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e-Safeguarding Approaches. Neil Turner – Central Bedfordshire. e-Safeguarding Approaches. Series of meetings (6) where all schools were invited (99% attendance) Introduced by BECTa regional consultant Input from schools in e-Safety and e-Security
e-Safeguarding Approaches Neil Turner – Central Bedfordshire
Series of meetings (6) where all schools were invited (99% attendance) Introduced by BECTa regional consultant Input from schools in e-Safety and e-Security Post launch needed to reinforce ‘being realistic’ Launch to Schools
Exploring the Required Procedures Roles and Responsibilities
Exploring the Required Procedures Risk Assessment • Who does it? • How is it done? • How often is it done? • Who is it reported to? • How is follow up action monitored?
Exploring the Required Procedures Information Classification • Who decides on the classifications? • How do users know the classifications? • When is it updated?
Exploring the Required Procedures Access Controls • Are user names and passwords in place? • Are logins related to the information classifications? • Is the Network secure?
Exploring the Required Procedures Use of ICT Systems • How is on-line communication monitored? • Is there an e-safety syllabus regularly re-visited by staff and students? • Does the AUP accurately outline how all procedures are carried out?
Exploring the Required Procedures Password Security • Is there a clear policy regarding password conventions and renewing? • How is it monitored? Don’t tell anyone
Exploring the Required Procedures Incident Reporting • Is everyone clear about how to report an incident? • Who holds and monitors the Incident Log? • How is action taken when an incident is reported?
Exploring the Required Procedures Starters & Leavers • Who enters and removes staff and students from the system • How does this person get the information about starters and leavers?
Exploring the Required Procedures Remote Access • Are the rules about taking ICT equipment of the school premises? • Is the system set up securely to enable users to access the network from outside?
E-Safeguarding Approaches The Challenges presented to the schools • From the checklists, what are the immediate priorities for action in individual schools? Is there a pattern in these priorities? • What appear to be the key priorities for the longer term – over the next three years? • Is there potential for mutual support/collaboration between schools on short and/or longer term priorities? • How can e-security and e-safety become more integrated in school improvement planning at all levels?
Shared with the NEN e-Safety group Worked in partnership with e2Bn YHGfL Northern Grid Available for all What did we donext?
It looks like this http://www.northerngrid.org/nen/esg_audit
And the downloadable paper version has got this! E-Safeguarding Procedures: Position at ………………………. (date)
And this! e-Safeguarding Action Plan Template
E-Safeguarding Approaches Contact Details Neil Turner ICT Consultant Central Bedfordshire Council e-Learning Strategy Team Watling House High Street North Dunstable LU6 1LF Tel No: 0300 300 4897 neil.turner@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk