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GOVERNOR’S ENERGY OFFICE. Presented by Alexander Mack, Program Administrator. Staff the Florida Energy and Climate Commission Administer the Florida Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficient Technologies Grants Program Administer State Energy Efficiency Grant Programs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GOVERNOR’S ENERGY OFFICE Presented by Alexander Mack, Program Administrator

  2. Staff the Florida Energy and Climate Commission Administer the Florida Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficient Technologies Grants Program Administer State Energy Efficiency Grant Programs Administer federally delegated energy program Administer petroleum planning and emergency contingency planning Coordinate Emergency Support Function (ESF) #12 – Fuels What We Do

  3. What We Do (con’t) Administer the Florida Green Government Grants Act Administer the information gathering and reporting functions pursuant to ss. 377.601 – 377.608 Provide technical assistance

  4. The Purpose On February 17, 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 P.L. 111-5 (ARRA) was enacted. As a result of this new law, the State of Florida was allocated economic stimulus funds for various programs. Funding allocated to the Florida Energy and Climate Commission (FECC) is from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Associated goals of the various programs include; (1) reducing energy use; (2) improving energy efficiency; (3) increasing renewable energy production; (4) reducing greenhouse gas emissions; (5) creating/retaining jobs.

  5. GOVERNOR’S ENERGY OFFICE • Presented by Travis Yelverton, Deputy Director

  6. SEP & EECBG Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) Local Governments: EE/RE upgrades & retrofits State Agency Projects: EE/RE upgrades & retrofits; Energy Code- Compliance, Training, Education; Economic Development Strategies;

  7. SEP & EECBG State Energy Program (SEP) Rebate Programs: Solar Rebates; HVAC Rebates Promote Fuel Diversity: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG); E85 (ethanol mix); B20 (biodiesel mix) Grants to Non-profits; NGO’s Access to Capital: Clean Energy Investment Program (loans & equity)

  8. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Overview $175,958,742.00 – Total Federal ARRA Funding for 2009-2012

  9. Summary of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) RequirementsPresented by Gail Stafford, OMC Manager

  10. ARRA Requirements ARRA dramatically increased Energy Office funding. Accountability and Transparency Increased Workload State Energy Program (SEP), Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG), Energy Star Rebate Program and Energy Assurance

  11. ARRA Requirements Compliance with Federal Provisions National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) Buy American Labor Standards Historic Preservation Financial Management Reporting/Recordkeeping

  12. ARRA Requirements Legislation and Authority Public Law 111-5 US Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program (WIP) of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) 10 CFR 600 and 10 CFR 420 Energy Policy and Conservation Act Energy Independence and Security Act

  13. ARRA Requirements National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) of 1969 Environmental Impacts NEPA Review Process Categorical Exclusion (CE or CX) Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

  14. ARRA Requirements Buy American Section 1605 of ARRA 2 CFR 176 All iron, steel and manufactured goods must be produced or manufactured in the United States. Applicable to public buildings or public work projects only

  15. ARRA Requirements Davis Bacon Act (DBA) Section 1606 of ARRA Applies to construction contracts over $2,000 Both public and non-public projects funded in whole or in part with federal funds Flow-down provisions

  16. ARRA Requirements Historic Preservation Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Programmatic Agreement Certified Local Governments Exemptions

  17. ARRA Requirements Reporting/Recordkeeping 1512 Reporting Metrics

  18. ARRA Requirements QUESTIONS?

  19. RESOURCESPresented by Jennifer Hartshorne, Grant Manager

  20. Resources American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Sub-Recipient Administrative Guide Essential information on how to administer your grant Contact your grant manager to obtain a copy

  21. Resources Department of Energy Technical Assistance Website The Solution Center Webcasts Best Practices Submit questions Blog http://www1.eere.energy.gov/wip/solutioncenter/

  22. Resources OMB Circulars White House Office of Management and Budget http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_default

  23. Resources CFR (example: 10 CFR 600) Code of Federal Regulations http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/

  24. Resources Florida Statutes http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/

  25. Resources Florida Energy and Climate Commission Website http://www.myfloridaclimate.com/climate_quick_links/florida_energy_climate_commission

  26. Resources Your Grant Manager Tony Morgan Brenda Buchan Kelley Smith Jennifer Hartshorne Travis Yelverton April Groover John Leeds Mark Hermanson Fredericka Jones Matthew Faulk

  27. Program AdministrationPresented by Gail Stafford, OMC Manager

  28. Program Administration State’s Responsibilities Informing Sub-Recipients Ensuring Program Compliance Ensuring Fiscal Compliance Ensuring Audit Compliance

  29. Program Administration Overview Sub-Recipient Agreement Project Management On-Time Performance/Timeliness

  30. Program Administration Sub-Recipient Agreement Scope of Work and Budget Attachment A, Grant Work Plan Agreement Period Modifications Recordkeeping

  31. Program Administration Sub-Recipient Agreement Audit Requirements Records Available for Inspection > 500,000 – Audit Required Reports Monthly Reports Final Report

  32. Program Administration Sub-Recipient Agreement Attachment A, Grant Work Plan Attachment B, Payment Request Summary Attachment E, Federal Regulations Attachment F, Federal Funding Grantee, Sub-grantee and Contractor Provisions

  33. Program Administration Project Management Overall Supervisor Trained Staff Policies and Procedures Inspection of work

  34. Program Administration Project Management Use of Consultants Conflicts of Interest Financial Management

  35. Program Administration On-Time Performance/Timeliness Managing program activities critical Most funds are in facility improvements/upgrades; No timeliness if work cannot proceed; Issues before grant award Staffing Issues after grant award Engineering design delays Permitting delays Local government issues Budget Issues

  36. Program Administration On-Time Performance/Timeliness Grant Period – 2 Years Project delays can have financial impact: Loss of funding for existing project if delayed too long; Possible reduction in funding to the State.

  37. Program Administration On-Time Performance/Timeliness (Sub-Recipient Responsibilities) Engineer selection Contract penalties for non-performance Active role in monitoring design process Monthly meetings Weekly reports Implement the activity as planned Enhancement or expansion

  38. Program Administration QUESTIONS?

  39. Financial ManagementPresented by Kim Hoffman, Budget Officer

  40. It’s Your Responsibility… Financial management and control of grant funds is the sole responsibility of the Sub-recipient that accepts the funds.

  41. Sub-recipient Financial Management Systems Must be Sufficient to: Permit preparation of reports as required by the grant agreement, and Permit the tracing of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to establish that grant funds have not been used in violation of the restrictions or prohibitions of the grant agreement.

  42. The Sub-recipient’s Financial Management System is Required to Maintain: An accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the status and financial results of the grant program in accordance with your grant agreement. Records that adequately identify (by activity) the source and use of funds for each grant-supported project. Effective control and accountability for all grant funds, property, and other assets. Procedures to comply with the requirement for the timely distribution of funds. Accounting records that are supported by source documentation. Internal controls and segregation of duties designed to eliminate fraud and abuse.

  43. Necessary Components of a Financial Management System General Ledger Cash Receipts Journal Cash Disbursements Journal Detail of Expenditures

  44. Financial Management Systems Must Meet the Following Minimum Standards: Financial reporting must be accurate, current and provide a complete disclosure of the financial records of grant activities.

  45. Financial Management Systems Must Meet the Following Minimum Standards: Accounting records must adequately identify the source and use of grant funds. Local governments are required to formally incorporate grant funds into their local budgets.

  46. Financial Management Systems Must Meet the Following Minimum Standards: Internal controls must be effective and provide accountability for all grant funded cash, real and personal property, and other assets, including the safeguarding of all such property to assure that it is used solely for authorized purposes.

  47. Minimum Requirements of Internal Controls : A single individual must not be allowed to exercise complete control over all phases of any significant transaction. For example, that the same person cannot purchase materials, receive materials, authorize payment, and write the check to pay for materials.

  48. Minimum Requirements of Internal Controls : Recordkeeping must be separate from operations and the handling and custody of assets.

  49. Minimum Requirements of Internal Controls : Monthly reconciliation and verification of cash balances with bank statements must be made by employees who do not handle or record cash or sign checks.

  50. Minimum Requirements of Internal Controls : Actual lines of responsibility must be clearly established and a single person identified to assume responsibility for management oversight of the entire financial management system.

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