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Wall. Photos. Flair. Boxes. George S. Patton. Logout. Wall. Info. Photos. Boxes. Dec 9 th 1945 : Hope I have a safe car ride toda ……. Share. facebook. View photos of George (7). George S. Patton . Time to follow up this successful D-day attack in Normandy June 13, 1944.

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  1. Wall Photos Flair Boxes George S. Patton Logout Wall Info Photos Boxes Dec 9th 1945 : Hope I have a safe car ride toda…… Share facebook View photos of George (7) George S. Patton .Time to follow up this successful D-day attack in Normandy June 13, 1944 Send George a message Poke message George S. Patton to Dwight Eisenhower Great job with D-Day!!! Now let me take it from here June 10, 1944 Information Networks: U.S Military Birthday: November 11, 1885 Political: Conservative Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: San Gabriel Twp. California George S. PattonTime to follow up this successful D-day attack in Normandy George S. Patton Became a four star general today! Thanks everybody for the support! April 14, 1945 George S. Patton Wow just received control of the 7th army in Sicily! I'm honored October 28, 1943 Friends George S. Patton Just took command of the II corps because of the loss of one my fellow commanders. RIP March 6, 1943 Dwight Harry Franklin George S. Patton off to North Africa to kick the guidos butts. Hope the USS Augusta can get there!!! November 13 ,1942 Omar Beatrice Doug

  2. Wall Photos Flair Boxes George S. Patton Logout Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks:U.S Military Sex: Male Birthday: November 11, 1885 Hometown: San Gabriel Twp. California Relationship Status: Married to Beatrice Banning Ayre Political Views:Conservative Religious Views:Episcopalian facebook View photos of George (7) Send George a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Running stuff with tank warfare, Killing Germans Interests: Sailing, Football, Summers in Hyannis, Space Exploration Favorite Music: Al Jolson, Ted Lewis, Paul Whiteman Favorite Movies: Going Hollywood, King Kong, Men in White Favorite TV Shows: NBC news, Guiding light Favorite Books: The Fun of It, The Orators Information Networks: U.S Military Birthday: November 11, 1885 Political: Conservative Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: San Gabriel Twp. California George S. Patton Time to follow up this successful D-day attack in Normandy Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 2865 Normandy Way Phone Number: (328)- 277- 7588 North Africa Updated last Tuesday Normandy Updated two months ago

  3. Wall Photos Flair Boxes George S. Patton Logout George S. PattonTime to follow up this successful D-day attack in Normandy Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of George7 Photos facebook George’s Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9B0F8Fn6OU My Life (picture slide) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWzoIpuY-9M My Speech

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