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Title: Making your DD 2569 Goals with a Smile Session : R-1-0900. 5 Easy Steps to Obtaining Your DD-2569 Goals…. Communication – Know your clerks Education – Let them know how and why their participation with the DD 2569 is so important
Title: Making your DD 2569 Goals with a Smile Session: R-1-0900
5 Easy Steps to Obtaining Your DD-2569 Goals… Communication – Know your clerks Education – Let them know how and why their participation with the DD 2569 is so important Simplify – Make the DD 2569 process as easy for them as possible Reiteration – Make sure they understand the process by doing audits and checking in with them Recognition – Make sure you are letting them know they are doing a good job by verbal recognition, certificates, or by sending a positive e-mail to a supervisor or to the MTF’s comment box
Communication Communication is a process whereby meaning is defined and shared between living organisms. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the sender
Let’s Get this Process Started! Make sure the clerk has the most current and correct DD 2569 form Make sure you have a process in place on how the form is to be filled out (highlighting is a great idea) and how the form will reach you Make sure they have the proper equipment. Copiers, scanners, etc., so they can meet the DD 2569 goals Set up a point of contact. This way there is always a person they can contact for questions and concerns. Leave business cards and flyers for them Make yourself known to the clerk community. Attend their staff meetings or make sure you make rounds every so often Become part of the orientation for new employees
GAHCC DD 2569 Process TPCP Officer The copies are sent to the TPCP officer, and they enter information in CHCS legacy and make a record with the copy of the DD 2569 and the insurance card Clerk Duties • Clerks ask every patient if they have OHI • Clerks give the DD 2569 form to patients. They direct them on what blocks to fill out and where to sign • Clerks copy any insurance cards and send a copy of the DD 2569 to GHACC, and the original to the PAD office • For documentation, the clerk puts the date the form was filled out and their initials in the demographics (local information) in AHLTA
OHI Card Example GUTHRIE AMBULATORY HEALTH CARE CLINIC THIRD PARTY COLLECTION VERIFICATION CARD _________________ completed the DD2569 on _________________ and expires _______________. OHI yes ______________ no ____________ I will notify the clerk during my visit should any change to my insurance status occur prior to one year from the date signed. NOTE: This card will be used for verification for one calendar year only. A new card must be obtained prior to the expiration date when I will be asked to re-certify my insurance status. QUESTIONS: Please call TCPC staff @315-772-1755
Guidelines for the OHI Card Effective 15 Jun 2006, the Third Party Collection Program (TPCP) and the Guthrie Outpatient Pharmacy will enter into a joint program that will affect all retirees and family members. Those patients’ who utilize the Guthrie Outpatient Pharmacy to have prescriptions filled from an outside provider will be required to have a Third Party Collection Verification Card. The process is as follows: • Once a patient drops off a hard copy prescription, they will be instructed by the Pharmacy Tech that they must report to the large window in front of Medical Records. There will be personnel there to have the patient complete a DD 2569 - Third Party Collection Program – Record of Other Health Insurance form. • The pharmacy tech will place a comment in the system stating OHI. This will alert the pharmacy staff to ask for the card at every visit to the pharmacy. • After the form is completed, the records personnel will complete the Verification Card, to include patient name, date of issue, date of expiration. • The card will then be sealed using the laminator. • The card will be given to the patient with instructions on future usage. • The DD 2569 will be placed in a folder for the TPCP staff to pick up and review. • The data will be then be entered into a database on the PAD Drive so that the staff can maintain the card information and the expiration dates can be monitored. • The verification card is good for one year from the date of issue. If there are any complaints with this new program, please direct the patient to the TPCP office or to the Patient Representative. They will be very glad to discuss the program with the patient.
Question:If you ask a MSA clerk what the DD 2569 form is for, what answer will you get?
Answer:Seven times out of ten, the clerk will not know.They might say, “ It has something to do with insurance and I just know I have to have the patient fill it out.”
“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with a open one.”Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990)In Forbes Magazine
We Fail Our Clerks and MTFS When We Fail to Educate! • Make a point to be put on the in- processing check list for all new clerks • Make a time to meet with the new clerks to go over and explain the expected duties with the DD 2569 form as well as any other tasks • Annual education dates to meet with all clinics involved with DD 2569 forms • A PowerPoint presentation on TPCP and OHI • A welcome folder for a new in- processing clerk with a introduction to TPCP and contact numbers for your department How do we fix the problem? By educating the clerks …… How do we assert this? By creating a process Who is helped? The clerk and the patient
Simplicity:How Can We Make it Easier? Cheat sheets Suggestions on highlighting forms Let them make suggestions on how things might be easier for them Give them flyers to give to patients Post your information so patients can find you Most important: Make yourself available to the clerk and patients
CASH COLLECT – Collect the DD 2569 from the patient APPROVE – Make sure the form is filled out in all the appropriate spaces SIGNATURE – Make sure the patient has signed the back of the DD 2569 form (The form is of no use without a signature) HAND IN – Make sure that your OHI officer receives the DD 2569 form so he or she can input the information into the computer system
Reiteration Make sure the clerks understand what you have been educating them on Audit DD 2569s in house Make rounds; ask questions Ask if they have any questions
OHI Capture: Show Them The Money! Use a patient who is a new OHI capture Find the clerk who captured the OHI Take all the money (ancillary and office visits) that we received due to capture of OHI Let the clerk and supervisor see what monetary value that clerk has collected due to OHI capture Reward and make an example of the clerk
Have You Ever Met Anyone Who Doesn't Like KUDOS? • Make a point to recognize OHI capture • As a group or as a individual • Some ideas are • Certificates • Verbal recognition from you • Candy Grams (use a Payday candy bar) • An e-mail to a supervisor or a comment in the MTF’s comment box on what a great job the clerk is doing to help the MTF gain more income
Summary Communication is key to any process Education is knowledge. If people know what they are doing, they are well on their way to success Repeat and show them the process. People need to be reassured they are doing what needs to be done in the correct fashion Recognition is a great way to say, “Great job!”