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Othello Scenes. Othello: Act I, Scene 1 Scene 1 Venice. A street. (Roderigo; Iago; Brabantio ; Servants). Othello: Act I, Scene 2 Scene 2 Venice. Another street. (Othello; Iago; Attendants; Cassio ; Officers; Brabantio ; Roderigo). Othello: Act I, Scene 3 Scene 3
Othello: Act I, Scene 1 Scene 1 Venice. A street. (Roderigo; Iago; Brabantio; Servants)
Othello: Act I, Scene 2 Scene 2 Venice. Another street. (Othello; Iago; Attendants; Cassio; Officers; Brabantio; Roderigo)
Othello: Act I, Scene 3 Scene 3 Venice. A council chamber. (Duke; First Senator; Second Senator; Officers; Sailor; First Messenger; Brabantio; Othello; Cassio; Iago; Roderigo; Desdemona; Iago; Attendants)
Othello: Act II, Scene 1 Scene 1 A sea port in Cyprus. (Montano; Gentlemen; Cassio; Second Messenger; Desdemona; Iago; Roderigo; Emilia; Attendants; Othello)
Othello: Act II, Scene 2 Scene 2 Venice. A street. (Herald)
Othello: Act II, Scene 3 Scene 3 Venice. A castle hall. (Othello; Desdemona; Cassio; Attendants; Iago; Cassio; Montano; Gentlemen; Servants; Roderigo)
Othello: Act III, Scene 1 Scene 1 Cyprus. Before the castle. (Cassio; Musicians; Clown; Iago; Emilia)
Othello: Act III, Scene 2 Scene 2 Cyprus. A room in the castle. (Othello; Iago; Gentlemen)
Othello: Act III, Scene 3 Scene 3 Cyprus. The garden of the castle. (Desdemona; Cassio; Emilia; Othello; Iago)
Othello: Act III, Scene 4 Scene 4 Cyprus. Before the castle. (Desdemona; Emilia; Clown; Othello; Iago; Cassio; Bianca)
Othello: Act IV, Scene 1 Scene 1 Cyprus. Before the castle. (Othello; Iago; Cassio; Bianca; Lodovico; Desdemona; Attendants)
Othello: Act IV, Scene 2 Scene 2 Cyprus. A room in the castle. (Othello; Emilia; Desdemona; Roderigo; Iago)
Othello: Act IV, Scene 3 Scene 3 Cyprus. Another room in the castle. (Othello; Lodovico; Desdemona; Emilia; Attendants)
Othello: Act V, Scene 1 Scene 1 Cyprus. A street. (Iago; Roderigo; Cassio; Othello; Lodovico; Gratiano; Bianca; Emilia)
Othello: Act V, Scene 2 Scene 2 A bedchamber in the castle. (Othello; Desdemona; Emilia; Montano; Gratiano; Iago; Lodovico; Cassio)