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Oracle XML Publisher Enterprise Reporting and Delivery

“This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”. Oracle XML Publisher Enterprise Reporting and Delivery. A New Look For Your Business. Deployment Options. XMLP for E-Business Suite. XMLP for Peoplesoft. XMLP for J.D. Edwards.

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Oracle XML Publisher Enterprise Reporting and Delivery

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  1. “This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

  2. Oracle XML PublisherEnterprise Reporting and Delivery

  3. A New Look For Your Business

  4. Deployment Options

  5. XMLP for E-Business Suite XMLP for Peoplesoft XMLP for J.D. Edwards Flexible Deployment Options… XMLP Enterprise XMLP Embedded

  6. XML Publisher for Applications Fusion Technology … Integrated Within Your Application • XMLP for Oracle E-Business Suite • All 11i releases • Integrated with Concurrent Manager • Tightly integrated with all Applications Modules • Central Repository for managing Data / Layout • Translation & configuration management • XMLP for Peoplesoft Enterprise 2006 • Integrated with Process Scheduler / Report Manager • Publish Peoplesoft Queries and Row Sets • Report bursting • Security join tables • Template Manager with effective dates support • XMLP for J.D. Edwards Enterprise 2006 • Integrated with EOne Queries • Support Queries save through data browser • Row and business unit security

  7. XML Publisher Standalone Many Options … One Powerful Engine! • XMLP Embedded: Custom Development • Powerful formatting engines • High Performance data extraction engine • Batch processing, and Bursting • Delivery API for email, fax, printing, ftp, AS2, etc… • Based on Open Standards: Java, XML, XSL, FO, RTF, PDF • XMLP Enterprise v1: Interactive Reporting • Easy and fast deployment • Any J2EE container • Configure Repository on XMLDB or File System • Data from Multiple DBs in the same Report (Oracle, DB2 ..) • Multiple Output Formats / Multiple delivery options • XMLP Enterprise V2: Advanced Reporting Solution 2006 • Fusion Architecture, Hot-Pluggable Services • Document Repository, Scheduling, Archiving • Database and Application Server independent • Very advance Security and Administrative options • Integration: Java, Web Services, BPEL, Standard Portlets

  8. XML Publisher Desktop Same tools for all deployment options • Functional Users Tools Functional user can create report layouts using familiar desktop applications • Template Builder for Microsoft Word • Template Builder for Microsoft EXCEL • Template Builder for Adobe Acrobat • Online Template Builder • Developers / Consultants / IT department Tools Create data sources, define data sets and reports using expert tools • XMLP Builder • XMLP Viewer / Debugger

  9. XML Publisher Enterprise

  10. Installation • Server side Install • Packaged with OC4J • Out of the box install with OC4J via OUI • WAR file for all J2EE containers • Available for install on any application server • Client Side Install • Template Builder for Word • RTF template builder • XML Publisher report definition wizard • Template Viewer / Debugger

  11. Security • Packaged with LDAP implementation (XML) • Simple and Easy Deployment • Demos, Evaluation, Development • Configure it to work with Company LDAP • Oracle OID, OpenLDAP … • Any other LDAP implementation • JNDI interface to any custom solution • Implement JNDI interface for any custom security solution • Configure to work with SSO

  12. Reports & Folders Two solutions for customers to manage folders and reports • File System • Simple and Easy Deployment • Demos, Evaluation, Development • Oracle DB • Utilizing XML DB Repository • Webdav interface to manage content

  13. Administration

  14. Administration • Centralized Online Administration • Data Connections • Create connections to multiple databases • Oracle, MS SQL, DB2… • Users and Roles • Create roles and assign reports • Delivery Configuration • Email, FAX, Print, WebDAV • Scheduling Management • Manage jobs, schedules, etc

  15. Administration - Users and Roles • Create role hierarchies and assign to users

  16. Administration – Delivery Setup

  17. Development

  18. Development • Report Definitions • Online Rich Client Development Environment • Connect to Multiple databases in the same report • Oracle, DB2, … • Query Builder • Multiple Data sources in a single report • Multiple DBs, Web Services, URL, Data template… • Layout Templates • Plug-in to MSWord • Connectivity to server to deploy templates • Simple Report Builder Wizard • Adobe Acrobat • Desktop Template Viewer, Debugger

  19. Development – Online Report Builder

  20. Development – Layout Templates

  21. Development – Layout and Report Wizards

  22. End User

  23. End Users • Folders / Reports Navigation • Schedule Reports & Deliver • Report History, Manage Jobs • Interactive Reports • Multiple Templates • Online Analysis • Excel Analysis • Personalized Templates

  24. End User - Login Integration with LDAP User assigned roles

  25. End User – Reports Access Folders are secured based on Roles Reports are organized in folders

  26. End User – Interactive Execution

  27. End User – Scheduled Execution • Parameter entry • Job completion notification • Schedule times • Multiple delivery destinations • Email • Printer • Fax • Web Folder • FTP • HTTP

  28. End User – Interactive Features Navigation Breadcrumbs Cascading parameters • View Report • Export report • Deliver Report • Change Template • Locale • Output Format • Schedule Report • Monitor report jobs • Online data Analysis • Excel Data Analysis

  29. End User – Template, Locale and Format User can change • Layout • Output formats • Locale

  30. End User – Online Analysis User can analyze data • Online Rich Client pivot table builder • Drag an Drop • On the fly • Dimensions • Measures • Smart Caching • Fast Results • No DB Load

  31. End User – Excel Analysis User can analyze data from Excel • Export to Excel • Parameters Toolbar • Offline Analysis • Connect to refresh • Share with others • Company Folders • Same Security • Auto-Install • Live update

  32. XML Publisher Features • Built on Standards • Platform Independent • High performance reporting engine • High volume / advanced printing support • Advanced support for multiple languages • Communicate in multiple formats: PDF, XML, EDI • Report from multiple Databases (Oracle, DB2, etc) • Familiar report design interface • Multiple delivery options

  33. Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S A

  34. “This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

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