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Adapting the university’s research policy to a new financing model for the Flemish universities

Adapting the university’s research policy to a new financing model for the Flemish universities. HUMANE seminar Barcelona 13 – 14 October 2006. The birth of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

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Adapting the university’s research policy to a new financing model for the Flemish universities

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  1. Adapting the university’s research policy to a new financing model for the Flemish universities HUMANE seminar Barcelona 13 – 14 October 2006 HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  2. The birth of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel • In the wake of the political struggles between Flanders and Wallonia, with the act of 28 May 1970, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Université Libre de Bruxelles officially became two separate legal, administrative and scientific entities. • The Vrije Universiteit Brussel was asked to form a comprehensive flemish-speaking university in Brussels. • At the start we would have approximately 3000 students and the goal set was to reach 5000 one day. • Today we have 9000 students in 8 faculties. HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  3. Vrije Universiteit Brussel today • We offer • 28 bachelor programs • 102 master programs • 21 link up programs • 25 preparatory programs • Post-academic education • Vesalius College: 3 bachelors HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  4. Short history of the financing models • * from 1970 till 1991 sum per program + sum per student • * from 1991 till 1999 previous total fixed + sum per extra student (weighted per discipline) • * from 1999 till 2002 smaller adaptations trying to equalize the sum per student over the universities • * from 2002 till 2007 frozen envelope to give the universities the chance to rationalize – failed • * from 2008 a new model largely based on output HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  5. Extension due to model 11,9 mln € Means universities; 583 mln € + additional means: 12,915 mln € Means high schools; 553,6 mln € + additional means : 10 mln €incl + once-only injection 12,5 mln € 2007 Regularisation Gent 9,9 mln € Academ. highschools Encouragement fund 6 mln € Flemish Community basic financing university and highschool education 1.218,3 mld€ Compensatory means 6,9 mln € 13,8 mln € Additional compensation non-state universities 5,5 mln € • Research socle: • 90 mln € • From universities envelope • Norm (schale): • ISI p (10yr) 600,3000,10.000 • # doctorates 50,400 (4yr) Incentive funding 08: 3mln 09: 6 mln =chnaces&div Cofinancing On agreement with govmnt • Teaching related part • 806 mln € • -x 1.5 beurs in&outstud • -x 1.5 ftiebeperking • -feasability dipl moeder • -eerste 60 sp IN • ->61 sp OUT • ba/ma/sch/vrber: # sp out • Prof Ba/ma dipl: 30 sp • Ma na ma nt; ba na ba 0.5 • gezamenl opl= sp x 2 • Sp examencontract nt • Vrtschr gem 3j • Research related part • 187 mln € (excl acad. means hs) • dipl acc ma & ba of associations • # doct dipl • p&c ISI • Periods and ratios as in BOF (SRF) Preallowance associations 100 D€ x 5 Teaching socle: 100 mln € Instellingsnorm: 1500 hoofdinschrijvingen =nt kub, sint lukas <6000 hfdin= factor 3 <12000hfdin=factor 2 … hs 3 budgetten evolueren onafhankelijk van elkaar Halfopen klik Professional trainig Academization means Acad education hs Acad education universities 55 % Teaching 45 % Research Rationalisering Aanwendings% per studiegebied Vanaf 2010: Gdgek plan = 101% zoniet 99% Stopzetting opleiding = 5j degressief • leerkrediet: • 140 SP,opname = -, verworven = + • Eerste 60 verw x2 • Leerkrediet = <0: • Gn financiering • Instelling beslist • Max dubbel ingeld “Compensation”: 2008 = 2007 + c.o.l. 2009 = max 0,5% down Extra means for raionalization • Weging volgens: • Studiegebied • correctie th&geneesk vr behoud huidige enveloppe HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  6. Effects of the new financing model for the budget of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  7. Research output… growing importance RESEARCH BASIC (operational) SUBSIDIES 79 million EUR (2005) 45% RESEARCH 55% TEACHING Competition: Fl. & Fed. govt., EU, ... — — Performance: IUAP, BOF 20 million EUR 33 million EUR Socle: Own funds 21 million EUR 5 million EUR TOTAAL: 62 million EUR 41 million EUR 38 million EUR Sum RESEARCH Sum TEACHING 103 million EUR 38 million EUR HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  8. Action needed 1 • * Research obligation for all teaching staff and for assisting academic personnel • * General (though dependant on the discipline) instructions concerning demands of research files for appointments, promotions and evaluations HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  9. Research funding at Vrije Universiteit Brussel IN 2005 62 MILLION EURO WAS SPENT ON RESEARCH Own means Flemish governmental means for fundamental research Cooperation Flemish Research Institutes Strategic basic research Incl project financing by authorities Income from collaboration with private sector HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  10. Moneystreams for research • * 1st stream: Special Research Fund and part of the basic funding of the university from the Flemish government • * 2nd stream: Flemish government funding for fundamental research • * 3rd stream: funding by Belgian, European and other international governments and/or institutions for strategic basic research • * 4th stream: funding for applied research and rendering of services HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  11. Summary: evolution of acquired sums per money stream at VUB HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  12. Determinants for the 1st money stream • * BOF (SRF)-key • * # doctorates • * # of publications and citations • * # bachelor and masterdegrees HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  13. Composition of the BOF (SRF)-key • BOF 2005: VUB 11,59% • 70% Part A - VUB: 11,24% • 50% number doctorates (weighted, last 4 years) - VUB: 11,0% • 35% number 2nd cycle diploma's (weighted, last 4 years) – VUB: 10,7% • 15% own means - VUB: 13,3% • 30% Part B - VUB: 12,49% • 50% number publications type "article", "letter", "note" & "review" in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) (last 10 years) – VUB: 12,1% • 50% number citations to these publications (last 10 years) - VUB: 12,8% HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  14. Evolution components BOF-key Evolution of the VUB-share in the BOF-components 14,0 13,5 13,0 12,5 2nd cyclle doctorates Own imput 12,0 publications citations BOF-key % VUB of Flemish universities 11,5 11,0 10,5 10,0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 BOF-budget year HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  15. Delivered PhD diploma’s per faculty Evolution of the number of Phd’s per faculty at VUB 40 30 LW Philology & Philosophy RC Law PE Psychology and education 20 ES Economics, Politics, Sociology Aantal doctoraten WE Sciences 10 0 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 Academiejaar IR Applied sciences GF Medicine & Pharmacy HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  16. Delivered PhD's per FTE ZAP (prof.) PhD's per FTE ZAP per domain for the Flemish universities 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 KUB KULeuven 0,6 UHasselt 0,5 PhD's / VTE ZAP (gem. 3j: 01/02-03/04) UGent 0,4 UA VUB 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 Tandheelkunde Diergeneeskunde Medicine History Taal- en letterkunde Engineering Farmaceutische wet. Sciences Sociale Gezondheidswet. Archeologie en kunstwet. Political and social sc. Toegepaste biologische wet. Philosophy. Psychologische en pedagogische wet. Godgel., godsdienstwet. en kerkelijk recht Lichamelijke opv., Revalidatiewet. en Kine Economische en toegepaste economische wet. Law & criminoloy HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  17. Delivered 2nd cycle diploma's per faculty Evolution of the number of second cycle diploma's at the VUB per faculty 300 250 200 LW philology & philosophy RC law PE psychology & education 150 ES economic, sociology, politics Aantal diploma's WE sciences IR applied sciences GF medicine & pharmacy 100 50 0 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 Academiejaar HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  18. Action needed: PhD and Ma diploma’s • * Productivity of academic staff concerning PhD’s has to rise (mainly in disciplines delivering already many PhD’s but with a weak score in comparison with Flanders in general and secondly in the Human Sciences in global) • * Solutions have to be found for the understaffing of faculties delivering many master degrees as compared to faculties with many PhD’s but delivering fewer master degrees HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  19. Second money stream • If not all, most money for fundamental research comes from the Flemish government through the FWO (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek -Fund for Scientific Research). • We will use the FWO as the proxy for the second money stream HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  20. Evolution FWO: VUB vs. Flanders (competitive position Evolution FWO: VUB vs.Flanders (2001-2005) 1,60 1,40 1,20 FWO-Flanders 1,00 Bedrag genormaliseerd op 1 in 2001 0,80 FWO VUB (projects+ 0,60 mandates) 0,40 0,20 0,00 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Jaar HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  21. Evolution FWO-Postdocs Part of acceptable applications for FWO-Postdoctoral researchers (new mandates + renewals) 60% 50% 40% VUB UGent 30% Aandeel KULeuven UA 20% 10% 0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Dienstjaar HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  22. Evolution succes rate per subcommission (FWO proj. & c.t.r.) VUB-succes ratefor FWO-prjectsand -creditstoresearchers 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% HW Slaagpercentage BNTW BMW 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Screeningsronde (start project in daaropvolgend jaar) HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  23. Action needed More incentives for raising the number of external applications and their quality especially in the human sciences HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  24. Composition third money stream:Strategic basic research HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  25. Strategic basic research: Growth VUB vs. Flanders Evolution strategic basic research: VUB vs. Flanders (2002-2005) 1,60 1,40 1,20 1,00 Flanders R&V Bedrag genormaliseerd op 1 in 2002 0,80 VUB 3rd stream 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 2002 2003 2004 2005 Jaar HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  26. Contract research and valorisation - Fourth money stream - Patents, spin-offs HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  27. Applied and contract research: Growth VUB vs. Flanders Evolution applied research: VUB vs. Flanders (2002-2005) 1,60 1,40 1,20 1,00 Flanders Sc&T Bedrag genormaliseerd op 1 in 2002 0,80 VUB 4th stream 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 2002 2003 2004 2005 Jaar HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  28. Income from patents Active valorisation management Total income valorization dossiers Total expenses valorisation dossiers HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  29. CONCLUSIONS • Minimal requirements for the individual research dossier • Incentives for more PhD diploma’s in certain disciplines • Incentives for more & good FWO (SFR)-projects within the domain of the human sciences • Forming of centres of gravity • Streamline the education supply & heighten the obligation for research • PhD in 4 years HUMANE seminar Barcelona

  30. Question time • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • http://www.vub.ac.be • With thanks to Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan Cornelis, vice-rector Research • and Nic Van Craen, financial administrator (WSAN) HUMANE seminar Barcelona

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