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Medical Department Special Pays

Medical Department Special Pays. BUMED MANPOWER SPECIAL PAYS BRIEF Mr. Bill Marin Director, Navy Medical Special Pays Program September 2009. Purpose. Provide General overview of Special Pays CURRENT and FUTURE Program and impact on Navy Medicine . Key Functions of Special Pays.

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Medical Department Special Pays

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  1. Medical Department Special Pays BUMED MANPOWER SPECIAL PAYS BRIEF Mr. Bill Marin Director, Navy Medical Special Pays Program September 2009

  2. Purpose Provide General overview of Special Pays CURRENT and FUTURE Program and impact on Navy Medicine.

  3. Key Functions of Special Pays • Develop and enforce policy and procedures for Special Pay program and the processing of special pay requests and payment. • Review, analyze, and make recommendations to BUMED, PERS, and SECNAV, and DOD on special pay issues. • Manage and prepare MPN budget estimates for Med Dept special pays. • Monitor the impact of pay incentives on the Med Dept force structure.


  5. REFERENCES • TITLE 10 and TITLE 37, CHAPTER 5 U.S.C. • DODI 6000.13 • ASD(HA) ANNUAL MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND NURSE SPECIAL PAY PLAN • OPNAVINST 7220.17 • NAVADMINs updating special pays • Other DOD and Navy Instructions regarding officer policies

  6. Special Pay Budget Process • Process begins during POM budget cycle 2 years out from FY. In this process analysis is done to estimate what the rates and takers for each special pay will be 2 years out. • In October FY prior the Health Professional Incentive Working Group (HPIWG) meets to begin the process of establishing what the rates will be for the next FY. The group meets once in the first and second quarter and then monthly from May-July to determine the rates for the next FY special pays. • July-Sep the ASD(HA) Special Pay plan is finalized and signed by ASD(HA). • Upon receipt from ASD(HA) the Navy Special Pay Plan is routed through PERS chop chain to ensure money is available and to review manpower issues prior to CNP signing and authorizing payment.

  7. Special Pay Submission Process • Member submits request IAW OPNAVINST 7220.17 to Chief, BUMED via Commanding Officer • Commanding Officer, or Acting CO, endorses the request verifying the member is qualified per the OPNAVINST and is licensed, privileged and practicing. • Once endorsed the command forwards the request and endorsement to Special Pays via email or fax. • For multi-year requests an agreement is prepared and returned to the member to accept or decline the agreement. Once the member accepts/declines the agreement return to Special Pays for payment. • Non multi-year agreements are processed and paid within 7-10 working days. • Requests submitted more than 30 days after effective date must have justification for delay and cannot be due to member’s oversight or personal decisions i.e., member requested resignation and months later decides to withdraw resignation.

  8. Current Medical Corps Special Pays Medical Corps Officers : • VSP – Entitlement • BCP - Entitlement • ASP – Entitlement (not in internship or initial residency) • ISP – Discretionary Bonus (Oct 1 after completion of residency) • MSP – Discretionary Bonus (If have training obligation must have 8 years creditable service. Also, MSP is consecutive to existing training obligations)

  9. Current Dental Corps Special Pays Dental Corps Officers : • VSP – Entitlement • BCP - Entitlement • ASP - Entitlement • ISP – Discretionary Bonus (Oral/Maxillofacial Only) (Same as medical ISP) • DOMRB – Discretionary Bonus (same as medical MSP) (Plan to have General Dentist RB in FY10) • CSRB – Discretionary Bonus (Created by Service)

  10. Current Nurse Corps Special Pays Nurse Corps Officers are entitled to: • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Incentive Special Pay (CRNA ISP) – Discretionary Bonus • Registered Nurse Incentive Special Pay (RN-ISP) – Discretionary Bonus (1-4 year agreement $5K-$20K per year based on # of years of agreement) • Eligible primary specialties (NAVADMIN 361/07 and 046/09): • PeriOp (1950), Crit Care (1960), Family NP (1976), Pediatric NP (1974), Mental Health NP (1973), Mental Health (1930), Midwives (1981), and Women’s Health NP (1980)) • Non-Physician Healthcare Provider Board Certified Pay (BCP) - Discretionary Bonus • Eligible specialties: CRNA, Nurse Practitioners, and Midwives.

  11. Medical Service Corps Special Pays CURRENT PAYS • Optometrists – ORB $6K per year for 2 year agreement. • Optometrist Special Pay - $100 per month • Pharmacists – POSP $15K for all 2 year agreements. • Clinical Psychologist CSRB – 4 year agreement at $15K per year total $60K.

  12. Medical Service Corps Special Pays (cont’d) • The following specialists w/Master’s degree or PhD in their respective field are eligible for the BCP: • Clinical Psychologists Social Workers • Physical Therapists Occupational Therapists • Dietitians Optometrists • Physician Assistants Audiologists • Podiatrists Radiation Health • Pharmacists

  13. Future of Special Pays • In FY09 and FY10 new pays for Physician Assistant, Clinical Psychologist, and General Dentists. NEW PAYS FY09 (Approved by ASD(HA) Awaiting PERS Authority) • Clinical Psychologist Incentive Pay - $5K for one year IP agreement. • Clinical Psychologist Retention Bonus – 2-4 year agreements bonus $10K, $15K, $20K. • Physician Assistant Incentive Pay - $5K for one year IP agreement. • PA Retention Bonus – 2-4 year agreement bonus $10K, $15K, $20K NEW PAYS FY10 (Awaiting ASD(HA) Approval) • General Dentist Incentive Pay - $20K for one year IP agreement • General Dentist Retention Bonus - 2-4 year agreements bonus $13K, $19K, $25K. NEW PAYS BEYOND FY10 • Plan for possible 2011 implementation of NDAA08 consolidation to Incentive, Retention, and Board Certification Pay for all Corps and specialties. • All special pays for every Corps and specialty will be divided into 3 pays: Incentive, Retention, and BCP. But not each specialty will receive an incentive, retention or BCP. • Current MC/DC VSP, ASP, and ISP would fall under incentive pay. • All current bonuses of 2 or more years would become Retention bonus. • Incentive and Retention pays still require written agreements to remain on active duty. • Can be paid incentive, or retention, or both.

  14. Board Certification Information • Reimbursement for travel, lodging, per diem, and board expenses. • Points of Contact: • Medical Corps: Mr. Bill Robnison (301)319-8027 william.robinson@med.navy.mil • Dental Corps: CAPT Andrew Peters (301)319-4509 andrew.peters@med.navy.mil • Nurse Corps: CAPT Karen Biggs (301)295-5773 karen.biggs@med.navy.mil • Medical Service Corps: LCDR Patricia Miller (301)295-5777 patricia.miller2@med.navy.mil

  15. RESERVE OFFICERS • Reserve Officers recalled or mobilized could be eligible for special pays the same as active duty counterparts provided recall or mobilization is for more than 30 days and not for training. Not eligible for Medical or Dental Multiyear special pays • Reserve Officers on ADSW could be eligible, but ADSW cannot be for training and must be for more than 30 days. • Reserve special pays for mobilized reserves is paid on monthly basis vice lump sum.

  16. CO’s Responsibilities • Verify privileges and eligibility • Ensure Special Pay requests processed IAW OPNAVINST 7220.17 and changes. • Ensure all Special Pay requests are: • - Endorsed within 30 days of member’s effective date. • - After 30 days considered a retroactive request; provide explanation for delay in endorsement. Delay must be clearly justifiable not due to member’s own decisions or failure to submit. • Recommend MSP (command endorsement) • Terminate or Deny Special Pays • - ASP, ISP, make recommendations on MSP/DOMRB/BCP • - Reasons: • adverse actions, NJP, loss of privileges, • inadequate performance, military/professional • *Cannot deny or terminate based on PFA non compliance alone

  17. Special Pays POC Special Pays Program Manager: Mr. Bill Marin (301) 295-2073 william.marin@med.navy.milDSN 295-2073 Asst. Program Manager: Ms. Karen Gaston (301) 295-9946 karen.gaston@med.navy.milDSN 295-9946 If your last name begins with: A-G Ms. Lula Charboneau (301) 295-2050 lula.charboneau@med.navy.mil DSN 295-2050 H-O HM2 Shawn Haney (301) 295-2051 shawn.haney2@med.navy.milDSN 295-2051 P-Z Ms. Janelle Osborne (301) 295-3154 janelle.osborne@med.navy.milDSN 295-3154 FAX NUMBER (301) 319-0029 DSN 285-0029


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