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Chapter 3 Functional Programming. Outline. Introduction to functional programming Scheme: an untyped functional programming language. Storage vs. Value. In imperative languages , stroage is visible: variables are names of storage cells . assignment changes the value in a storage cell.
Outline • Introduction to functional programming • Scheme: an untyped functional programming language
Storage vs. Value • In imperative languages,stroage is visible: • variables are names of storage cells. • assignment changes the value in a storage cell. • explicit allocation and deallocation of storage. • computation is a sequence of updates to storage. • Functional languages manipulates values, rather than storage. There is no notion of storage in functional languages. • variables are names of values.
Assignment vs. Expression • In pure functional programming, there is no assignment and each program (or function) is an expression. (define gcd (lambda (u v) (if (= v 0) u (gcd v (remainder u v)) ) ) ) v == 0 ? u : gcd(v, u % v);
Referential Transparency • Due to the lack of assignment, the value of a function call depends only on the values of its arguments.gcd(9, 15) • There is no explicit notion of state. • This property makes the semantics of functional programs particularly simple.
Loops vs. Recursion • Due to the lack of assignment, repetition cannot be carried out through loops. A loop must have a control variable that is reassigned as the loop executes. • Repetition is carried out through recursion in functional languages.
Functions as Values • In functional languages, functions are viewed as values. They can be manipulated in arbitrary ways without arbitrary restrictions. • Functions can be created and modified dynamically during computation. • Functions are first-class values.
Higher-Order Functions • As other first-class values, functions can be passed as arguments and returned as values. • A function is called a higher-order function if it has function parameters or returns functions.
Scheme: A Dialect of Lisp • The development of Lisp begins in 1958. • Lisp is based on the lambda calculus. • Lisp was called Lisp (List processor) because its basic data structure is a list. • Unfortunately, no single standard evolved for the Lisp language, and many different dialects have been developed over the years. • Scheme is one of the dialects of Lisp.
Starting Scheme • We will use the MIT Scheme interpreter to illustrate the features of Scheme. • When we start the MIT Scheme interpreter, we will enter the Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) of the interpreter. • It displays a prompt whenever it is waiting for your input. You then type an expression. Scheme evaluates the expression, prints the result, and gives you a prompt.
An Example 1 ]=> 12 ;Value: 12 1 ]=> foo ;Unbound variable: foo ;To continue, call RESTART with an option number: ; (RESTART 3) => Specify a value to use instead ... ; (RESTART 2) => Define foo to a given value. ; (RESTART 1) => Return to read-eval-print level 1. 2 error>
Leaving Scheme • You can leave Scheme by calling the procedure exit.1 ]=> (exit)Kill Scheme (y or n)? y
Scheme Syntax • The syntax of Scheme is particularly simple:expression atom | listatom number | string | identifier| character | booleanlist ‘(’ expression-sequence ‘)’expression-sequence expression expression-sequence | expression
Some Examples 42 a number “hello” a string hello an identifier #\a a character #t the Boolean value “true” (2.1 2.2 2.3) a list of numbers (+ 2 3) a list consisting of an identifier “+” and two numbers
Scheme Semantics • A constant atom evaluates to itself. • An identifier evaluates to the value bound to it. • A list is evaluated by recursively evaluating each element in the list as an expression (in some unspecified order); the first expression in the list evaluates to a function. This function is then applied to the evaluated values of the rest of the list.
Some Examples 1 ]=> 42 ;Value: 42 1 ]=> “hello” ;Value 1: “hello” 1 ]=> #\a ;Value: #\a 1 ]=> #t ;Value: #t 1 ]=> (+ 2 3) ;Value: 5 1 ]=> (* (+ 2 3) (/ 6 2)) ;Value: 15
Numerical Operations • The following are type predicates: (number? x) ;(number? 3+4i) (complex? x) ;(complex? 3+4i) (real? x) ;(real? -0.25) (rational? x) ;(rational? 6/3) (integer? x) ;(integer? 3.0)
Numerical Operations • The following are relational operators: (= x y z …) (< x y z …) (> x y z …) (<= x y z …) (>= x y z …)
Numerical Operations • The following are more predicates: (zero? x) (positive? x) (negative? x) (odd? x) (even? x)
Numerical Operations • The following are arithmetic operators: (+ x …) ;(+ 3 4 5) (* x …) ;(* 3 4 5) (- x …) ;(- 3 4 5) (/ x …) ;(/ 3 4 5) (max x y …) ;(max 3 4 5) (min x y …) ;(min 3 4 5)
Numerical Operations • The following are arithmetic operators: quotient remainder modulo abs numerator denominator gcd lcm floor ceiling truncate round exp log sqrt
Boolean Operations • The following are boolean operations: (boolean? x) ;(boolean? #f) (not x) ;(not 3) (and x …) ;(and 3 4 5) (or x …) ;(or 3 4 5)
x 5 car x cdr x 4 Pairs • A pair (sometimes called a dotted pair) is a record structure with two fields called the car (contents of the address register) and cdr (contents of the decrement register) fields. (4 . 5)
Lists • Pairs are used primarily to represent lists. A list is an empty list or a pair whose cdr is a list () ; () (a . ()) ; (a) (a . (b . ())) ; (a b)
Literal Expressions • (quote x) evaluates to x. (quote a) ; a (quote (+ 1 2)) ; (+ 1 2) • (quote x) may be abbreviated as ‘x. ‘a ; a ‘(+ 1 2) ; (+ 1 2)
List Operations • (cons x y) ; return a pair whose car is x and cdr is y(cons ‘a ‘(b c)) ; (a b c)(cons ‘(a) ‘(b c)) ; ((a) b c) • (car x) ; return the car field of x(car ‘(a b c)) ; a(car ‘((a) b c)) ; (a) • (cdr x) ; return the cdr field of x(cdr ‘(a b c)) ; (b c)(cdr ‘((a) b c)) ; (b c)
List Operations • (caar x) ; (caar ‘((a) b c)) • (cadr x) ; (cadr ‘((a) b c)) • (pair? x) ; (pair? ‘(a b c)) • (null? x) ; (null? ‘(a b c)) • (length x) ; (length ‘(a b c)) • (list x …) ; (list ‘a ‘b ‘c) • (append x …) ; (append ‘(a) ‘(b) ‘(c)) • (reverse x) ; (reverse ‘(a b c))
Conditionals • (if test consequent) • (if test consequent alternate)(if (> 3 2) ‘yes ‘no)(if (> 3 2) (- 3 2) (+ 3 2)) Special form Evaluation of arguments are delayed
Conditionals • (cond (test1 expr1 …) (test2 expr2 …) … (else expr …))(cond ((> 3 2) ‘greater) ((< 3 2) ‘less) (else ‘equal))
Function Definition • Functions can be defined using the function define (define (variable formals) body) (define (gcd u v) (if (= v 0) u (gcd v (remainder u v)) ) )
An Example (append ‘(1 2 3) ‘(4 5 6)) ;(1 2 3 4 5 6) (define (append x y) (if (null? x) y (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y)) ))
An Example (reverse ‘(1 2 3)) ; (3 2 1) (define (reverse x) (if (null? x) x (append (reverse (cdr x)) (cons (car x) ‘())) ))
Tail Recursion • A recursion is called tail recursion if the recursive call is the last operation in the function definition. (define (gcd u v) (if (= v 0) u (gcd v (remainder u v)) ) ) • Scheme compiler or interpreter will optimize a tail recursion into a loop.
An Example (define (reverse x) (if (null? x) x (append (reverse (cdr x)) (cons (car x) ‘())) )) (define (reverse x) (reverse1 x ‘())) (define (reverse1 x y) (if (null? x) y (reverse1 (cdr x) (cons (car x) y))) )) Accumulator
Lambda Expressions • The value of a function is represented as a lambda expression. (define (square x) (* x x)) (define square (lambda (x) (* x x))) • A lambda expression is also called an anonymous function
An Example (define gcd (lambda (u v) (if (= v 0) u (gcd v (remainder u v)) ) ))
Higher-Order Functions • The procedure (apply proc args) calls the procedure proc with the elements of args as the actual arguments. Args must be a list. (apply + ‘(3 4)); 7 (apply (lambda (x) (* x x)) ‘(3)); 9
Higher-Order Functions • The procedure (map proc list1 list2 …) applies the procedure proc element-wise to the elements of the lists and returns a list of the results. (map cadr ‘((a b) (d e) (g h))); (b e h) (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) ‘(1 2 3)); (1 4 9)
Higher-Order Functions • An example of returning lambda expressions is as follows: (define (make-double f) (lambda (x) (f x x))) (define square (make-double *)) (square 2)
Equivalence Predicates • (eqv? obj1 obj2) returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are the same object (eqv? ‘a ‘a) (eqv? (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2) • (equal? obj1 obj2) returns #t if obj1 and obj2 print the same (equal? ‘a ‘a) (equal? (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)
Input and Output • the function read reads a representation of an object from the input and returns the object (read) • the function write writes a representation of an object to the output (write object)
Load Programs • Functions and expressions in a file can be loaded into the system via the function load (load filename) (load “C:\\user\\naiwei\\ex.txt”)