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RADICAL NEWCASTLE. RADICAL NEWCASTLE EDITORIAL COLLECTIVE. Dr James Bennett (History, UoN ) j.bennett@newcastle.edu.au Radical labour history: ‘ Rats and Revolutionaries’: The Labour Movement in Australia and NZ (2004) Dr Nancy Cushing (History, UoN ) Nancy.Cushing@newcastle.edu.au

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  2. RADICAL NEWCASTLE EDITORIAL COLLECTIVE • Dr James Bennett (History, UoN) j.bennett@newcastle.edu.au • Radical labour history: ‘Rats and Revolutionaries’: The Labour Movement in Australia and NZ (2004) • Dr Nancy Cushing (History, UoN) Nancy.Cushing@newcastle.edu.au • PhD thesis at UoN: ‘Creating the Coalopolis: Perceptions of Newcastle, 17170-1935’ (1995) • Publications on environmental issues in Newcastle, notably air pollution • Publications on the Pacific Highway as heritage road • Dr Troy Duncan (History, UoN) • Writing a biography of Francis deWitt Batty • Co-authorship of a history of Newcastle Grammar School • Co-writer of detailed report on James Fletcher Hospital for NCC.

  3. Support for the Project • GionnidiGravio (Cultural Collections) • Gregg Heathcote (Cultural Collections) • Humanities Research Institute (Director: Professor Hugh Craig) • School of Humanities and Social Science (Acting Head of School: Dr Roger Markwick) • Further possible university support: ‘Radical Newcastle’ a potential source for UoN 50th anniversary in 2015

  4. Aims To recover the radical and often submerged dimensions of Newcastle’s history To build partnerships with the local community To develop a greater appreciation of connections between past and present in local history To give local history (people, places and events) a greater profile through a range of events and outputs

  5. Major planned events • A 1or 2 day colloquium in early October 2011 • A forum for presentation of research and feedback linked to web and publication outcomes • a web-based resource managed by Cultural Collections at UoN for community access • Publication of an illustrated anthology on ‘Radical Newcastle’ (and the Hunter region) by a commercial or university press comprising chapters of between 2000 and 3000 words each

  6. Concept Map from Nov 2010 meeting • 15 broad themes identified • Aboriginal resistance and Indigenous and non-Indigenous activism • Convict rebels • Radicalism and the labour movement • Heritage campaigns and citizens’ action • Environmentalism and direct action • Anti-war protest • Protest and radical political activism in the Depression era • Religion and radical clergy • Education in Newcastle • Social movements

  7. Concept mapping (continued) • Business and revolutionary change • Social action and radical lives • Political thought, agendas for change and radical action by the state • Radical sites • Radicalism and creative expression

  8. ‘Radical Newcastle’ Project form • To assist the editorial collective in planning the various aspects of this project, we request that you confirm your contact details and your planned contribution to this project. • Please return this form as an email attachment to Nancy Cushing (nancy.cushing@newcastle.edu.au) or by post to Dr Nancy Cushing, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, 2258) by Friday 15 April 2011. • Name • Mailing address • Email • Telephone • I am planning to write an entry on: • Short title: • Time period: • A brief description of the radical event/person/place: • I am working (circle one): On my own • With others (list names) • I would like to be matched with a co-author • Signed: Date:

  9. Starting points Jeff Sparrow & Jill Sparrow, Radical Melbourne (The Vulgar Press, 2001) Ray Evans & Carole Ferrier, Radical Brisbane (The Vulgar Press, 2004) Terry Irving & Rowan Cahill, Radical Sydney: Places, Portraits and Unruly Episodes (UNSW Press, 2010) ‘Radical Newcastle’: some continuities, but aim to be more genuinely collaborative in writing the book; the project needs to connect with local community through contributors Archival material, notably Cultural Collections (Gionni di Gravio) Earlier published histories

  10. Quaker quilt: travels of backhouse & walker in newcastle

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