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Odin consultores S de RL de CV

Odin consultores S de RL de CV. Challenges for the Mexican Market. Mix of products. What we do. With Joe Bordes we make a small module called “Budgets” With Matus Sopko, make some customizations With Eva Narunazkova from Slovenia make some deep modifications to Lead conversion process

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Odin consultores S de RL de CV

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  1. Odin consultores S de RL de CV Challenges for the Mexican Market

  2. Mix of products

  3. What we do • With Joe Bordes we make a small module called “Budgets” • With Matus Sopko, make some customizations • With Eva Narunazkova from Slovenia make some deep modifications to Lead conversion process • Make CFD-Vtiger and CFDi-Vtiger extension for electronic invoice specialized on Mexican Market • Multi – Warehouse, extension with Joe Bordes • Many integrations with Oracle, Informix, Postgress, Progress, MSSQL…

  4. Our history 2008 - 2013

  5. Background • Last year Vtiger eliminate all partners with no business in many countries • Also begin with Vtiger on Demand service • Change the web page with new design, focused in its new service enforcement On Demand more than on site • Delay in make public the version 6 of Vtiger

  6. Today • In Mexico have been changes at government and will continue at least 2 years more • This changes obligate to enterprise to be more careful in its IT’s investments • The On demand Service cost create a deep distrust about the value of add value services • The customer does not feel comfortable when compare the price of on demand service compared with add value services • Also Vtiger offer some learning process and resources for its customers without additional fee

  7. Today • New Competitors with no relation with Vtiger also does not add value to community • This competitors use name and colors of Vtiger • Vtiger have not been do anything for control this situation • We can’t make any legal action, because we are not legal representative of Vtiger

  8. Challenges 2014 - 2016 • We need create big differentiator with no official partners • We need a one communication channel with Vtiger for improve the CRM with no competence between us • Vtiger must see us like real partners, who can share value local knowledge • We believe that Mexico and all Americas have a huge market for Vtiger • The USA non English market have not any partner for assist

  9. Conclusions • We need improve our communication channel with Vtiger • We need negotiate with Vtiger its own decisions; it affect us • Raise awareness that open source require a developer and community for success • Vtiger must see us like a real partners, and we need a real partnership program • Create a “freelance like” space for us, select and share projects • Create a program for develop new partners

  10. TEAM Together Everyone Achieves More

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