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City of Toronto Facilities Management Division Energy Efficiency Office. Think Global Act Local. “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” ― Chief Seattle . Richard Morris . City of Toronto.
City of TorontoFacilities Management DivisionEnergy Efficiency Office Think Global Act Local “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” ― Chief Seattle Richard Morris
City of Toronto Source: http://www.toronto.ca/toronto_facts/business_econdev.htm Footer text here
Energy Efficiency Office(EEO) Mandate • Develop an energy efficiency strategy for the City of Toronto • Major contributor to the City’s climate change initiatives • Create jobs through sustainable energy conservation initiatives • Enhance energy reliability and energy security
Triple Bottom Line People Planet Profit
Toronto’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Source: Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants in the City of Toronto 61% of GHG emissions comes from buildings
City GHG reduction targets • Toronto’s total GHG emissions: 25 million tonnes • Target for city-wide GHG gas reductions (from 1990 base year):
Melting Ice Caps Antarctica
Hurricane Sandy Seaside Heights, USA
Floods Bangladesh
Unexpected Snow Storms Follet Texas, USA February 26, 2013
Crop Droughts Somalia
Forest Fires Colorado, USA
Climate Change: Think Global Act Local Climate Events Occurred in 2012
GHG Emissions by Country Source: http://www.emissionsglobe.com/
Better Buildings Partnership Local Solutions for Global Problems • Voluntary Action: Promote and implement energy efficiency, operational efficiency and building renewal in existing buildings • Voluntary Action + Regulatory: New Building design and construction, Toronto Green Standard and High Performance New Construction • Engineering : Energy Audits, Feasibility Studies, Application Review • Marketing and Communications: Catalyze Action and Develop a Culture of Conservation • Partnerships :Ontario Power Authority, Toronto Hydro Electric System Limited, Natural Resources Canada, Energy Services Companies
BBP “Funding and Financing” Working to overcome the barrier of high upfront costs for energy efficiency measures in buildings, and renewable energy projects. Footer text here
First Canadian Place First Canadian Place
BBP– Existing Buildings Project Highlights York University: • Successfully completed lighting and retrofit re-design at 13 locations • Presented with cheque for over $1,200,000.00 • 908 kW demand savings • 925 tonnes of CO2 saved per year Vari Hall Stedman Lecture Halls Farquharson Life Sciences Building
Toronto Community Housing Corporation Home to 164,000 low income tenants in 58,500 households BBP Partnership Achievements: • Engage, Educate and Empower partners • Energy savings of 15 MW • Received grants of over $3 million • Collaborate with executives, building managers, finance, and maintenance
Better Buildings Partnership - High Performance New Construction Potential • 169 new condo towers or 250,000 residential units (Proposed) • 16 new office towers or 4 million square feet of commercial construction • Goal: Maximizing energy efficiency • Financial support for efficient buildings: Toronto Green Standard Tier 1 (25% higher than MNECB) and Tier 2 (35% higher than MNECB) Source: urbannation.com, http://www.thestar.com/business/2012/07/12/toronto_office_tower_boom_the_biggest_since_the_gogo_80s.html
Demand Response Program Changes in demand of electric usage from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time.
City’s Demand Response Program • Goal: to generate new net revenue from existing City assets without incurring new liabilities or risks • Targeting all of its Agencies, Boards, Commissions, Corporations and Divisions (ABCCDs) (approximately 1,700 facilities) with an overall target of 30 MW Toronto Water Exhibition Place Toronto Community Housing
District Energy • Simultaneous generation of energy and heating • Local underground network of pipes combinesheating and cooling requirements of multiple buildings • Aggregated thermal loads creates scalefor local energy • Benefits local economy • Local investment + taxes • Local green jobs
District Energy 27 Potential New District Energy Systems Energy Security Think Global Act Local
Enwave Energy Corporation Deep Lake Water Cooling • Provider of outsourced heating and air conditioning • Design, build, own and operate DLWC system in 3 district steam plants in Toronto • Capacity for over 100 buildings in the central core area • Recently sold to Brookfield Asset Management for $480 million • City share was $168 million "The Deep Lake Water Cooling project will protect the health of our citizens and reduce the need to use electricity from coal-fired power plants to cool Toronto's air." Jack Gibbons, Chair, Ontario Clean Air Alliance
Measurement and Verification “M&V is the process of using measurement to determine actual savings generated at a facility by an energy project or program.” “You cannot manage what you cannot measure”-E.Demings
Think Global Act Local “The Better Buildings Partnership can very well be a model not just for the country but for the rest of the world.” - David Suzuki
Your Role. Your Legacy. • Reduce CO2 emission by 60-80% • Growing Population • 7 billion people on planet (CBC) Courage Think Global Act Local Power Influence Success To Act Local visit the weblog at http://weblog.bbptoronto.ca/