of the desert. • Although it is within the realm of possibility to escort equuscaballus to a location providing a potable mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, one cannot coerce said mammal to imbibe.
Yes...(or) Yes, I did take the dog for a walk! • The guy looked good. • The food was tasty. • It was fun. He was nice.
And Appropriate Pronoun Use ...clarity... My favourite snacks are blueberries and plain rice cakes. I like them so much because of the crunchy texture and of course the fact that they are a low calorie, healthy snack. Chilli is a kind of thick soup made from ground beef. Some people prepare it with beans. They like the combination of tastes.
Unity and coherence What is unity in a paragraph? • Unity in a paragraph means that the entire paragraph should focus on one single idea. The supporting details should explain the main idea. The concluding sentence should end the paragraph with the same idea. Thus, a unified paragraph presents a thought, supports it with adequate details and completes it with a conclusion. What is coherence in a paragraph? • Coherence means establishing a relationship between the ideas presented in a paragraph. It brings about a rationale in the arrangement of the ideas which are introduced either in the chronological order or in the order of importance. Besides, transitions that compare, contrast, illustrate, add or show cause and effect build logical bridges. The ideas, thus expressed in the paragraph, flow smoothly from one to the other in a logical sequence. This helps the reader to understand the paragraph
Does this paragraph have unity? "Zombies are becoming an important part of popular culture, perhaps as a way of coping with some of the common fears in modern North American culture. Films like Shaun of the Dead and Fido blend comedy with aspects of horror and romance, but still focus on zombies. Simon Pegg has gone on to do other films and is a popular and talented comedic actor. Hollywood is taking advantage of resurgence of interest by remaking several old horror films as well. Television shows like “The Walking Dead” are popular with a wide demographic. Cable channels like AMC and HBO are making more and more quality television programs that deal with difficult and controversial topics in a way that is both entertaining and enlightening.”
Unity (part of coherence)“Stay on Topic” • Unity = same ideas within the one paragraph. No disjointed or ideas out of place. • So, all the sentences are related to the topic sentence and its controlling idea. • Find the sentence that doesn’t belong... Cleaning your room is not difficult if you follow some simple guidelines. First, you must pick up all of your clothes off the floor. Then you need to decide which clothes are dirty and which clothes are clean and put them in their appropriate places. It is important to wash your clothes with good-quality laundry detergent to keep them looking neat and clean. After that, you should put away any items that are out of place. The next step is to dust of all your furniture, such as your nightstand or dresser. The final step is to mop or vacuum the floor, depending on its surface. Once you have finished these steps, you can relax as you think about your good work.
Coherence – connecting ideas • Literally means “stick together” • All the ideas in a paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence. Achieved by: • Use transitions and logical order. • use nouns and pronouns consistently throughout a paragraph • repetition of key words and parallelism. (I won’t be covering…) • Put Your Ideas into Some Kind of Logical Order, such as logical division of ideas.
Transitions – connecting ideas. I’d get you to talk here, but I feel the room shaking from the music … Can anyone hear me ? … (grumble) …
Transitions between paragraphs • They help the reader anticipate or comprehend the new information that you wish to present. • Transitions between sections—Particularly in longer works, it may be necessary to include transitional paragraphs that summarize for the reader the information just covered and specify the relevance of this information to the discussion in the following section. ----------------------------------------------- • Transitions between paragraphs—If you have done a good job of arranging paragraphs so that the content of one leads logically to the next, the transition will highlight a relationship that already exists by summarizing the previous paragraph and suggesting something of the content of the paragraph that follows. A transition between paragraphs can be a word or two (however, for example, similarly), a phrase, or a sentence. Transitions can be at the end of the first paragraph, at the beginning of the second paragraph, or in both places. Example • Paragraph A: points that support the view that El Pais’s new government is very democratic. • Transition: Despite the previous arguments, there are many reasons to think that El Pais’s new government is not as democratic as typically believed. • Paragraph B: points that contradict the view that El Pais’s new government is very democratic. ---------------------------------- • Transitions within paragraphs—As with transitions between sections and paragraphs, transitions within paragraphs act as cues by helping readers to anticipate what is coming before they read it. Within paragraphs, transitions tend to be single words or short phrases.
Work Time ... • Using clarity, unity and coherence, as well as appropriate transitions; write a 3 paragraph essay on a topic that is arguable. 1. Intro (say what you’re going to say) 2. Middle (say it) – this is the main part !!! 3. Conclusion (say what you’ve said)
http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/exercises/language.html#1 • http://www.wheaton.edu/Academics/Services/Writing-Center/Writing-Resources/Paragraph-Unity-Coherence-and-Development