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Functional Skills. Presenter: David Wilkins Customer Support Manager david.wilkins@ocr.org.uk 07711 832797 or 01677 470724. What are Functional Skills?.
Functional Skills Presenter: David Wilkins Customer Support Manager david.wilkins@ocr.org.uk 07711 832797 or 01677 470724
What are Functional Skills? “ …practical skills in English, Maths and ICT that will enable individuals to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and at work.” (QCA)
Why are they being introduced? To address employers’ concerns that young people and adults are not achieving a firm grounding in English, Maths and ICT (14 - 19 Education and Skills White Paper)
The White Paper also stated that: • Achievement of GCSE English, Maths and ICT at grade C or above will not be possible without achievement of the relevant functional skill at level 2 • Achievement of functional skills will be a requirement for achievement of the Diplomas • Functional Skills will be available as a stand-alone qualification
Functional Skills and GCSEs • The intention is that a pass in Functional Skills at level 2 will be a requirement for the awarding of the GCSE (English, Maths and ICT) at grade C or above, when the revised qualifications are introduced in September 2010.
Functional Skills and Diplomas • All Diplomas will include a component called generic learning • FS will be a mandatory part of generic learning • Learners will be required to achieve FS: • at level 1 for Diplomas at level 1 • at level 2 for Diplomas at levels 2 and 3
Stand-alone Functional Skills • FS will be available as stand-alone qualifications • Expected to replace the: • key skills qualifications* at levels 1 and 2 • basic skills qualifications* in literacy, numeracy and ICT *These qualifications will remain until at least 2010 (certification until 2012)
Timelines … • First teaching: • - stand-alone FS • GCSE English, Maths and ICT incorporating FS • Three year live pilots start: • stand-alone FS • GCSE English, Maths and ICT incorporating FS OCR’s sample assessment materials available Diploma Phase 1 live pilot starts Diploma Phase 2 live pilot starts Diploma Phase 3 live pilot starts Aug 2007 Sep 2007 Sep 2008 Sep 2009 Sep 2010
Functional Skills trial • Jan 2007 - Awarding Bodies trialled a range of approaches to the assessment of FS • OCR was the principal awarding body in the trial with almost half of the total number of learners involved • OCR trialled a task-based approach to assessment • Required candidates to complete a series of short tasks based on real life/work purposeful activity
What did the trial centres think? • Welcomed OCR’s task-based approach - valid and fit for purpose assessment that tests the application of skills • In favour of generic context assessments - addresses transferability of skills and therefore will have the greatest relevance across learner and programme types • Very strong agreement that the bureaucratic/administrative burden of OCR’s assessment model would be manageable
What’s happening next? • Three year pilot • September 2007 – 2010 • QCA has approved OCR’s plans to pilot • all three subjects in English, Maths and ICT • at all levels (entry level, level 1 and level 2)
What is OCR piloting? • Stand Alone Only. QCA has approved OCR’s plans to pilot its assessment approach for Functional Skills English, Maths and ICT at all levels (Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2).
Same assessment OCR’s assessment of FS will be the same whether the learner is doing stand-alone FS or the FS component of the revised GCSEs
Reading and Writing OCR set and marked Comprising 2 scenario-based tasks Duration 60 minutes Levels 1 & 2 Controlled, supervised conditions Learners will be able to use a Word Processor to complete tasks Speaking and Listening Centre assessed OCR moderated L1 – short discussion L2 – short discussion and short presentation OCR’s Functional English assessmentTwo components:
OCR’s Functional Maths assessment • OCR set and marked assessment • Comprising 3 scenario-based tasks • Duration 75 minutes (Levels 1 & 2) • Controlled, supervised conditions • Will be able to use a calculator
OCR’s Functional ICT assessment • OCR set and marked assessment • Comprising 3 practical tasks using a computer • Duration between 75 minutes (Level 1) and 90 minutes (Level 2) • Controlled, supervised conditions • Will be able to use software ‘help’ facilities
How do we join OCR’s pilot/s? Complete the sign-up form on our website www.ocr.org.uk/14-19changes or e-mail functionalskills@ocr.org.uk
Why should we join OCR’s pilot? • Get ahead • Opportunity to shape and influence the new qualifications to ensure that what OCR develops provides you with the best possible solution to meet your needs and those of your students • Test ONLY model (i.e. No portfolio required)
What support will be available? • Focus groups • INSET Training events for teachers, tutors and trainers • Sample assessment materials comprising practical tasks and mark schemes, example candidate responses and examiner commentaries • Dedicated local OCR customer support team • Answers to frequently asked questions
What support will be available? • A PowerPoint presentation to use with staff in your centre • Guidance on Functional Skills standards • Arrange a visit from your local OCR Customer Support Manager
What else can I do to prepare? • Have a look at the FS standards on the QCA website: http://www.qca.org.uk/15895.html • The standards are being used by awarding bodies to develop the FS pilot qualifications but will be of interest to a ‘wider’ audience