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Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Design. Omar Meqdadi SE 273 Lecture 8 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Topics covered. Objects and object classes An object-oriented design process Design evolution. Object-Oriented Design.
Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Design Omar Meqdadi SE 273 Lecture 8 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Topics covered • Objects and object classes • An object-oriented design process • Design evolution
Object-Oriented Design Designing systems using self-contained objects and object classes
Objects and Classes • Class – a generalization of a set of entities with common structure, behavior, and relationships to other classes. An abstract data type. • A person, an employee • Object – an instance of a class. It has a state, value, and scope of existence • Joe Smith, Jane Doe
Objects • Objects are entities in a software system which represent instances of real-world and system entities • An object has a state, behavior and identity. • Terms instance and object are interchangeable. • State – the properties of an object and the current values of these properties • Behavior – how an object acts and reacts in terms of its state change and message passing
Types of objects • Boundary – represent the interactions between the system and actors • Control – represent the tasks that are performed by the user and supported by the system • Entity – represent the persistent information tracked by the system • See [Jacobson ’99]
Objects and object classes • Object classes • Templates for objects (used to create objects) • The structure and behavior of similar objects are defined in their class. • Includes declarations of all the attributes and services which should be associated with an object of that class • Object classes may inherit attributes and services from other object classes
What is a good Class? • Should provide a crisp abstraction of something from the problem (or solution) domain • Embody a small well defined set of responsibilities and carry them out well • Provides clear separation of abstraction, specification, and implementation • Is understandable and simple yet extendable and adaptable.
Characteristics of OOD • Objects are abstractions of real-world or system entities and manage themselves • Objects are independent and encapsulate state and representation information • System functionality is expressed in terms of object services • Shared data areas are eliminated. Objects communicate by message passing • Objects may be distributed and may execute sequentially or in parallel
Advantages of OOD • Easier maintenance. Objects may be understood as stand-alone entities • Objects are appropriate reusable components • For some systems, there may be an obvious mapping from real world entities to system objects
Object Oriented paradigm • OO Analysis – A method of analysis which examines requirements from the perspective of classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the problem domain • OO Design – A method of design encompassing the process of object oriented decomposition. • OO Programming – A method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each an instance of a class whose members are part of a inheritance hierarchy
A Class in UML Class name Attributes Operators
Class attributes Person • An attribute is a named property of a class that describes the object being modeled • Attributes are usually listed in the form: attributeName : Type • Attributes can be: • + public • # protected • - private + name : String # address : Address # birthdate : Date - ssn : Id
Person name : String address : Address birthdate : Date ssn : Id eat sleep work play Class operations • Operations describe the class behavior and appear in the third compartment • Specify an operation by stating its signature • Operations can be: • + public • # protected • - private
An object in UML object name and class
Class relationships in UML • Generalization • Dependency • Association • These can represent inheritance, using, aggregation, etc.
Generalisation and inheritance • Objects are members of classes which define attribute types and operations • Classes may be arranged in a class hierarchy where one class (a super-class) is a generalisation of one or more other classes (sub-classes) • A sub-class inherits the attributes and operations from its super class and may add new methods or attributes of its own • Generalisation in the UML is implemented as inheritance in OO programming languages
Generalization • An is-a relationship • Abstract class
Single inheritance Telemetry Data Telemetry Data Telemetry Data Telemetry Data Telemetry Data Telemetry Data Telemetry Data
Single inheritance class TelemetryData { public: TelemetryData(); virtual ~TelemetryData(); virtual void transmit(); Time currentTime() const; private: int id; Time timeStamp; }; class ElectricalData : public TelemetryData { public: ElectricalData(float v1, float v2, float v1, float v2); virtual ElectricalData(); virtual void transmit(); float currentPower() const; private: float fuelCell1Voltage, fuelCell2Voltage; float fuelCell1Amperes, fuelCell2Amperes; };
Multiple inheritance Insurable Item Interest Bearing Asset Bank Account Security Real Estate Saving Account Checking Account Stock Bond
Multiple inheritance class Asset; class InsurableItem; class InterestBearing; class BankAccount : public Asset, public InsurableItem, public InterestBearing {}; class RealEstate : public Asset, public InsurableItem {}; class Security : public Asset, public InterestBearing {}; class SavingsAccount : public BankAccount {}; class CheckingAccount : public BankAccount {}; class Stock : public Security {}; class Bond : public Security {};
Advantages of inheritance • It is an abstraction mechanism which may be used to classify entities • It is a reuse mechanism at both the design and the programming level • The inheritance graph is a source of organisational knowledge about domains and systems
Problems with inheritance • Object classes are not self-contained. they cannot be understood without reference to their super-classes • Designers have a tendency to reuse the inheritance graph created during analysis. Can lead to significant inefficiency • The inheritance graphs of analysis, design and implementation have different functions and should be separately maintained
Inheritance and OOD • There are differing views as to whether inheritance is fundamental to OOD. • View 1. Identifying the inheritance hierarchy or network is a fundamental part of object-oriented design. Obviously this can only be implemented using an OOPL. • View 2. Inheritance is a useful implementation concept which allows reuse of attribute and operation definitions. Identifying an inheritance hierarchy at the design stage places unnecessary restrictions on the implementation • Inheritance introduces complexity and this is undesirable, especially in critical systems
Association • Structural relationship between peer classes (or objects). • Association can have a name and direction, or be bi-directional • Role names for each end of the association • Multiplicity of the relationship
class Person { public: private: Company *employer; }; class Company { public: private: Person **employee; }; Each instance of Person has a pointer to its employer Each instance of Company has a collection of pointers denoting its employees Association code example
next LinkedListNode previous Association Relationships A class can have a self association.
Link Attributes • Associations may have properties in the same manner as objects/classes. • Salary and job title can be represented as
Aggregation & Composition • Special type of association • Part of relationship (is-part-of, is-made-of, contains) • Can use roles and multiplicity
Aggregation vs. Composition • Aggregation is a shared containment. No strong life time dependency. • Composition is constrained aggregation that implies ownership. The life time of the aggregates are determined by the object.
Aggregation code example • A part-of (has-a) relationship (physical containment) class Team{ public: Team(); Team(vector<*members>); private: vector<*department> members[n]; };
Composition code example • A part-of (has-a) relationship (physical containment) class university { public: university(); university(vector<*department>); private: vector<*department> dept[n]; };
Dependency • Represents a using relationship • If a change in specification in one class effects another class (but not the other way around) there is a dependency
Dependency relationships A dependency indicates a semantic relationship between two or more elements. The dependency from CourseSchedule to Course exists because Course is used in both the add and removeoperations of CourseSchedule. CourseSchedule Course add(c : Course) remove(c : Course)
Which Relation is Right? • Aggregation – aka is-part-of, is-made-of, contains • Use association when specific (persistent) objects have multiple relationships (e.g., there is only one Bill Gates at MS) • Use dependency when working with static objects, or if there is only one instance • Do not confuse part-of with is-a
Object modeling • Given the high-level requirements (use cases) • Define the object model • Identify objects • Compile a data dictionary • Identify association and aggregations • Identify attributes of objects • Generalize objects into classes • Organized and abstract using inheritance • Iterate and refine model • Group classes into modules/components
Example: Weather Monitoring Station • This system shall provide automatic monitoring of various weather conditions. Specifically, it must measure: • wind speed and direction • temperature • barometric pressure • humidity • The system shall also proved the following derived measurements: • wind chill • dew point temperature • temperature trend • barometric pressure trend
Weather Monitoring System Requirements • The system shall have the means of determining the current time and date so that it can report the highest and lowest values for any of the four primary measurements during the previous 24 hour period. • The system shall have a display that continuously indicates all eight primary and derived measurements, as well as current time and date. • Through he use of a keypad the user may direct the system to display the 24 hour low or high of any one primary measurement, with the time of the reported value. • The system shall allow the user to calibrate its sensors against known values, and set the current time and date.
Identify objects • From the vocabulary of the domain • User, clock, sensor, temperature, LCDDisplay, Keypad, time, date, wind speed, humidity, barometer, calibrator, metric units, English units, input manager, sensor sampler, wind direction, display manager, trend, pressure, current time, current date, current temp, high temp, low temp, change temp, change time, power up, power down, input buffer, trend, key, running, selecting
Eliminate terms • Refine the model by eliminating • Redundancy – classes that represent same concept • Irrelevant classes – things you don’t care about • Vague classes – ill defined boundaries • Attributes – describe parts of objects • Operators – sequence of actions are often mistaken for classes • Roles – what it is not the role it plays • Implementation details – save it for later
New Data Dictionary • Time & Date • Sensors: Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction • Keypad • Input Manager • Display (LCD Device) • Display Manager • Timer (clock) • Sensor Sampler
Compiler Packages A package is a container-like element for organizing other elements into groups. A package can contain classes and other packages and diagrams. Packages can be used to provide controlled access between classes in different packages.
FrontEnd BackEnd Compiler Packages: Example Classes in the FrontEnd package and classes in the BackEnd package cannot access each other in this diagram.
FrontEnd BackEnd Compiler Packages: Example Classes in the BackEnd package now have access to the classes in the FrontEnd package.