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„CONTROLDER“ ( Contr ol of microstructure in s older s) G.J.Schmitz presented at the COST 531 WG6 meeting Berlin , January 14 th 2003 ACCESS Materials&Processes Intzestr 5 D-52072 Aachen, Germany www.access.rwth-aachen.de. private,non-profit research association,
„CONTROLDER“ (Control of microstructure in solders) G.J.Schmitz presented at the COST 531 WG6 meeting Berlin , January 14th 2003 ACCESS Materials&Processes Intzestr 5 D-52072 Aachen, Germany www.access.rwth-aachen.de
private,non-profit research association, originated from Foundry Institute of RWTH Aachen in 1986 annual turnover 2001 approx 5 million € actually approx. 60 employees (35 scientists, > 7 disciplines) interests in materials& processes : „anything related to solidfication“
Materials and Processes
MICRESS former (or less active) S.G.Fries U. Grafe U.Hecht B. Nestler F. Pezzolla G.J.Schmitz M. Seeßelberg V.Vitusewych active: M. Apel B. Böttger H.-J. Diepers J. Eiken (Tiaden) P. Schaffnit I. Steinbach N. Warnken
The "Aachen" Phase Field Model = + real system thermodynamics interfaces + diffusion
Directional Growth of a 3-D Dendrite in Al-Si7 T = 20 K/mm v = 5 mm/s anisotropy 30% in kinetics 200 m r = 3 m Results of H.J.Diepers
Coupling with Thermodynamic Databases (II) IN706 dT/dt = -0,5K/s = 200 m x(Nb) % Results of B.Böttger
Coupling with Thermodynamic Databases (III) IN706 Results of B.Böttger
Ternary Eutectics System Al-Ag-Cu Eutectic compositon: Liquid: Al, at% = 69,9647 Ag, at% = 16,9674 Cu, at% = 13,0679 Te = 775,71 K Results of M.Apel
fcc + hcp + Q Cu Ag Results of M.Apel
former and present areas of activity related to solders melt atomization of BiSn powders solder contacts to superconductors solder contacts to solar cells soldering of single crystalline superalloys laser surface welding directional solidification studies Bi-In-Sn system future activities „CONTROLDER“ : Experiments, Analytics, Microsimulation „NOPLEES“ :Thermodynamics
„Controlder“ OBJECTIVES • macroscopic issues of solder joints • sessile drop experiments/wetting • mesoscopic self-assembly • solidification in confined geometries • microstructure formation in solder alloys • directional solidification • thermal cycling • doping effects • interaction with solder pads • generation/avoidance of precipitates • others..... • numerical simulations • microstructure evolution • thermoelectric aging To propose and to develop effective means to control microstructure formation in solder joints
NIST Solder Database: Ag - Bi - Cu - Sn - Pb Binary Ag-Bi, Ag-Pb, Bi-Cu, Bi-Sn, Cu-Sn, Ag-Cu, Ag-Sn, Bi-Pb, Cu-Pb, Sn-Pb Ternary Ag-Bi-Cu, Ag-Bi-Sn, Ag-Cu-Sn, Bi-Cu-Pb, Bi-Pb-Sn, Ag-Bi-Pb, Ag-Cu-Pb, Ag-Pb-Sn, Bi-Cu-Sn, Cu-Pb-Sn Updated Systems (Zimmermann 1976) Relevant for Solders: Ag - Bi - Cu - Pb - Tl Binary Ag-Bi, Ag-Cu, Ag-Pb, Ag-Tl, Bi-Cu, Bi-Pb, Bi-Tl Ternary Ag-Bi-Pb, Ag-Bi-Tl, Ag-Pb-Tl, Bi-Pb-Tl Additional Set to Investigate New Solder Alloys,Ag - Al - Mg - Sn - Zn Binary Ag-Al, Ag-Mg, Ag-Sn, Ag-Zn, Al-Mg, Al-Sn, Al-Zn, Mg-Sn, Mg-Zn, Sn-Zn Ternary Ag-Al-Mg, Ag-Al-Sn, Ag-Al-Zn, Ag-Mg-Sn, Ag-Mg-Zn, Ag-Sn-Zn, Al-Mg-Sn, Al-Mg-Zn, Al-Sn-Zn, Mg-Sn-Zn Systems with Cu Relevant for Soldes and Substrate, Ag - Al - Cu - Zn Binary Ag-Al, Ag-Cu, Ag-Zn, Al-Cu, Al-Zn, Cu-Zn Ternary Ag-Al-Cu, Ag-Al-Zn, Ag-Cu-Zn, Al-Cu-Zn NOPLEES- No Plumbum Equilibrium and Environment Search
NOPLEES Coordination: Suzana G. Fries Finacial and Scientific Support Agencies Partners: Dr. Matsvei Zinkevich http://aldix.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de/D_head.html Dr. Marie-Christine Record http://www.sgte.org/ http://www.lpmc.univ-montp2.fr/
„Noplees“ and „Controlder“ Status • Noplees: • bilateral German (Aachen,Stuttgart) -French (Montpellier) project submitted end Jan 2002 (CERC3, DFG-CNRS) • focus on thermodynamics • tentative duration : 3 years • final decision on funding still pending • Controlder: • focus on experimental work and microstructure control • no national project submitted by now • open for collaboration
Possible Collaborative Groupings Melt composition/Thermodynamics: WG 1+2, TU Chemnitz (D12), Univ Sofia (BG1), Univ. Metz (F4), Univ Krakow(PL2), Chalmers (S1) , ACCESS (D2) • Processing : • general Siemens (D9), • solid state processing : • solderpaste printing Univ Dresden (D11) • diffusion soldering Polish Academy (PL1), • transient LiquidPhase Sintering Univ Waterloo (CDN4) • melt properties: • elctrical conductivity Univ. Metz (F4), • viscosity, surface tension, density Univ. Metz (F4), TU Chemnitz (D14), Univ • Krakow (PL2, PL4) • dopants TU Chemnitz (D12), Univ Sofia (BG1), ACCESS (D3) , Chalmers (S1) • nucleation: • seed additions Univ. Metz (F4), • thermal history TU Chemnitz (D14) Univ. Metz (F4), • process atmosphere: Univ Sofia (BG1) Univ Dresden (D11) , ACCESS (D3)
Possible Collaborative Groupings • solidification • T-t schedules: TU Chemnitz (D12), whisker formation Shipley (CH3), ACCESS (D3) , Univ. Metz (F4), ICMCB (F6) Slovak Academy (SK1) Open Univ (UK5) Univ Waterloo (CDN5), Univ Dresden (D11) • solidifcation boundary conditions: • PWB: Slovak Academy (SK1)Univ Toronto (CDN3), Univ Waterloo (CDN5), Univ Dresden (D11) Siemens (D8), • component Univ Dresden (D11)Siemens (D8), • geometry ACCESS (D3), • sizePolish Academy (PL1) Univ Augsburg (D7), Univ Vienna(A3), ACCESS (D3), • composition Univ Toronto (CDN2) Shipley (CH3), ACCESS (D3), • wetting TU Chemnitz (D12), TU Chemnitz (D14), Univ. Metz (F4), Univ Krakow(PL2) Slovak Academy (SK1), • solid state transformations: • recrystallization/grain growth Univ Toronto (CDN2) Open Univ (UK5) Microstructure analysis:TU Chemnitz (D12), Univ Toronto (CDN2), ACCESS (D3) , TU Dresden (D10) Univ Krakow(PL2) Slovak Academy (SK1) Open Univ (UK2) Univ Bordeaux (F5),
Possible Collaborative Groupings • Characterization / Reliability: • general Siemens (D8), • aging : • long term heat treatments TU Chemnitz (D12) TU Dresden (D10) Univ Dresden (D11) Univ Waterloo (CDN5) Univ Bordeaux (F5), • thermal cycling/fatigue Univ. Toronto (CDN1) Chalmers (S1), Siemens (D9) Univ Vienna(A3), Fraunhofer IZM (D4) Fraunhofer IZM (D5) Univ Berlin (D6) Open Univ (UK1) • cyclic mechanical load: Univ Augsburg (D7) , Siemens (D9) Fraunhofer IZM (D5) • creep TU Dresden (D10), ICMCB (F6), Open Univ (UK2) Fraunhofer IZM (D5) Univ Berlin (D6) • mechanical properties EMPA (CH2) Siemens (D9), Univ Krakow(PL2) Chalmers (S1) Slovak Academy (SK1) Open Univ (UK2) Univ Vienna(A3), • electrical properties Siemens (D9), Univ Krakow(PL2) Chalmers (S1) • thermal properties Slovak Academy (SK1) • stresses/cracking Univ Augsburg (D7) Open Univ (UK1) • corrosion EMPA (CH2) Chalmers (S1)
Possible Collaborative Groupings • Modelling/Simulation • analytic expressionsOpen Univ (UK2) • melt properties: TU Chemnitz (D14) • microstructure formation:ACCESS (D3), Bulgarian Academy (BG2), Fraunhofer IZM (D4) • creep Siemens (D9), • fatigue Chalmers (S1) , Bulgarian Academy (BG2) • stresses - strains Univ Berlin (D6) • thermomechanical Fraunhofer IZM (D5) Univ Berlin (D6) Univ Bordeaux (F5), • mechanistic history Open Univ (UK2) • thermoelectric history ACCESS (D3) :
Current distributions in multiphase systems:effects on electric load on life-time
Confined spaces/self-assembly 75% of 220 crystals well-oriented over the area 8-9 mm2 1 mm Twin plane a b E.A.Goodilin, E.S.Reddy, J.G.Noudem,M.Tarka ,G.J.Schmitz Journal of Crystal Growth 241(2002)512 H.O.Jacobs, A.R.Tao, A.Schwartz, D.H.Gracias,G.M.Whitesides Science 296(2002)323 (April 2002)