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Does Comparison Support Transfer of Knowledge? Investigating Student Learning of Algebra. Jon R. Star Michigan State University (Harvard University, as of July 2007) Bethany Rittle-Johnson Vanderbilt University. Acknowledgements.
Does Comparison Support Transfer of Knowledge? Investigating Student Learning of Algebra Jon R. Star Michigan State University (Harvard University, as of July 2007) Bethany Rittle-Johnson Vanderbilt University
Acknowledgements • Funded by a grant from the Institute for Education Sciences, US Department of Education, to Michigan State University • Thanks also to research assistants at Michigan State: • Kosze Lee, Kuo-Liang Chang, Howard Glasser, Andrea Francis, and Tharanga Wijetunge • And at Vanderbilt: • Holly Harris, Jen Samson, Anna Krueger, Heena Ali, Sallie Baxter, Amy Goodman, Adam Porter, and John Murphy AERA Presentation, Chicago
Comparison... • Is a fundamental learning mechanism • Lots of evidence from cognitive science • Identifying similarities and differences in multiple examples appears to be a critical pathway to flexible, transferable knowledge • Mostly laboratory studies • Not done with school-age children or in mathematics (Gentner, Loewenstein, & Thompson, 2003; Kurtz, Miao, & Gentner, 2001; Loewenstein & Gentner, 2001; Namy & Gentner, 2002; Oakes & Ribar, 2005; Schwartz & Bransford, 1998) AERA Presentation, Chicago
Central tenet of math reforms • Students benefit from sharing and comparing of solution methods • “nearly axiomatic”, “with broad general endorsement” (Silver et al., 2005) • Noted feature of ‘expert’ math instruction • Present in high performing countries such as Japan and Hong Kong (Ball, 1993; Fraivillig, Murphy, & Fuson, 1999; Huffred-Ackles, Fuson, & Sherin Gamoran, 2004; Lampert, 1990; Silver et al., 2005; NCTM, 1989, 2000; Stigler & Hiebert, 1999) AERA Presentation, Chicago
Comparison support transfer? • Experimental studies of learning and transfer in academic domains and settings largely absent • Goal of present work • Investigate whether comparison can support transfer with student learning of algebra • Experimental studies in real-life classrooms AERA Presentation, Chicago
Why algebra? • Students’ first exposure to abstraction and symbolism of mathematics • Area of weakness for US students (Blume & Heckman, 1997; Schmidt et al., 1999) • Critical gatekeeper course • Particular focus: • Linear equation solving 3(x + 1) = 15 • Multiple strategies for solving equations • Some are better than others • Students tend to memorize only one method AERA Presentation, Chicago
Solving 3(x + 1) = 15 Strategy #1: 3(x + 1) = 15 3x + 3 = 15 3x = 12 x = 4 Strategy #2: 3(x + 1) = 15 x + 1 = 5 x = 4 AERA Presentation, Chicago
Current studies • Comparison condition • compare and contrast alternative solution methods • Sequential condition • study same solution methods sequentially AERA Presentation, Chicago
Comparison condition AERA Presentation, Chicago
next page next page next page Sequential condition AERA Presentation, Chicago
Predicted outcome • Students in the comparison condition will make greater procedural knowledge gains, familiar and transfer problems • By the way, there were other outcomes of interest in these studies, but the focus of this talk is on procedural knowledge, especially transfer. AERA Presentation, Chicago
Procedural knowledge measures • Intervention equations 1/3(x + 1) = 15 5(y + 1) = 3(y + 1) + 8 • Familiar equations -1/4(x - 3) = 10 5(y - 12) = 3(y - 12) + 20 • Transfer equation 0.25(t + 3) = 0.5 -3(x + 5 + 3x) - 5(x + 5 + 3x) = 24 AERA Presentation, Chicago
A tale of two studies... • Study 1 • Rittle-Johnson, B. & Star, J.R. (in press). Does comparing solution methods facilitate conceptual and procedural knowledge? An experimental study on learning to solve equations. Journal of Educational Psychology. • Study 2 • not yet written up AERA Presentation, Chicago
Study 1: Method • Participants: 70 7th grade students • Design • Pretest - Intervention - Posttest • Intervention during 3 math classes • Random assignment of student pairs to condition • Studied worked examples with partner • Solved practice problems on own • No whole class discussion AERA Presentation, Chicago
Study 1: Results • Comparison students were more accurate equation solvers for all problems • almost significant when looking at transfer problems by themselves Gain scores post - pre;*p < .05 ~ p = .08 AERA Presentation, Chicago
Study 1 Strategy use • Comparison students more likely to use non-standard methods and somewhat less likely to use the conventional method Solution Method at Posttest (Proportion of problems) ~p = .06; * p < .05 AERA Presentation, Chicago
Study 2: Method • Participants: 76 students in 4 classes • Design: • Same as Study 1, except • Random assignment at class level • Minor adjustments to packets and assessments • Whole class discussions of partner work each day AERA Presentation, Chicago
Study 2 Results • No condition difference in equation solving accuracy, on familiar or transfer problems Gain scores post - pre AERA Presentation, Chicago
Study 2 Strategy use • Comparison students less likely to use conventional methods • No difference in use of non-standard methods Solution Method at Posttest (Proportion of problems) * p < .05 ; +After controlling for pretest variables, the estimated marginal mean gains were .67 and .55, respectively, and there was no little of condition (p = .12) AERA Presentation, Chicago
In Study 2 • Advantage for comparison group on problem solving accuracy disappears • Condition effect on transfer problems disappears • Use of non-standard methods equivalent across conditions • Sequential students much more likely to use non-standard approaches in Study 2 than in Study 1 • Why? AERA Presentation, Chicago
Our hypothesis • Recall that in Study 2: • Assignment to condition by class • Whole class discussion AERA Presentation, Chicago
Discussion comparison • Multiple methods came up during whole class discussion • Sequential students benefited from comparison of methods • Even though teacher never explicitly compared these methods in sequential classes • Legitimized use of non-standard solution methods • As evidence by their greater use in Study 2 in both conditions, but especially sequential AERA Presentation, Chicago
Closing thoughts • Studies provide empirical support for benefits of comparison in classrooms for learning equation solving • Whole class discussion, which inadvertently or implicitly promoted comparison, led to greater use of non-standard methods and also eliminated condition effects for procedural knowledge gain AERA Presentation, Chicago
Thanks! You can download this presentation and other related papers and talks at www.msu.edu/~jonstar Jon Star jonstar@msu.edu Bethany Rittle-Johnson Bethany.Rittle-Johnson@vanderbilt.edu