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Modeling Malaysian Public Opinion by Monitoring the Malaysian Blogosphere

Modeling Malaysian Public Opinion by Monitoring the Malaysian Blogosphere. Brian Ulicny VIStology, Inc. Framingham, MA. IBlogs Goals. Cluster Posts by Event, and Rank using new metrics for Relevance Timeliness (& Locality) Specificity Credibility

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Modeling Malaysian Public Opinion by Monitoring the Malaysian Blogosphere

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  1. Modeling Malaysian Public Opinion by Monitoring the Malaysian Blogosphere Brian Ulicny VIStology, Inc. Framingham, MA

  2. IBlogs Goals Cluster Posts by Event, and Rank using new metrics for • Relevance • Timeliness (& Locality) • Specificity • Credibility Applied to Malaysian Blogosphere as a Case Study AFOSR funded; Distributed Intelligence Program • Automated Ontologically-Based Link Analysis of International Web Logs for the Timely Discovery of Relevant and Credible Information • Ends November, 2008. VIStology, Inc.

  3. Commercial State of Art • Technorati Blog Search • Organized by Date and Authority. • Authority = Global Link Popularity. • No way to filter blogs by location currently. • So must probe via keywords. • No aggregation of topics or links locally. VIStology, Inc.

  4. The Malaysian Blogosphere Former British colony. English 2nd Most Common Language. Complex ethnic and religious social structure. Press tightly controlled RSF: 124th of 169. But: Internet growth encouraged. Over 150K Malaysian profiles on Blogger.com. 310K profiles on Facebook.com Blogs have exposed alleged government corruption and organized protests. Government has intimidated and arrested bloggers. VIStology, Inc.

  5. Malaysian SoPo Blogosphere VIStology, Inc.

  6. Malaysia SoPo Blogs:385 blogs in crawl seed yields 220.3K urls, 4693 Sites @ depth 4 • ~2K Blogs • 1,059 Blogspot Blogs, 801 Wordpress, 16 Typepad • 272 .org, 45 .gov.my • Of the Blogspot blogs (structured profiles) • 659 Malaysia, 166 other, 234 unspecified • 122 Kuala Lumpur • 88 Selangor (State) • 31 Johor (State), 10 Subang Jaya, 11 Klang, 6 Johor Bahr • 10 list Koran as favorite book; 4 Bible VIStology, Inc.

  7. Fragmentation of References:Diversity of Links for Bersih Rally Posts VIStology, Inc.

  8. Posting and Linking PatternsMalaysian SoPo Bloggers, Blogging Unfree Press Cf. 50% of US “A-list” Blog posts contain a news link (Adamic, Glance. 2005) VIStology, Inc.

  9. Clustering by Event:Nov. 10, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, police BBC Star CNN NST VIStology, Inc.

  10. Blog Post RelevanceAboutness Determined by Term Frequency in Post Text plus Linked Text  Links To Jeff Ooi Post IHT article VIStology, Inc.

  11. Blog Post SpecificitySpecificity Determined by # Unique NPsin Post Text and Linked Text Jeff Ooi Pos(26 UNPs) IHT article (16 UNPs)  Links To VIStology, Inc.

  12. Blog Post Timeliness & Locality:Timeliness is Difference between Post Time and Dateline VIStology, Inc.

  13. Centrality vs. Credibility VIStology, Inc.

  14. Conclusions and Future Work • 1. It is possible to geolocate many Malaysian bloggers explicitly, particularly Blogspot bloggers. • 2. System can now extract (nearly all) the features we need automatically now. • 3. Integration efforts ongoing to tie all the pieces together. • 4. This will allow us to do a complete, fully automated analysis of important events in the Malaysian (sopo)blogosphere, such as the Bersih Rally example that was repeatedly used in the slides. VIStology, Inc.

  15. Questions? Brian Ulicny VIStology, Inc. bulicny@vistology.com VIStology, Inc.

  16. IBlogs Architecture Event ontology Blog Ontology VIStology, Inc.

  17. BaseVISor and Ontology Reasoning Alias: Pak Lah? Abdullah Badawi Pak Lah Abdullah Ahmad Badawi VIStology, Inc.

  18. Bersih Rally in Global Blogosphere:1432 Posts in Week 1 VIStology, Inc.

  19. Bersih Rally Posts Bersih Rally Hindraf Rally VIStology, Inc.

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