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Management of GPS as a Dual Use System. Mr Robert Dickman Under Secretary of the Air Force Deputy for Military Space. Department of Defense: Stewards of the GPS Program. DoD in general, and Air Force specifically, chartered with acquisition and operations of GPS
Management of GPS as a Dual Use System Mr Robert Dickman Under Secretary of the Air Force Deputy for Military Space
Department of Defense:Stewards of the GPS Program • DoD in general, and Air Force specifically, chartered with acquisition and operations of GPS • Civil perspectives are key to the management of the system • Deputy for civil matters present at the JPO • Civil representative present at AFSPC HQ • Interagency GPS Executive Board (IGEB) charts the course for future GPS activities • Advantage of current management structure: Everyone is involved • Civil/commercial interests have a role in future GPS activities (Requirements, Acquisition, Operations) • Implications: • Slow decision making process
GPS InvestmentPast, Present and Future GPS FY04 President’s Budget Profile (User Equipment and O&M not included) TY $M
GPS Management Interagency GPS Executive Board (IGEB) Charter: Senior-level; manages GPS & US Augmentations, consistent w/ National Policy; Protect national security and foreign policy interests; Focus on dual use aspects IGEB DoD Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Exec Committee (DoD POS/NAV Ex Com) Charter: Primary advisory body to ASD/C3I on DoD Position, Navigation & Timing (PNT) Matters; Primarily used as a staffing mechanism for DoD coordination; IAT IRT ASD(NII) AST(Policy) IGEB Senior Steering Group (SSG) Charter: O-6 advisory body to IGEB; Co-chaired by DoD and DOT DOJ NASA DOS DOI DOA JCS DOT DOC Executive Secretariat DOT/Ext POS/NAV Ex Com DoD PNT Ex Com SSG DOT/Extended POS/NAV Executive Committee Charter: Primary advisory body to DOT on civil PNT matters; PNT Working Group (WG) Charter: O-6 level subordinate group to Ex Com PNT WG Extended POS/NAV WG DOT POS/NAV WG Extended and DOT POS/NAV WGs Charter: Provide broad civil input on PNT matters that extend beyond just transportation; Acquisition Process USecAF Interagency Requirements Process AFSPC/CC IGEB Co-Chairs Defense Space Acquisition Board (DSAB) DAB Equivalent Interagency Requirements Council (IRC) JROC Equivalent DOT & Ext. POS/NAV Ex Coms Broad Consensus on Civil Requirements JROC Validate Mil Requirements Independent Assessment Team (IAT) Charter: Senior level independent group providing policyassessments on GPS & US Augmentations to IGEB co-chairs Independent Program Assessment (IPA) Team Single, focused Activity that takes place of IPT process Interagency Requirements Board (IRB) Flag Level JRB Coord & Adjudicate Mil Requirements Select Civil Participation As Invited Broad Consensus on Civil Issues DOT & Ext. POS/NAV WG Coord & Adjudicate Civil Requirements Independent Review Team (IRT) Charter: Senior level independent group providing technicalassessments on GPS & US Augmentations to AFSPC/CC JRP Coord & Adjudicate Mil Requirements O-6 & Flag Field Review KEY DoD Only Interagency Forum for Operational Requirements (IFOR) Interagency Independent Advisory Bodies Civil Only Independent
GPSModernization Plan Increasing System Capabilities w Increasing Defense/ Civil Benefit Block III Block IIR-M, IIF • GPS III • Navigation Surety • Increased Accuracy • Assured Availability • Controlled Integrity • System Survivability Block IIA/IIR • IIR-M: IIA/IIR capabilities plus • 2nd Civil Signal on L2 (L2C) • Earth coverage M-Codeon L1 & L2 • IIF: IIR-M capability plus • 3rd Civil Signal on L5 • Basic GPS • Std Service (16-24m SEP) • Single frequency (L1) • C/A code navigation • Precise Service (16m SEP) • Two frequencies (L1&L2) • P-code navigation Flex Power upgrade adds ability to increase power on both P and M-Code signals to defeat low level enemy jamming