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Tobacco. 6 th Health 4 th Quarter. Tobacco. List all forms of tobacco that you can think of! Why do you think people smoke? List everything you can think of that happens as a result of smoking. Forms of tobacco. Cigarettes Smokeless tobacco- Chewing tobacco Pipes and cigars.
Tobacco 6th Health 4th Quarter
Tobacco • List all forms of tobacco that you can think of! • Why do you think people smoke? • List everything you can think of that happens as a result of smoking
Forms of tobacco • Cigarettes • Smokeless tobacco- Chewing tobacco • Pipes and cigars
Reasons why kids smoke • Attempt to appear sophisticated and mature • Peer pressure • Behavior modeled by others around them • Glorified in movies, TV, and advertisements • Rebellion
Tobacco • Tobacco comes in plant form where the leaves are used as the product.
History • There are more than 70 species of tobacco • North American tribes carried tobacco as a trade item and used tobacco during sacred ceremonies through peace pipes • It was believed that tobacco was a gift from the Creator, and that the exhaled tobacco smoke carried one's thoughts and prayers to heaven. • Tobacco was a very popular trade item following the arrival of the Europeans and fostered the economy of the Southern United States until it was replaced by cotton • During the mid-1900s, tobacco became condemned as a health hazard, and eventually became encompassed as a cause for cancer
Harmful substances in tobacco • There a 3 substances in tobacco that are especially harmful: • Nicotine- Drug found in tobacco • Carbon monoxide- Odorless, colorless, poisonous gas • Tar- A thick, sticky fluid that coats the lungs
Nicotine • Stimulant found in tobacco (called the quick poison) • Increases heart rate and blood pressure • It is highly addictive • Causes psychological and physical dependency. Your mind and body now rely on nicotine. • physical dependence- the body feels a need for a drug because it is used to having it • psychological dependence- the mind sends the body the message that it needs more of a substance
Carbon Monoxide • Odorless, colorless, poisonous gas • Reduces red blood cells ability to carry oxygen. The heart has to work harder to get the oxygen to the cells. • Is the reason for shortness of breath • Makes it difficult for the heart and brain to work • Risk for heart attack and stroke increase • Stroke- Caused by a blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain
Tar • Gives tobacco flavor • Contains 200 chemicals • Coats the lungs and makes it difficult for oxygen to pass into the lungs • Harms cilia (tiny hairs that line air passages, they trap particles when you breathe). • Robs the body of Vitamin C, which keeps the immune system strong • Smokers commonly develop respiratory infections more often than non-smokers (common cold)
Types of smoke • Mainstream smoke- Smoke inhaled by the smoker • Second-hand smoke- Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke • Long-term exposure to second-hand smoke poses the same health risks as smoking • Sidestream smoke- smoke from the burning end of a cigarette • Contains twice as much tar and nicotine as what the smoker inhales because it is not filtered • Third-hand smoke- Tobacco residue that clings to walls, carpets, clothes, cars, and other surfaces.
Stay away from second hand smoke • Breathing second hand smoke increases the risk of cancer (disease where abnormal cells multiply and spread). A carcinogen is a substance that causes cancer. • Irritates the eyes, throat, and lungs • Causes headaches and increases respiratory infections • Heart disease and asthma • Hair and clothes smell
10 reasons not to smoke • To prevent nicotine addiction • To protect the heart and blood vessels • To prevent respiratory infections • To prevent cancer • To prevent emphysema • To prevent asthma • To prevent chronic bronchitis • To have a healthful appearance • To have healthful relationships • To save money
Primary Diseases • Cancer- Abnormal cells multiply and spread. Smokers have high rates of mouth, throat, breast, and lung cancers. • Heart disease- Heart must work harder to get oxygen to the cells • Emphysema- Air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs are damaged. Site where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. Shortness of breath is the result • Chronic bronchitis- Mucus blocks the airway (Smoker’s cough) • Asthma- Chronic condition in which breathing becomes difficult
Smokeless Tobacco • Also, known as chewing tobacco, spitting tobacco, dip • Snuff- Powdered tobacco that is placed between the cheek and gums • Smokeless tobacco contains 28 cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). Smokeless tobacco is not a safer alternative to smoking • Responsible for cancers of the mouth and throat
Reasons not to use smokeless tobacco • Prevent cancer- Tobacco juice causes changes in the cells of the gums and teeth. The changed cells appear as white spots (leukoplakia) and can become cancerous • Prevent tooth decay- Smokeless tobacco contains sugar and sand. The sand wears down the enamel and the sugar forms acid which causes the teeth to decay • Prevent gingivitis- Tobacco juices= sore gums and bleeding • Prevent periodontal disease- Gums and tissues pull away from the teeth. The teeth fall out • Prevent stomach problems- Swallowing the tobacco juice can cause sores in the stomach
Advertising • Tobacco adds show people having fun • Show people who appear to be popular • Show people who are attractive • Show people who look healthy • Show places that are clean and fresh • Tobacco companies spend over a billion dollars a year just on advertising for their products • www.tobaccofreekids.org
What can be done • We have already: • Raised the prices of tobacco products • Made the age to by tobacco 18 • Commercials against tobacco- www.thetruth.com • Smoking cessation programs- Programs aimed to help people stop smoking • American Cancer Society • American Heart Association • Schools, Community, Church • American Lung Association
Facts • the usage of tobacco is an activity that is practiced by some 1.1 billion people, and up to 1/3 of the adult population • The World Health Organization(WHO) reports it to be the leading preventable cause of death worldwide and estimates that it currently causes 5.4 million deaths per year. • Health care costs a year for smoking = 96 billion dollars • Tobacco is intensely marketed. Only the automobile industry markets more heavily