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The Success Game of Life

The Success Game of Life. from Success Seminars Ltd. The Success Game of Life. Do you feel it’s time for a change in your life? Do you want to be in control of your destiny? Do you want to experience success in every area of your life?

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The Success Game of Life

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  1. The Success Game of Life • from • Success Seminars Ltd.

  2. The Success Game of Life • Do you feel it’s time for a change in your life? • Do you want to be in control of your destiny? • Do you want to experience success in every area of your life? • Would you like a clear plan and path to your Personal Success?

  3. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • There are rules to play by - in life these are called ‘Natural Laws’ or ‘Universal Laws’ • You have to play by these rules to succeed - if you operate against the Universal Laws you will suffer frustration and mediocrity. • Living in harmony with the Universal Laws is your key to abundance and success in life.

  4. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • You have 2 possible outcomes in your game - you either win or lose. • In life though, true success means you win and anyone else involved wins too. Cooperation, not competition, with others, is your winning strategy. • In life, losing the game is a personal choice, whether or not you’re aware of this.

  5. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • Each game has an aim, an objective. This objective drives the direction of the game. • Your life has an aim as well. In order to win in the game of life you must know what your aim/objective/purpose is. • Are you crystal clear on the aim of your game/life?

  6. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • Every game presents a challenge. • The presence of a challenge makes the game worthwhile and makes it more satisfying when you overcome the challenge and win. • In life, your experience of a challenge is affected by your perception of things. • The way you see things makes all the difference.

  7. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • Every game involves interaction of some sort with others. • In life you’ve got to be a good team player to succeed. • The people (players) you surround yourself with will influence your level of play and your results (yes, including your income level...) so choose your team mates wisely.

  8. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • Are you winning in the game of life? • Are you happy with your level of play? • Would you like to play at a higher level and achieve better results? • Would you like to have fun while experiencing Total Success in life?

  9. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • What sort of player are you? • Winner or loser, it’s your choice. • Since you’re reading this, I assume you desire to be a winner, so let’s explore the qualities that all winners have in common. First, some things you should know.

  10. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game and guess what - you were born to win! • That desire for more, in you, is your natural instinct, your natural winner crying out for expression. • You were created for greatness, in the image of a Great, Successful God. • You were born to win! Read on to discover how to unleash your inner winner.

  11. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. 7 qualities of winners are: • Clear vision and purpose; aiming high, big goals and dreams. • Focus • Incredible belief in their ability to succeed • Winners go the distance - they never quit • Consistency

  12. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • Qualities of winners c’td: • Mastermind team • Coaching. Every top player in every field in and outside of sports, has a Coach.

  13. The Success Game of Life • Life is like a game. • Are you ready to play a winning game? • Isn’t it time you broke out of mediocrity and started to experience massive success in every area of your life? • If you feel within you that now is your time to play a winning game in life, read on, there’s great news for you...

  14. The Success Game of Life • Introducing...The Success Game of Life • A 90-Day Training, Coaching and Mentoring program that will change your direction, perception and performance for the better. • Only qualified applicants will participate in this program.

  15. The Success Game of Life • In this 90-Day program you will create your very ownPersonal Success Plan– your roadmap to Total Success in 2009.

  16. The Success Game of Life • You will be trained to master the 7 Qualities of Winners • You will be trained to master the main 7 Universal Laws of success • You will be assigned a Success Buddy (and you will be their Success Buddy) as part of your Team • You will receive Personal Success Coaching from me, Dr Kem Thompson via a combination of Email, Skype and the web.

  17. The Success Game of Life • You will learn how to start your own business on a shoestring, and grow it to an international concern if you wish. • You will learn how to overcome your relationship challenges. • You will discover how to boost your self-confidence and belief. • You will learn how to spot symptoms of emotional abuse and overcome them.

  18. The Success Game of Life • If accepted to this program, you will... • Gain total clarity into your life’s direction, aim, purpose. • Discover how to overcome any form of abuse you may have experienced in the past. • Work on your chosen game (life area) and be well on your way to winning ... • and lots more!

  19. The Success Game of Life • But only if you’re accepted to this program. • Why the exclusivity? • Talk is cheap. I need to make sure only people who are serious about taking massive action are selected for this program. • I can only work personally/closely with a few people at a time so I need to make sure the few I work with are people who will actually do the work necessary to succeed.

  20. The Success Game of Life • How to qualify for this program • If you wish to be considered, simply send your answers to the following questions to kem@successeminars.com • Your answers will reveal your readiness to take part in this 90-day program. • Only a few people will be accepted for the next 90-day program.

  21. The Success Game of Life • If you are selected for this program, you will be sent an email notifying you of your successful application. • You will then receive an invoice for £29.95 pcm. • This introductory low price is only for the people who qualify for this next 90-day program. After the places are filled up, subsequent players in the next 90-day program will pay £59.95 pcm for the program. • So send in your application (question answers) fast for consideration while there are (few)spots remaining...

  22. The Success Game of Life • The 3 qualifying questions for you to answer before you are considered for this program are: • a) What is your main reason for wanting to take part in this 90-day, life transforming program? • b) How would you feel if nothing changed about your life 90 days from now? • c) What is the biggest change you wish to see in your life 90 days from now?

  23. The Success Game of Life • Send your answers by email to kem@successeminars.com • Subject of your email should be ‘SGOL Answers’ to avoid deletion as spam. • You will receive a response within 24 hours of receipt of your email.

  24. The Success Game of Life • Only serious applicants (as reflected in your answers to the questions) will be considered. • Isn’t it time you started winning in the game of life? • Winning or losing, the choice is yours.

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