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Health Promotion and Mental Health: Post Natal Depression in the Community.
Health Promotion and Mental Health: Post Natal Depression in theCommunity WHO (2002:2) define Mental Health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” • AIM • The aim of this poster is to explore the role of Health Promotion in addressing Post Natal Depression in the Community. • CURRENT RESEARCH • Vision For Change (2006:36) -“The Mental Health System should be based on the principle of early intervention, through the provision of mental health promotion at all levels of the mental health framework, and through a focus on early intervention with individuals in mental health services”. • Midwives are ideally placed to recognise the onset of depression in a mother as they are more involved in caring for a woman during the antenatal and post natal period. • Lack of emphasis in midwifery education on post natal depression • Recognition that midwives are a rich resource for health promotion training and play a crucial role in identifying and helping women experiencing difficulties. • Mothers feel that antenatal classes concentrate more on labour and pain control and post natal depression is never discussed (Mauthner, 1997). • Women who attend antenatal education classes which included knowledge about postnatal depression have half the chance of becoming depressed compared to those who do not (Smith et al, 2004) • Recent literature purports that it may be beneficialto involve partners and the family in health education as they will help and support the mother (Mauthner, 1997) • Clement (1995) has suggested the introduction of “listening visits” by midwives in pregnancy and it may be a useful strategy for preventing post natal depression. • Post Natal Depression is very distressing time for the mother and if left untreated may escalate to more severe cases and may lead to physical child abuse and suicide (Sheridan, 2005). • Mental Health & Well Being • Mental Health is more than an absence of mental illness , mental health influences how we think and feel about ourselves and others and how we interpret events (Department of Health, 2001) • Everybody has mental health needs, regardless of whether one has a diagnosis or not. These needs may be met at home, at work, in schools-generally where people feel safe, respected and included. Therefore the need for mental health promotion is universal and relevant to everyone because everyone has mental health needs. • Mental Health promotion involves any action to enhance the mental well-being of individuals, families, organisations or communities (Department of Health, 2001) • Objectives • To enable midwives to reflect on their role in the community and in the education setting • To identify the role of health promotion with regards to Post Natal Depression • To highlight the services that are available at present for those with Post Natal Depression • Rationale • WHO (2001) predicts that depression will be the second greatest cause of premature death and disability worldwide by 2020 • Post Natal Depression (PND) is a serious problem across cultures and affects approximately 1 in 8 women some time in the first year after giving birth (Sheridan, 2005) • Infants and children are likely to have impaired cognitive and emotional development and social behaviour, in addition the psychological health of the partner has also been proven to be affected (Murray,1992). • Post Natal Depression imposes considerable burden to those involved which is further worsened by its low recognition, poor treatment and lack of public awareness. • For every 1,000 live births, 100-150 women will suffer a depressive illness. • Fathers are significantly more likely to suffer from depression and general health problems if their partners are diagnosed with post natal depression • Screening- Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Scale (EPDS)- In Ireland detected by GP’S in the postnatal stage. • Current Health Promotion • Initiatives • Postnatal Distress Support Group- www.pnd.ie • Aware-www.aware.ie • GROW- www.grow.ie • Information booklet-Chasing the Blues- HSE SOUTH • The National Health Promotion Strategy (2000-2005)- “To promote positive mental health especially at vulnerable times in women’s lives”. • A Vision for Change (2006)- A community-based, partnership focused approach for the individual, their families and the community as a whole • Mental health promotion remains the most underdeveloped area of health promotion although there is an increasing recognition that “there is no health without mental health” (Mental Health Ireland,2008). • REFERENCES • Clement, S. (1995) “Listening visits in pregnancy: A strategy for preventing postnatal depression?”, Midwifery 11: 75-80 • Department of Health (2001) Making it Happen:A guide to delivering mental health promotion,London:The Stationery Office • Department of Health and Children (2006) Vision for Change: Report of Expert Group on Mental Health Policy, Dublin: The Stationery Office • Mauthner, N.S (1997) “Post Natal Depression: How can midwives help?”, Midwifery 13: 63-171 • Murray, L (1992) “The impact of postnatal depression on infant development”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 33(5) 543-561 • Sheridan, R. (2005) “More than the blues : Postnatal Depression Baby Talk”, Midwifery 89:119-120 • Smith, M.V et al (2004) “Identifying perinatal depression-sooner is better”, Contemporary OB/GYN , 33(11) 58-81 • World Health Organisation (2001) Mental Health: Strengthening Mental Health Promotion [online], available: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs220/en/[accessed on 25th September 2008] • World Health Organisation (2002)The World Health Report 2001: Mental Health-New Understanding, New Hope, Geneva: WHO • World Health Organisation (2008) 10 Facts On Mental Health [online], available: http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/mentalhealth/ [accessed on 5th November 2008] For additional information, please contact: Mairead Goulding Email: maudygoulding@hotmail.com